Chapter 2

Gine sat watching her daughter intently. For the last few days Sarada had been acting odd. She was blanking out more often than usual. Her amount of blanks was already at a high number. It went up almost twice as much and she wasn't paying much attention to anything at all. She spent more days in her little lab,working frequently on her projects,rushing to finish them. She refused to go on any missions that would take more than a week. She only took jobs that would last a day at least. She spent more time around the house and less time training. She would sit in front of her younger brother's incubator chamber for hours all while thinkering with some thing or another. Gine knew something was on her daughter's mind,but what it was she didn't know. Sarada doesn't talk much after all. She handles most of her problems on her own, if she has any. She's a very mature child. Even so Gine couldn't help but worry. Her daughter was obviously thinking over or planning something. Something big.


Bardock was unsettled. Halfway through with his mission he got a call from Frieza ordering all saiyans to return for a meeting. It didn't sit right with him. Why would Frieza call them all in for a meeting? They didn't have to be in one place. Frieza could just broadcast it...they had the technology. Something wasn't right. He had a very bad feeling that has just been gnawing at his gut. He was quiet the entire trip back to his home. He was running things through his mind. So many thoughts and questions as to why they were actually being called back,but through all of them one kept screaming at him.

Frieza wanted them dead.

Since the very day Frieza was made their new leader he predicted this. He had a strong feeling that Frieza would get rid of them. He kept a close eye out. Frieza had the power to take out an entire planet,it would be no trouble at all to wipe them off the face of the universe.

He wasn't the only one suspecting of Frieza. He noticed his daughter's behavior. She's naturally quiet and it's hard to read her, but he's her father. He would notice a change in her eyes whenever she looked at a scouter or any of Frieza's men. Her face would remain emotionless, but her eyes would fill with distrust. Hate even. He knew of the scouter she had snatched and knew she had somehow disconnected it from Frieza's network. How she did it,he didn't know. She would spend hours in that little shed and he would notice. She would wear the scouter and lean back casually,almost as if she was listening to something. Something through the scouter.

Bardock was sure that his daughter would have the answers he seeked even if they end up being half and half. Sarada had an idea of what's going on.

Once the ship landed he was the first one out. He ignored the calls of his team mates as he made a beeline to his house. He needed to confirm his theories. The only one who could do that was his daughter. She knew. He knew she knew. She knew something.

"Gine" He walked into his house and was happily greeted by his wife. "Where is Sarada? "

"Her usual spot" Gine said with a hint of worry. "She's been acting strangely lately"

That made Bardock even more sure of himself. His daughter knew.

He walked out to the shed to find his daughter casually leaned back with the scouter on. Her gadgets were neatly spreading before her. She finished fixing them up to her benefit and now she just waited. She had no problem with waiting. She does some eavesdropping as well.


She opened her eyes to look at her father. Her calm black eyes met his fierce ones. She took the scouter off and handed it to him. He didn't hesitate to don it. He adjusted it carefully and listened. A conversation.

"Are all the monkeys back yet, Zarbon?"

"Not all of them, but it's just a matter of time, my Lord"

"Very well, make sure to inform me when they're all here"

"As you wish"

There was a sinister chuckle. "It's time for the monkeys reign to end"

He knew it...he was right. Frieza really plans on destroying them. He took off the scouter. He almost crushed it in his rage, but Sarada snatched it from him and put it aside. She closed her eyes again. She was calm and relaxed. The planet was coming to an end and she was relaxed. Bardock eyes his daughter. She has a plan. He smiled slightly and put a hand on her head causing her to open her eyes.

"You're army will be small" She said.

Bardock nodded. He knew not many would believe him, but he had to try.

"Protect your mother and brother"

Sarada nods.

"Already taken care of. Go on and do your thing" Sarada stood up and walked into the house again. Her father flew off with a mock salute after saying goodbye to a confused Gine.

"What's going on Sarada? "

"Frieza plans on killing us all" Sarada informed her as she pressed a couple of buttons on the incubation chamber and watched the liquid drain out. "We don't have that much time, so we gotta go" She opened the chamber and fished her baby brother out. She brought him to her mother who was shocked to hear the news. "I know its a shock, but we have to hurry. Get Kakarot in some armor"

"How do you know this? "

Sarada was busy changing into another set of armor. Black jumpsuit with breast plate. She didn't like wearing the shoulder pads. "I broke into his system some time ago and have been listening in on most of his conversations" She got a bag and stuffed it with all her gadgets. "The second the last Saiyan arrives, this planet will be destroyed"

"What about Raditz"

"He's fine. The prince won't listen to Frieza's orders so they won't be here yet". She pulled on her boots and arm guards and took her mother by the hand, pulling her out of the house. They stumbled out onto the path filled with saiyans doing their own thing. She could see a group talking to some others who were in disbelief.

Sarada let go of her mother's hand and flew into the sky taking her mother around the waist easily. Gine held onto Kakarot tightly not wanting to drop him. Sarada blasts off at a considerable speed eyeing the swarm forming above her head. Not long now. She flew to the very outskirts of the saiyan town and dropped down leaving her mother to walk into a hidden cave and came out with a Saiyan pod. She opened it and motioned for her mother to get in with the baby.

"What about you and your father?" Gine was worried. Bardock had ran off with a goodbye and a kiss. She had a feeling deep down,as if it was the last time she would see him. Guessing by the look on Sarada's face she was right. "Then I'm staying to fight with him"

"No, I told dad that I would take care of you and my brother". She easily lifted her mother and brother placing them into the pod and strapping them in. Kakarot was still asleep,unaware of anything.


"No, I am not letting you go out there and get yourself killed". Sarada punched in the coordinates of Earth. "Dad wouldn't come with us no matter what I say, so it's best I save the members of my family that I can than let two die". She punched the last button and the pod slowly shut itself. It let out some steam and was soon fired into space. Sarada watched it go before snapping out of it and bringing out her own pod. She got in, closed it and punched in similar coordinates. Within seconds she was blasting off into space. Just on time too,because the planet was lost one minute later. She sighed in relief.

She survived and managed to make some changes. Kakarot would have his mother,he was bound to turn out differently. A bit smarter maybe,but he would be well aware of who he is and what he's capable of. Sarada was sure they would land near the famous Gohan. The story has to go somewhat similar. Sarada,however,wasn't planning on following them.

[System interface has been activated. Tapping into space pod]

[Alterations complete]

[Where would you like to go Sarada]

So she was right. Sarada had a feeling she would have some kind of helping system. If she could be reborn into an anime she could get the system she dreamed of. And she has it. Wishes do come through.

"Interface direct the ship to west City capsule corp"

[Redirecting route] 

[Redirection complete]

[Estimated arrival time 5 days] 

Five days can go by in the blink of an eye.

Sarada leaned back and relaxed as she stared out into the galaxy. The glowing stars, the various planets, was a sight that never got old. Back in her old life she always wanted to visit the other planets of the milky Way. Now it would be a possibility. But to handle some planets she would need to be stronger. And some of them would make great places for training with the circumstances on them.

Back when Sarada had a normal boring life she had read the gamer manga. Shortly after that she read a couple of fan fiction revolving around the gamer.  It didn't take long for her to lose interest in them. She didn't like the gamer system. The users always rely on it and spend more time trying to up their stats than they socialize. Instead she had a better idea for one. It would be more of a helping system that has something to do with technology. It would be able to access any sort of technology . Inform her of where she is and where she is going, how long it would take and the best possible route. It would note down her talents and skill she acquired during her journeys on a sort of character sheet. That was all it does. No missions, no power ups, no shops, no powers for sale. Just a helping hand. It also had access to her internet allowing her to watch all the things she did in her past life. Just a bonus so she could look up any thing she would need.

Sarada sat comfortably in her seat and closed her eyes coming up with a plan for the next few years. She knew of the events that would be coming up. They won't be all that hard up until Vegeta arrives on the planet. For now she and her mother were stronger than anyone currently. Sarada at 5130 and Gine at a 500. Stronger than them all. But she knew she had to get stronger before Vegeta arrived. That would be serious trouble.

She would land at capsule corporation and hopefully get taken in. No, she'll definitely get taken in. The Briefs are kind people and Doc Brief would want to experiment on her and her tech. She would spend a month or two working on a gravity machine or her ship. She planned on going to planet Yardrat. Having instant transmission and the fusion dance under her belt so soon could prove to be very useful. She would return the second she completely mastered both techniques and go see her mother and brother. Maybe bring them to capsule Corp to spend some time and train with her brother. She did plan on getting some training from master Roshi, Korin and Kami before Bulma set off to find the balls. She plans on being the ace in the hole. Stepping in and easily taking out who ever became a threat in the future.

For now she could relax. There was no need to stress over anything as of yet. She would let the smooth sailing of the pod lul her to sleep,only to be awakened upon landing.