Chapter 6

Sarada was doing basic exercises in her gravity space ship. She had upped the gravity to twenty after careful training in each level. She had slowly been raising it one by one to ease herself into the higher levels. It would be no good to just jump into 20 times. She could seriously hurt herself and that was not very appealing. Her training on yardrat had paid off. The aliens are the best when it comes to spiritual techniques ans just as she wanted to Sarada was able to learn the instant transmission, the fusion dance and cloning. The only reason she wasn't using instant transmission was because she wanted to get some training in. She had a lot of fun with the cloning technique. She honed it to make it unique to herself. It took her some time, but eventually she was capable of using the technique in the same fashion Naruto uses shadow clone justsu. All her clones were tangible and had equal powers to her, something that she worked very hard on and did not think would actually happen,which is actually true for their power were not truly equal. They were close to being equal and this limited her clones to two to three max,if she wanted them that strong. They could withstand multiple blows and would only dissipate when dealt a serious attack,such as a hand through the stomach,for example. All information that a clone has gathered will be returned to her once that clone dissipates,so of course clones were great training partners. They were almost as strong as her and had the same fighting style. Fighting yourself teaches you a lot about yourself. Your weaknesses for example. Sarada noticed how she would leave herself open certain times and worked on fixing it.

Learning the cloning technique also made her think. She loves Naruto. She would've liked to be reborn there instead of dragon Ball. That is not the say she isn't grateful for her second chance. She knew a lot of dragon Ball and all,but since she wasn't in Naruto, maybe there are a couple of skills she could use similar to Naruto. The cloning technique being one of them,maybe she can create a rasengan. It's the same as a ki Ball. All she had to do is rotate it without letting it lose its shape. Sounds simple enough. Then there is the chidori. It is something she could achieve since it is possible to use elements in this world. Master Roshi has a lightning attack and that's proof enough. The chidori should be possible.

But the key words remain 'maybe' and 'should'.

"Interface is it possible to charge elemental attacks? "

[Yes, elemental attacks are possible, but not seen often]

"How come?"

[Elemental attacks are very hard to use in this world. One must possess a talent for it to master it completely. Even a skilled Martial artist such as Master Roshi had a hard time mastering Lightning Surprise]

Sarada thought so. It was something she had thought of. Master Roshi was the only one seen using elemental attacks.

"Do I have a talent for it? " She was hopping she did. She was a talented character. Some of her talents were hidden from her character sheet,which sucks sucks,but the Interface had informed her that it was not time for them to be revealed.

[I cannot answer that question as of yet] 

She sighed. So it was either a hidden talent of none at all.

Sarada went back to training. She was still deep in thought about possible attacks and what not. It seem that all she thought about was training and getting stronger. She was then suddenly aware of her saiyan heritage. Watching Dragon Ball she always disapproved of Kakarot's way of living. He hardly raised his kids and did nothing,but training. Heck, Vegeta was a better father when Super came around. She sighed to herself. She really was a saiyan. She promised herself she wouldn't focus only on training and  technically speaking,she didn't focus only on training. She was also focused on science,but she was doing very little when it came to socializing.

"But I need to get stronger"

That she did. She wanted to be strong enough to handle whatever threat was thrown her way. That meant she needed to train.

But maybe she could cut back on her intense training. She still had a couple of years before anything all too dangerous happens. Besides her power level already went up by two thousand just from raining on Yardrat and in her gravity machine, plus her clones were enough to push her.

"Interface, how many days to earth? "

[2 days]

Two days. She would train for two more days. Once on earth she'll relax. She'll go see her family and just take it easy.

And so, two days went by with Sarada training endlessly. By the time she reached earth she was already used to fifty times gravity. She trained twice as hard. Upping the gravity by five each time she got used to a certain level. To make it harder on herself she made one clone every ten minutes. Each clone weaker by a small amount to her usual strength. It was a real challenge. She didn't harm herself too much,knowing it would be counteractive,since she didn't have any sensu yet and had no fast healing tech. Not yet anyway.

Once she landed on earth she was greeted by the Brief family almost immediately. The ship was brought into the building and a feast was prepared for her.

Seeing food made her calm and cool demeanor falter and she was a drooling mess. She waited, as hard as it was, for everyone to be seated and to get permission to eat. When that time finally arrived, she had no mercy.

With the amount of food she devoured she was out like a light after dinner,having wandered into the living room and collapsed onto a sofa. Boy was she full and tired. All that training and lack of sleep finally took its toll on her. She was unable to keep her eyes open. Her eye lids were too heavy for her and no matter how much she fought, she was no match for the powerful opponent known as sleep. Not when she was so delightfully full and so tired all at once. It was a combination that could knock out a god. She was fast asleep within seconds, leaving the Brief family to watch the four year old with small smiles.

"Oh my, she must really be tired" Panchy giggled behind her hand.

"She didn't even take a shower" Bulma sighed.

"She had a long trip, I think it's best we leave her be" The Doc said.

And so they did. They let her sleep. They went about the day normally. Panchy was cleaning and cooking,Bulma was in her room doing whatever entertained her and the Doc was in the lab checking the ship for any minor damage,anything that would need repairing. He fixed whatever he found and left the ship in its corner. He instead directed his attention to a pair of glasses. They were red rimmed square glasses,that he had made  for Sarada. It's to stop her from transforming under the full moon. She wouldn't have to wear it often,just during the night. He had been working on it for a couple of weeks and was already close to perfecting it.He just needed a few more adjustments.

Two days passed and Sarada was still asleep. The Brief family wasn't worried. They had just assumed it was due to her long trip. They did,however,relocate her to her room. Panchy and Bulma cleaned her up and dressed her in a pair of knee length pants and a big t shirt. She slept comfortably.

Two more days passed and she remained asleep. This got the attention of the family,for four days wasn't a normal sleep time. So the Doc checked on her. Oddly enough nothing was wrong with her. Everything was normal. Her heart beat was constant,her temperature was normal,her breathing was unobstructed,her vitals were normal.Everything seemed alright.That puzzled the old man, but he decided to let her sleep. It must be a saiyan thing, he theorized.

A week passed and Sarada was still sound asleep. Nothing would wake her. It was as if she was deaf to the world. The doc checked her again. Nothing. She was normal. She wasn't in a coma,just asleep. Odd. Panchy and Bulma were beginning to worry. It wasn't normal for Sarada to sleep a week long. She sometimes didn't fully sleep through one night,having to get up multiple times to find some food. The fact that this very thing never happened worried them.

Two weeks passed. The old man had been monitoring the young Saiyan every day since the first week. Nothing had changed. But one day, during the second week , he saw a change . Her temperature increased dramatically and so did her heartbeat. Her blood was pumping abnormally fast and he was worried. He didn't dare do anything to stop the happening,however. For all he knew that procedure was necessary. The saiyan body is different to that of a human. Even though he did nothing to stop what was happening he did take a blood sample. Maybe he could find out what was taking place within the body of the young saiyan.

He went back to his lab and was soon hunched over a microscope,observing the blood and he was shocked. Her cells were rapidly fusing and destroying each other only for new and different cells to be formed. It's the first time the scientist had seen something like this. It was as if Sarada was replicating the cells of someone else. Cell replication. This was new. He would need to question the saiyan whenever she woke up.

He spent the rest of the day studying the blood of the sleeping saiyan. No matter how many times he saw it happen it still baffled him entirely. He also noticed that Sarada's body was trying to get rid of something. A sickness. It was obvious with how the white blood cells were at work. They were working in rapid succession,not stopping for a second. The Doc wondered what type of illness could cause her to shut her body down just to fight it.

A month went by with Sarada still in bed. It was late noon. The Doc was watching her blood for any changes,nothing much. Her body was still in overdrive. It was hard to determine when she'd wake up. It could be months, maybe a year, but not more than that. That much he can tell.

"How long is she going to sleep? " Bulma asked as she toyed with a drone. She was starting to really miss the kid. She had started to see her as a little sister at the very least,a best friend at most. They would experiment together and without her she wasn't in the mood to work on anything anymore.

"I'm not sure" Was her father's honest reply. "It can't be more than a year though"

"She can sleep for a year!? "

"I'm afraid so"

Bulma sighed and rested her head against the table. This was going to be a boring few months.

Two months passed,it was nine in the morning. Everyone was having breakfast. The Doc would check on Sarada at ten like he usually did. Her body was still working the same the last time he checked.

Meanwhile in Sarada's room.

The sun hitting her face was what made her open her eyes. She blinked,staring up at the familiar white ceiling of her room. She stretched in bed. Her body feeling as if it hadn't moved in some time. She yawned,keeping her eyes closed a bit longer in the process. She felt refreshed,light. Like she could take over the world. She really needed that nap.

[Welcome back Sarada]

She furrowed her brows in confusion. Welcome back? The interface never did that before. It never greeted her when she woke up. Was something wrong.

"Why are you greeting me interface? " She mumbled as she rubbed the sleep out of her eye.

[You've been asleep for two months, Sarada]

Sarada did a double take and almost fell out of bed in her shock. Nothing was ever a huge shock to her, but this,this hit her like a ton of bricks. Two months? She slept for two whole months? This never happened before.

"Why was I asleep for two months? "

[You were infected with the heart virus of Yardrat. I shut your body down to fight and kill the illness before it was able to grow and cause serious damage]

[Also the transfusion needed a large amount of time to commence]

The heart virus. She guessed that made sense. At least she now knows she wont get sick and die,but the transfusion part confused her.

"What do you mean by transfusion? "

[an act of transferring donated blood, blood products, or other fluid into the circulatory system of a person or animal]

"I know what transfusion means, why was that one of the reasons I was out for two months ? "

[Like I said it needed time]

[How the transfusion was possible was due to you having been in contact with Yardratian blood]

"Coming in contact with blood shouldn't even make transfusion possible"

[Sarada, you have the special ability known as bloodline transfusion. The ability to transfuse the blood of any species you come in contact with. After complete transfusion you will posses their abilities]

"Well, I did not see that coming" Sarada mumbled. "But I already know how to use the Yardratians techniques they taught me"


"What do you mean negative? "

[Sarada is only capable of using their teachable techniques. Bloodline transfusion allows you to posses innate abilities unique to them alone]

"Oh. Well that could come in handy"

[Yes. But you cannot use them as of yet]

"I feel as if I shouldn't be surprised by this"

[Certain qualifications must be met]

"Like what? "

[I cannot say]

Sarada sighed and fell back into bed.

"Will I always fall into a two months sleep every time this special talent of mine activates? "

[Yes. You may be asleep for longer periods of time. Varying bloodlines need unknown amounts of time to integraintegrate into your system]

"Can I use this ability at will? "

[No. The ability will be activated at worthy moments]

"What does that mean"

[I cannot say]

"What can you tell me of this ability? "

[It is called bloodline transfusion]