Chapter 9

Jun the cloud master,the name he earned through his impressive ability to create the famous nimbus cloud. Sarada never thought she would stumble upon such a man. How had she never heard of him?There was absolutely no mention of a nimbus master in dragon ball,unless she had missed something. Either way it was an interesting discovery. All this time she thought the nimbus clouds just existed,that the massive cloud Korin had somewhere in his towers was the only one and where the little Nimbus Kakarot drove around in originated. Well it did originate from that massive cloud, but that was not the point at the moment.

She met someone who could create nimbus clouds. How does one do that? Does he manipulate the water particals in the air and shape it as he wishes? That's a very logical and scientific explanation isn't it? Maybe it had absolutely nothing to do with science. He uses magic after all,so he magically makes them. Or is it that he manipulates the water particals and adds magic to make the nimbus fly and appear when called? Sarada did not know, but she desperately wanted to know. If she were to train under him could she learn such an ability? She would be capable of creating her own nimbus clouds. It was a very appealing idea.

But all of that would have to wait until she located her family. That is what she told old man Jun and he understood.

"You know where to find me, it's not like this old man has anywhere to go"

Those were his exact words,what a strange old man. Well he could be considered a hermit. He lived by himself far away from civilization and had something impressive to teach. And he was old and odd. Sarada will surely return to him for training.

"So magic is real? "

Ah Bulma,the most confused at the moment. She just found out that magic is a thing. And with everything she had seen Sarada do she did not find it very hard to believe.

"Yes but I doubt its the kind your thinking of"

"Then explain"

How to explain dragon ball's magic? It was different from most magic. It was not like that present in fairy tail, black clover or Harry potter. It was totally different. It has it's own set of rules that is unique to this impossible dimension.

"Magic is a special type of power usable by a set few who learn how to utilize it. Of course there are those who possess a natural talent for it" Sarada started to explain. She had to recall what was said about the subject and what she had read online. She wasn't one to easily forget.

"Like you?"

"Yeah, apparently "

"If you have a natural talent for it,why can't you use it? "

Sarada shrugged. "Just because I seem to have a nack for it does not mean I know to use it. Perhaps I have used it unconsciously"

"I guess that makes sense"

"Magic is primarily used for supportive techniques, such as possession, and there are not as many offensive techniques that are used magically. Magic is completely distinct from ki, and so while a magic user may possess low ki power, they could easily possess immense magic abilities - as the two energies are not related to each other "

"Like that old man? I heard you say something about his magic ability being incredibly high"

"You heard that huh?" Sarada hummed. "Well yeah. His ki stands at 1500 while his magic is in the 6000"

"The more I hear these numbers the smaller I feel" Bulma grumbled to herself. Did she have any innate powers?She didn't feel any special. Sarada was overpowered and that old man overpowers her in magic and she's just.. Bulma

"Don't feel that way. You can grow with training. Like I said, everything is possible even the impossible "

"Easy for you to say"

"I suppose it is"

The two fell silent as the wind blew past them. Bulma was thinking over everything Sarada had taught her up to that point. Since meeting her she had learned so much,more than she learned in her six years of life. She was a real eye opener,presenting possibilities and thoughts that never occurred to her before. It was rejuvenating and at the same time it left her unsure. There is so much to learn,so much she wanted to learn,so much she wanted to discover. She knew finding such things would be accompanied by danger as Sarada told her.

Knowledge is such a hard thing to obtain.

"How much further"

"We're close"

Sarada was gazing down upon the spread of trees and bushes beneath her. She recognized the place from her time spent watching the anime and reading the manga. The mountain where Son Gohan could be found. It was also where her mother's ki was the strongest. Sarada directed the car closer to it until she could see a tiny house. She smiled to herself.

"This should be it" she stood in the car squinting at the house. It was Gohan's house alright. "My mother's ki is coming from there"

Bulma was left in the car after Sarada just jumped out,in mid air. Bulma could only watch as the saiyan skillfully landed on a tree branch and directed herself towards the tiny house.

"Show off"

Sarada landed right in front of the one door visible in the house. Her mother's ki was very strong now. She was most definitely in that house.

Three knocks to the door and she was met by the elderly Gohan. He had a kind smile on his face as he took in her appearance.


"Ah" he stared at the tail wrapped around her waist. "Are you quite possibly Sarada? "

"That is my name"

Gohan smiled happily and proceeded to usher the toddler into his tiny house.

"Gine dear, there's someone here to see you"

After that a series of events happened. First Gine came to see what Gohan was talking about with a curious eyebrow,that was followed by a gasp of shock and happiness. Which led to Gine practically teleported to her only daughter and swept her into her arms.

Gine may not be a fighter,but she was mighty strong. She hugged little Sarada with everything she had. She was so happy to see her again. It had been so long and she was so worried. She told herself not to. Sarada could take of herself,she was mature enough. But she was still her mother and a mother worries. She missed her so much.

Sarada was very happy to see her mother. Gine always had this comforting scent to her. Sarada couldn't explain it,it just calmed her down.

She missed her mother very much, but at the moment she found her oxygen supply running low.

"Mom. I can't breath"

She was let go immediately. She sighed in relief and drifted to the floor. She may possess higher ki than her mother, but it does not make her immune to that impossible grip.

"It's good to see you're alright mom "

Gine smiled, but that smile soon turned into a frown that was accompanied by a glare that sent a shiver down Sarada's spine

"I'm happy to see you as well Sarada, but I have to ask why you did not come to me sooner. It's been months"

Sarada chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head, trying to come up with a decent explanation for her angered mother.

"Um.. Well you see"

"You were busy training weren't you? "Gine accused.

"No" Sarada's voice was very calm despite the warning bells going off in her head. There is nothing more frightening than a pissed off mother,especially if said mother is a saiyan.

"Don't lie to me young lady"

Sarada opened her mouth to say something,but immediately shut it.

"The truth"

"Well you see I landed near capsule corp and was taken in by the Brief family. I spent a month or two with them before leaving for planet Yardrat to train for a month. When I returned my body shut down for two more months to successfully get rid of a heart virus I obtained from Yardrat. And now I'm here"

Gine sighed. Leave it to her daughter to travel to another planet solely for training instead of finding her family.

"I'm sorry"

Gine looked at the apologetic toddler and felt her anger disappear. Well she couldn't stay mad at her. Sarada was a good kid after all and if she did all those things before finding her she must've had a valid reason for doing so. She just wished she had come see them sooner.

And what was that about a heart virus?

"You were sick? "

Sarada nodded with a look that said not to worry. "I'm fine now. My body fought it off"

"If you say so" Gine sighed. "You can't do such things without me knowing Sarada. I was worried sick"

"Sorry "

Another sigh from Gine. Sarada could be a handful sometimes.

"Where's Kakarot? "

"Asleep "

Gine led Sarada to her makeshift room where little Kakarot was fast asleep. He looked the same,he hadn't grown an inch.

Sarada crouched before him. She stared intently before poking him in the ribs. He flinched, but continued to snore happily. Sarada raised an eyebrow and poked him again. Same reaction. She furrowed her brows and repeated her action.

Gine was talking to Gohan about everything that had transpired when she heard the familiar cry of her son. She immediately rushed to check on him only to find Sarada insistantly poking him.

"Sarada stop that"

Sarada stopped without saying a thing and looked at Gine as if she didn't do anything.

"He's a cry baby "

"Because you woke him"

Sarada said nothing and effortlessly picked the two year old up. He squirmed in her grip,but relaxed when she wrapped her tail around his arm. He started to play with it,distracted as babies are.

"He's small" she notted. "Smaller than he should be"

"I'm aware"

"Sarada! "

All attention turned to Bulma who just barged into the house. She froze when she felt four pairs of eyes on her. Her cheeks immediately lit up and she calmed herself.

"Sorry about that"

Sarada dismissed her apology as did Gine and Gohan. No one seemed to mind,it was just unexpected is all.

"Who is this Sarada? "

"Bulma Brief. I've been staying with her family for the past couple of months"

"You brought her with you?"

"She was curious as all scientist are"

Gine raised an eyebrow at that statement. It seems her daughter found someone she could relate to.

"Its nice to meet you Ms. Gine"

"Nice to meet you as well Bulma"

"And um.. "

"Call me Gohan. It is a pleasure to meet you young one "

"Same here"

"This is my younger brother " Sarada said as she held Kakarot in front of her. She seemed proud of that fact.

Kakarot stared at Bulma and she returned the infant's gaze.

"He's cute. How old is he? "


"Why is he so small? "

"Late bloomer maybe" Sarada handed the boy over their mother. "Mom do you want to come live with the Brief family? I plan on staying there. They have so many labs and such. I can work on a new project everyday and Bulma is a scientific genius. She even understands the objects I collected over my travels"

Gine smiled, happy to see Sarada so happy. She wasn't used to her talking this much. She was always quiet back on Vegeta. She was always alone and talked to no one outside her family which was always strange to her. She had many theories that were logical. Maybe Sarada simply stayed away from other because Saiyans are ruthless creatures that cannot be trusted and it seemed very likely since she always appeared to have a dislike towards most of them. Or maybe it was because she knew of the impending destruction.

"You're happy there"

"I am,very much. The Briefs are very kind,Panchy always cooks for me,the Doc lets me experiment with him and Bulma always wants to learn something new. She even wants me to train her"

"I see" Gine smiled. "Then I wish to stay stay there as well, if we are welcome "

"Of course you are"