Chapter 15

The dimension of dragon ball was a wonder indeed. The fact that no one questioned a talking animal is proof of that. Not that Sarada cared anymore. It just shows that this realm is an interesting place.

As it was Sarada was seated comfortably on a created cloud. She was drifting just a few feet off the ground as she eyed the massive bear that decided to block their path. He was weak. Pathetically weak. He ordered them to hand over turtle or else. The threat did nothing. Not one of them showed any fear. Sarada was calm. She wasn't going to move a muscle. She just waited patiently to see what would happen. Who would handle the situation? Kakarot or Bulma? Either way that bear is very unlucky.

An annoyed sigh left Bulma's lips as she stared at the bear. Despite that she had a smile on her face. Finally. A challenge. Not what she was expecting but she did ask for anything. What's an adventure without any obstacles to overcome. And right now that bear looked like the perfect first impediment for her to overcome. She was in need of a little movement. She caught Kakarot making a move out the corner of her eye.

"Dibs! "

Kakarot froze in his spot and looked at her as if asking her if she was sure. Bulma only nodded as she stepped forward an toward the armored animal. The smirk on his face only grew as he saw who he was faced with. She was being underestimated. That is something that Bulma does not like.

Sarada saw the flash in Bulma's eyes and grinned. Awe, she was angry. Poor guy. Bulma does not like to be underestimated. She was about to kick him into next week. Even Kakarot had a smile of victory on his face. He was perfectly fine with sitting this out. All that meant is that he had dibs on whoever else opposed them. He couldn't wait. But for now he was perfectly content with watching Bulma put this bear in his place.

Sarada knew this would be a breeze for Bulma. She's had to fight against Saiyans on a daily basis. This is nothing. She was used to Sarada's unpredictable speed. Her strength. Her reflexes and moves. Sarada was the strongest opponent she could face and has on multiple occasions. This bear in front of her was nothing.

"Show him who's boss, Bulls" Sarada offered some support. Bulls was the nickname Sarada granted the genius. She only used it because it seemed to annoy the older girl. Sarada took great amusement in that and never gave up on the name. She doubt she ever would.

Sarada was fascinated with the human race. They could grow as fast as Saiyans when it comes to power level. She knew that. If all the humans in the original Z fighters all went through gravity training they would be stronger by the dozen. Bulma was introduced to gravity training. Well she introduced herself. She started off low. Just twice the gravity of earth. Slowly she climbed. As she did Sarada would be around to supervise and make sure the girl didn't hurt herself. Bulma could be very stubborn and would tire herself out just to prove a point. And the point she wanted to prove back then was that anything Sarada could do she could do as well.

And just like that Bulma's power climbed the ladder rapidly. She was just behind Kakarot in power and that was very impressive. Of course Sarada would be proud. Bulma, the genius of capsule corp who had never tried to fight in the anime was now at the power level of 2300. She was stronger than any human at the moment. Because of that she was also given a limiter and reduced to the tiny ten Kakarot held as well. Of course she wasn't content with her high power level. She was still weaker than Sarada. By a lot. She needed to get better.

The cocky bear was handled swiftly. Bulma easily dodged the heavy weapon he carried around and planted a solid fist to his stomach. When the bear kneeled over in pain a swift kick was brought down on his head. He was unconscious immediately.

She took him out in two hits alone. That'll show him to underestimate her.

"I get dibs on the next one" Kakarot announced as he casually walked over the unconscious bear on continued on. He stopped for a moment to adjust his hold on turtle and continued on. "Are you comfortable Turtle? "

"Yes I am. Thank you very much"

"Don't worry about it. You're far from home. It must suck"

Turtle nodded a far off look in those eyes of his. It has been years since he lost his way.

Bulma glanced at Sarada who only raised an eyebrow as she drifted next to her.

"What? "

Bulma rolled her eyes. Sarada knew exactly what she wanted.

"Don't play dumb"

Sarada chuckled and willed her nimbus closer to the ground. Bulma easily climbed on and settled comfortably next to Sarada.

"You could always fly" Sarada mused as the cloud followed after her younger brother. He wanted to carry the turtle the entire way. He saw it as some beneficial training.

"Why should I waste my ki like that? You can make flying clouds. It's best I conserve my ki"

"Then you could walk" Sarada smirked teasingly.

"I will hit you Sarada"

"I dare you. I will immediately dissolve this Nimbus " Sarada threatened.

Bulma glared, but did nothing. Instead she went on to ignore the smirking Saiyan, who was enjoying her victory. Bulma had half a mind to shove her off the cloud just for that smug face she was making.

"Is this master Roshi a good martial artist? " she suddenly asked.

"He is said to be the best. He's known for his creation of the Kamehameha wave which is a very powerful ki blast. He's also known as the turtle hermit" Sarada explained.

"Is that why you think Turtle is related to him in some way? "


"Would you train under him? "


"Will you? "

"Nope" Sarada looked at her. "I already have a master. I am a student of the cloud school and I shall remain as such"

"I see" Bulma looked pensive. "Should I train under him? "

"If you want. You can go to him after our little adventure. I have a feeling Kakarot plans on training under him as well" Sarada answered as she eyed her younger brother. He would eagerly train under the turtle hermit.

Soon enough they arrived at a beach overlooking the sea. Kakarot had put Turtle on the sand and proudly looked over the vast expanse of water.

"Here you are Turtle. The sea"

Kakarot conversed with the Turtle while Sarada was checking the radar. Straight ahead.

"Hey Turtle, do you know Master Roshi? " she asked already knowing the answer.

"Yes. He's my friend. I haven't seen him in so long "

"Alright. We'll take you to him. We'd like to meet him. We think he has something we're in search of" Sarada motioned for Kakarot to get the Turtle on the cloud. With her will the cloud expanded in size to accommodate him. Kakarot also climbed on and placed himself next to his sister as they sat off.

He had a massive grin on his face. He was going to meet master Roshi. The man that created the Kamehameha wave. He wanted to learn it. Would he teach him? Grandpa Gohan said he would when he sees his potential and strength. He wanted to train under him. Just like Gohan did. He wanted to learn his ways. He should be a very wise old man.

The tiny house was soon in sight. The sight of the iconic little house made a small smile grace Sarada's lips. It looked the exact same. Kame house was boldly written upon it as it sat on the tiny island.


"That is so cool"

"To each their own"

Sarada stuck to her cloud as the others landed on the island. If she remembers correctly old master Roshi should have the three star ball. That will make four dragon balls under the belt. Three more to go. After this it was off to the village being tormented by Oolong. Sarada sighed just thinking about the pig. She would take him along on their adventure. You know, just in case they ran out of things to eat. At the least they'll have bacon.

"Thank you for returning Turtle to me. I should give you something as thanks" The man rubbed his grey beard as he stared into space.

Kakarot was buzzing with excitement. He really met him. The turtle hermit. How old is he? He thought Grandpa Gohan was old but Master Roshi must be over a hundred years old if he trained him when he was younger.

Meanwhile Bulma was eyeing the orange ball hanging around the hermit's neck. There was the gift of thanks she wanted.

"Turtle whatever happened to our magic carpet? " Roshi asked after his attempt to call said carpet failed. Whatever could have happened to it?

"Dry cleaning " was Turtle's reply.

"For so long? "Roshi looked pensive as his hand went back to his beard. What could he gift these kids with? Specifically the young boy. Kakarot. Gohan had told him about said boy and his family a few years back. His story of meeting the child and his mother was interesting. Creatures from outer space. He looks like a normal human. He was said to have a tail. Roshi didn't see it at first, but upon closer inspection he noticed the fluffy appendage wrapped around his waist, disguised as a belt.

"Ah" Roshi turned to face the sky again when he remembered the one thing he could no longer use. For reasons. Maybe the boy was worthy. "Come to me, flying nimbus! "

At first nothing happened, which was amusing to Sarada because the old man had taken up a rediculous pose. But after a while they heard a familiar "put put" of a nimbus and looked in the direction it was coming from.

Kakarot got stars in his eyes when it stopped in front of him. A nimbus! He was getting his own nimbus.

"That there is a n-"

"Nimbus cloud! " Kakarot excitedly hugged the little cloud with the happiest smile on his face.

Roshi looked shocked. How was the boy aware of the nimbus cloud? Another shock was the fact that the boy could touch the cloud. Only those with hearts as pure as gold could do such a thing. He lost that privilege a long time ago.

"How do you know about the Nimbus clouds? "

"My sister Sarada can make them. She uses them all the time"

The old man sputtered. Someone could make them. Someone other than Jun? Did he take on a student? Who is this Sarada? The old man looked to Bulma, who was still eyeing the dragon ball. He did not see a tail and concluded that she was not the cloud making sister.

"Sarada is up there" Kakarot pointed to the white cloud that drifted above them idely. Sarada could not be seen, of course. She was sprawled out on her cloud, casually listening to the conversation. Upon hearing her name she decided to peek over her cloud.


"You, you trained under Jun" Roshi stated calmly.

"Yeah I did"

"How's he doing? "

"He's alive" Sarada willed her cloud to lower. "Although he sure likes to talk as if he'll die at any moment "

"Sounds like him. He never changes" Roshi chuckled. His old friend was the odd one of the group. He didn't train under anyone. Instead he went off to walk his own path and build his own way and style. He was very successful in that as it seems. Roshi never thought he'd take on a student and he never thought they would be able to learn his ability of creating clouds. The nimbus can only be ridden by does of pure hearts. The creators must posses that trait as well. If not the cloud will not fly, or form as willed.

"Master Roshi, that ball around your neck. Do you think you can give it to us? " Bulma asked.

"This old thing? "


"Why would you need this? "

"Reasons "

Roshi hummed in thought. He could just hand the ball over to the girls or he could bargain.

A very perverted smile appeared on his face and Sarada sighed.

"I'll hand it over if you two pretty girls show me your underwear "

Bulma glared in anger while Sarada only held a calm stare.

"You do realize that you just asked a fourteen year old and a sixteen year old to show you their underwear, right? " Sarada questioned with raised eyebrow. "That classifies you as not only a pervert but a pedophile as well. That spells serious trouble if it were to ever get out that master Roshi, the greatest martial artist of all time, requested something very perverted of underage girls" the smile that was on her face at the end of her sentence was sadistic.

Bulma smirked when she saw the old man sweat bullets. He must've realized that Sarada was dead serious.

"You can have the ball"