Ah the desert. Hot and sandy. Not the best set of circumstances. Sarada leaned back in her seat of the car Bulma was so expertly driving. The desert may not be the best of places but it's manageable if you have certain things. A car for example. Cold drinks. Food. You know, the necessities. Sarada had the dragon radar in hand and was casually playing with it. She was gazing ahead of her with little interest. She was aware of the fact that they might run into Yamcha. She didn't really care. She never liked the guy so she would gladly let Bulma run over him. Now that Bulma has no interest in a boyfriend so early on he can't mess things up with her. He doesn't even need to be in the group anymore. Yamcha was eventually a joke. Completely forgotten and useless. Sad really.
Did she care?
No. Not at all. There are certain moments where she wouldn't bat an eye at someone dropping dead.
Yeah. She really didn't like him. While most would criticize her on her dislike towards the man, she could care less. She doesn't like him. That's her opinion. Let her have it.
"I want off"
Sarada glanced at the pig through the rearview mirror. Her arms were folded and her legs pulled up in the seat. She let her tail roam free for the time being. "Feel free"
"You can get out if you want" Kakarot sat aside and motioned towards the door with a big smile on his face. "Go ahead. We insist"
Oolong looked at them. Distrust clear in his eyes. What were they up to. Of course he can't jump out of a moving car. Well he could but it would hurt. Would the pain be worth getting away from the maniacs. Yes. Yes it would. The set of kids were crazy. They actually planned on going to fire mountain. Straight to fire mountain. They did not care about the legend. They didn't bat an eye at the mention of the Ox King. They actually said they knew someone who knew him. He could not believe this. He wants out.
But they don't care if he leaves or not. Why?
"Something's fishy"
Bulma giggled to herself. She had seen Kakarot subtly swipe the capsules the pig had on him. If he jumped out of the car he would be stranded in the desert with no food and no shelter. Not the most ideal was to spend a couple of days. And then there's risk of bandits. If they found nothing on him they might as well kill him.
Kakarot grinned happily as he held Oolong's capsules in front of him. The pig widened his eyes in shock and quickly patted himself down. His capsules were no longer on him. He glared.
"You sneaky brat"
Kakarot said nothing and casually passed the capsules onto Sarada. She observed them before placing them in her backpack and leaning back in her seat. Kakarot did the same. He leaned back, placed his hands behind his head and enjoyed the ride.
"I hate you all"
"We're the ones keeping you alive at the moment "
"I could make it on my own. I've done pretty well so far"
Sarada said nothing and only pulled out a gaming system she brought with her. There was nothing to do, so she might as well.
"Who are you guys anyway? " Oolong asked as he sulked like a child. "Are you related? "
"Kakarot and I are siblings of blood. Bulma is our honorary sister"
"And why do you have tails"
"You are not worthy of that information "
Sarada ignored the outraged cries of the pig as she went back to her game. It was fairly easy. Levels were passed in no time. Bosses were defeated. The game was not meant to be challenging. It was just a way to pass time and wait. Wait for the inevitable meeting with Yamcha and Puar. Kick their asses and move. Camp somewhere and teach them or rather Yamcha another lesson and continue on. She really had no interest in bringing him along. All he wanted was to steal the dragon balls. He turned to the good side eventually but he was still an idiot. He got rid of his fear of girls and dated Bulma. Of course with his fear now gone he wanted to see the world so he didn't stay faithful. That is one of the biggest reasons for Sarada's dislike.
He was not faithful.
There are certain things Sarada respects about others. Certain qualities one must have to gain her respect. Faithfulness is one of them. Loyalty. Actually the two were technically the same thing. Determination an drive are other important factors.
And of course one must be willing to do anything to protect their loved ones.
If one does not have those qualities she does not deem them worthy of her respect.
"What's that? " Bulma wondered as she squinted her eyes to better see what was approaching them.
Sarada looked up from her game. Her eyes landed on whatever it was that was heading towards them. She sighed and went back to her game. It seems the bandit decided to show. She knew it. They had a car after all. He'll try to threaten them out of it. Kakarot could handle him. As a matter of fact Bulma could handle him. He just had to see and he'll be running like a scared little cat.
"So there's someone out here" Bulma mused as the object in the distance turned out to be Yamcha on a bike.
"I wonder what he wants" Kakarot leaned forward curiously while Oolong only stared out the window.
"Hello there travelers " He greeted as he hopped off his bike. Sarada eyed him coldly before returning to her game and ignoring him. She could care less.
"Who are you? "
"I am the Hyena who's citadel is this very wasteland. I go by Yamcha" he bowed dramatically.
"And I'm Puar" his little companion introduce with the familiar high pitch voice.
"Puar? " Oolong suddenly shot up in his seat to stare at the floating creature. "Ha! You're crybaby Puar. Boy I never thought I'd see you again. What a world"
"Oolong! "
"You know this pig? "
"Do I? "Puar glared at the indifferent pig. "He used to bully me back when I used to attend transformation school. He always picked on those smaller than because he's a big fat coward"
"Wow, Oolong. You really are scum" Kakarot said with a sideways glance. He was starting to dislike the pig the longer he stuck around. "Why am I not surprised"
"Shut it kid"
Yamcha chuckled. "Is that so? " he rested a hand on his sword. "I'll have to ask you to hand over all your money and capsules. If you comply no one gets hurt"
"Pathetic " Sarada sighed.
"You wont be saying that once my sword is at your throat "
"That is if you can even get close enough " Sarada glared. Her game was put aside and she sat casual now. Her feet were brought up to the dash board as she looked at the man or boy. "Who's turn is it? "
"Mine" Bulma said happily as she vualted out of the vehicle. She adjusted her shirt as she confidently faced the Bandit.
Upon seeing the girl Yamcha's eyes shot out of his socket and he started sweating Bullets. His face was red and he was practically shaking in his boots.
Without so much as a word he hopped onto his bike and drove as fast as he could, leaving Bulma to stare in confusion.
"What was that about"
"He saw a beautiful female so he ran like the pathetic coward he is"
Bulma blinked as she slipped back into the car
"Did you just call me beautiful? "
Sarada raised an eyebrow. "Yes? Should I not have? " she was confused. Did she do something wrong? She furrowed her brows. She didn't thin so. All she did was tell her the truth. Why is that being questioned.
Bulma said nothing as she started the car. That is the first time Sarada has called her beautiful. She has complimented her before. In her own weird way. Most of the time they are paired with what may have been insults. It's the first she's heard Sarada complement her without some negative personality jib.
"Never mind"
"Why did he run away because of Bulma? You're a girl too and he saw you" Kakarot asked.
"I'm a tomboy. I wouldn't be surprised if he took me for a boy. I really don't care either way. Bulma is more feminine and that guy obviously has a fear of girls" Sarada explained. "And he had the guts to try and rob us. He's lucky I don't plan on doing any of the fighting on this trip"
"Okay" Kakarot decided not to talk about it anymore. Satadwas clearly annoyed about the situation that took place. Instead he decided to bother the annoying pig. "You know maybe we should have handed Oolong over to the bandit. He looked like he would have taught him a lesson for picking on his little friend"
Oolong paled. He got a good glimpse of the sword that Yamcha carried around. They could actually hand him over. They don't seem to care about him at all. They only brought him jus in case he could prove useful. Sarada already hinted towards what she would do with him if she had a change of hear. Kakarot wasn't a big fan of him and Bulma didn't car whatsoever. He's doomed if they decided he wasn't worth it.
"Not a bad thought " Sarada voiced with a chuckle. "Maybe next time"
"Hey! Please don't do that"
"You have no say"
"Don't undermine me! This is my fate you're talking about"
"Ever heard of karma, pig? You know the saying right? You're not a total fool I hope"
Sarada went quiet after that and returned to her game. Yamcha was handled a lot easier and faster this time around. And Bulma took no interest in him. That was good. Sarada preferred it that way. Those two don't make a goof couple and their relationship was a mess. A disaster. Worse couple to every exist in the dragon ball universe.
Moving on.
Sarada reached into her backpack to retrieve the capsules Kakarot had swiped from Oolong. It was getting dark so they would need a place to camp out. She had capsule containing houses but she wanted to annoy the pig so decided to see what he has. She was actually looking for the house on wheels. She chuckled. House on wheels. She didn't know why she found that funny. She has a weird sense of humor.
When night fell she had already found the desired capsule and casually tossed it into the sand. With the familiar poof of smoke there stood the camping van. She nodded in appreciation as she swung the door open. She stepped in and immediately went to see what was held in the fridge.
"Hey, hey! This is my place. Don't act like you own it"
Sarada ignored him as she walked around with her arms full of ingredients.
"Kakarot help me"
Kakarot nodded and shuffled more food out of the refrigerator. Oolong could do nothing but watch in horror as the saiyans emptied his fridge. They were going to eat him out. Of house and home. And he could do nothing.
"You're cooking again then" Bulma voiced as she leaned over Sarada's shoulder to get a look at what it is she planned on making.
"Yeah, I'm in the mood. You go do whatever it is you want. I think I saw the bathroom down the hall" Sarada answered.
"Can I help cook this time? " Kakarot asked with excitement.
Sarada didn't know why he was excited about cooking, but she would let him be. She nodded her head yes and proceeded to instruct him on what to do.
"Oolong make yourself useful and get me some oranges"
Oolong grumbled as he stomped his way towards his almost empty fridge.
"I'm being bossed around in my own house again "
Cooking took no time at all. Kakarot did surprisingly well and did not make a mess. He even made his own ramen. He was very proud of it and made Sarada taste test. She had to admit that she was impressed. He didn't poison her.
"Why are you three on this trip anyway? " Oolong asked once the saiyan siblings sat down to relax after their little feast. They made sure to leave some for Bulma of course. She'd eat whenever. "I mean why would you even think of going to frypan mountain? "
"There's a dragon ball there" Kakarot said casually.
"What's a dragon ball? "
"This" Kakarot placed the four star ball on the table in front of him.
Sarada purposely stayed out of the conversation. She was acutely aware of the low ki outside their little house. They still managed to be followed it seems.
"What's so special about seven balls? "
"You can have a wish granted when you summon the dragon"
"No way! "
"Yeah, its true. "
Oolong seemed deep in thought for a moment.
"I would wish for a harem of 100 girls" he drooled at the thought.
"Why do you need 100?"
"You don't get it kid"
"Sarada always says that if she found a girl that could keep up with her she'd be more than happy"
Sarada blinked after hearing her name in the conversation.
"What? Why am I suddenly in this conversation? "
"Aren't you a girl? " Oolong raised an eyebrow in suspicion.
"What are you trying to say Oolong? " Sarada looked at him very calmly but there was danger behind those words.
"N-nothing at all"