Chapter 24

Sarada was curious. How had Pilaf acquired a castle? A fully built high castle in the desert. How had that little man boy gotten himself a castle? How were people actually afraid of someone so short and laughable? Maybe it was due to the robots he possessed. Or his underlings in the form of Mai and Shu. She couldn't see the guy as a threat no matter what he had on his side. He could have his wish of rulling the world granted. Would Sarada fear him? No. She would take down his entire army and put the little boy in his place.

Such a man child.

So she stood in front of his castle debating whether or not she should just fly up there and blow something up. That would effectively flush them out. Then again, she could take the long way and enter the castle full of traps. Just for the fun of it.

With that in mind she just walked right in. Kakarot and Bulma were right behind her. As she walked she followed the arrows casually. They would soon have the last dragon ball. The dragon would be summoned. She would have her wish granted. The adventure would come to an end. She would go home and prepare her spaceship for take off and leave as soon as she was able to. She didn't know for how long she would be gone but it would be worth the trouble. She would have her father back. That meant a possible super saiyan. There was no telling if things went as they did in canon. What if he was not sent to another timeline. What if he did not achieve super saiyan. But what if he did. The possibility of having a super saiyan so early on was very enticing. Vegeta would not be any trouble. Frieza would be easily eliminated. She could learn to go super saiyan pretty soon. Bringing her father back had so many benefits. She would see him again. Gine would be overjoyed. Kakarot would meet his father. Bardock would be with his family. The only person that would be missing is Raditz.

Something flew past Sarada's face and she blinked out of her thoughts. She stared in front of her to find an arrow. A trap. She looked down. She was not the one To activate it. She turned around and sure enough Kakarot had stepped on a special footing. He was staring down at it as if it was some mystery. Sarada sighed.

She felt something sublty run down her cheek.

Was she bleeding? Did that arrow actually cut her?

Bulma was staring at the small cut. Sarada had obviously not noticed it and seemed surprised that she was bleeding. She hadn't reacted to the arrow. She had zoned out again. Sarada almost never lets her guard down to the point where she actually took some form of damage.

Sarada blinked when a hand came to her cheek and the blood was rubbed away. Bulma had rubbed the blood away with an odd look. Bulma had touched her cheek. Bulma had come in contact with her blood.


'System is the blood transfusion activated? '


Sarada smiled a small smile at that. Success. That left the explanation of her change. If she could make her wish away from everybody she would have an answer. She had granted Bulma's wish.

'Will she fall into a sleep? '


'For how long? '

[Three to four weeks]

Not bad. The smile widened the possibilities. So much to be calculated and studied.

"Thanks" She smiled at Bulma and turned back around. She suddenly changed her mind about her approach. She was going straight up and getting the dragon ball. She was suddenly very excited about future events. She looked up at the stone ceiling. She spotted a camera in a corner and eyed it for a moment.

"What are you planning? "Kakarot asked as he stepped away from the activated trap and approached his sister.

"Nothing. I just changed my mind is all" she said as she aimed a palm at the ceiling and focused her ki. Slowly a small ball of ki started to form. She always found her ki odd. It was colorless unlike Kakarot and Bulma's ki. Theirs were the blue she was familiar with. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe it had something to with her type of ki. She didn't know. Maybe it was nothing at all. No one said ki had to have a specific type. Well they do have colors depending on ones morals, but not important.

The energy ball was sent flying through the ceiling and continued to go higher and higher. Sarada smiled as rubble began to tumble down.

"Sarada you do realize that everything is coming down on us, right? "Bulma questioned as she watched massive slabs of concrete descend upon them. Sarada had nodded in confirmation, so of course Bulma and Kakarot were left standing there, wondering what Sarada was planning. They had heard screams at some point and determined that Sarada's attack had reached headquarters or a room in that form. Concrete was still descending upon the, but Sarada did not move. She waited patiently. Kakarot glanced at Bulma and the shrugged as they side stepped a piece of stone.

"There" Sarada reached her hand out and caught the one star ball. She smiled victoriously before directing everyone out of the room.

Once outside she toyed with the ball as she watched the castle. It had not collapsed. She had only sent a ball of ki straight up from her location. She had already made the calculation and was correct when she assumed they were precisely under Pilaf's main operating room, which meant they were right under the dragon ball.

"It's dark out and a full moon" Bulma informed as she looked to the sky. Sarada almost did as well and hit Kakarot in the back of his head when he almost made the same mistake.

"Put on your glasses if you're going to look up" Sarada told him as she threw him his blue pair of glasses. She had her own red ones which she put on just to look up at the sky. She would need to when she summoned the dragon. She could accidentally look at the moon.

"Hey Kakarot, do you want to try out the kamehameha wave again? " Sarada asked as she looked at her already smiling brother. He caught her drift. In a second he was standing in front of the castle preparing his attack.

"Hey! You almost killed me you stupid kids! " Pilaf decided to make an appearance. He was standing on a high balcony yelling at them for damaging his castle.

"You tried to steal our dragon balls! " Bulma yelled back.

Sarada raised the one star ball in the air with the most childish smile most have ever seen on her.

"Look what we got! "

She could see the shocked look on Pilaf's face and hear him order Mai and Shu around. Sarada took great amusement in it.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the one capsule she had stored there. She released it into to air and watched the dragon balls appear on the ground. She hummed to herself as she placed the one star ball around the others. They pulsed with light, making Sarada smile.

"Wish granting time"

Bulma stood a distance away,keeping her eyes on Pilaf. She had a feeling he would be pulling something really soon. Despite her self assigned job she had glanced at the happy Sarada more than once. She really looked good in glasses. Bulma couldn't understand why the look was so appealing, but it was. Maybe it had to do with the way she normally looks. Her hair is a mess of spikes that reach slightly past her shoulder. She had bangs similar to those of Kakarot but she had an extra two that did their own thing on her head. Then there was the one tiny rebel that just poked out in the middle of her head. It was that lonesome tiny rebel that Sarada got tired with. Her eyes were black. As black as the night. Apparently it was a characteristic of Saiyans. Black hair. Black eyes. Her skin was tan due to her always training and she had defined lean muscles that were not hidden.

Maybe it had to do with that. Maybe seeing all of that in glasses was the appeal. Bulma would have to ponder some more.

Kakarot had a fully charged Kamehameha between his palms. He grinned brightly as he spread his feet and got ready for the grand finale.

Sarada stood in front of the dragon balls, completely ignoring he bright blue flash and the sound of destruction behind her.

"Interface. I remember there being a phrase one must use to summon Shenron"

Her interface responded immediately.

[Yes. "Eternal Dragon. By Your name I summon you forth, Shenron". That is the phrase you must use]

"Thank you" her attention was back on the glowing orbs. "Eternal Dragon. By Your name I summon you forth, Shenron" the words left her mouth very calmly. She stood there, rather casually, as she watched the glow of the orbs intensify to a blinding light. Good thing her glasses could dubble as sun glasses. The dragon erupted from the seven wish granting orbs and shot into the dark sky. It was night so it was hard enough to notice the darkclouds it had gathered.

Sarada was impressed. Shenron was impossibly long. How far could the dragon reach if he didn't limit himself?

"Come forth and speak your wish. It shall be granted as long as it is within my power"

Sarada could feel the dragon's voice in her chest. She wondered. Was Shenron even speaking. Was he just projecting his thoughts?

A question for another time.

"Alright mighty Shenron, pleasure to finally meet you" Sarada spoke

"I have no time for idle conversation "

"Yes you do. You stay summoned for as long as I have not made a wish" Sarada pointed out.

"Get on with it"

"A very rude dragon you are" Sarada laughed. "I wish for everyone in my family, including me, and those I see as my family to have full control over their ape form. Is that within your power? "

"Yes" The dragon's eyes glowed for a moment before he continued. "Your wish has been granted"

With that the dragon shot into the sky along with the dragon balls. Sarada watched as they scattered in every direction. That's over and done with.

"Nooooo! "

She turned to see a struggling Pilaf being held by the collar by an amused Bulma. One of his robot war machines was destroyed in a corner. Shu and Mai were sprawled on the ground. Kakarot sat on the sand in front of a destroyed castle, gazing at the night sky with a smile on his face.

"My wish! I lost my chance "Pilaf sulked when Bulma put him down. "I'll get you for this! "

"You can try, but I suggest you don't. Unless you want to end up six feet under"

Sarada's threat was enough to send the coward running.

"Well that happened" Bulma appeared next to Sarada. "It's real"

"Yes it is"

"What did you wish for? " Bulma asked curiously.

"What did you wish for? "Sarada asked back.

"What do you mean? "

Sarada chuckled as she stopped in front of her relaxed brother. "Didn't you say something about wanting the anatomy of a saiyan or something around those lines? "

Bulma widened her eyes in shock. Did Sarada really remember that? That was just her guessing and coming up with things that would benefit her. She did not think Sarada would pull through.

"No way"


"I don't see a difference. She doesn't have a tail" Kakarot said as he walked around Bulma. "She smells the same"

"Give it some time Kakarot. A change in anatomy can't take place in an instant" Sarada told the boy. As she questioned her interface on Bulma's sleeping period.

[ Ten seconds] is what she got as an answer and Sarada was actually shocked. That fast?

She kept her eyes on Bulma. She saw the signs. She was getting exhausted.

"Hey Sarada why am I su-"

She couldn't finish for her eyes closed and her legs gave out. Sarada caught her immediately. She sighed.

"I'll see you in one month"