Chapter 26

Sarada was in her room operating on another one of her projects. Her mind wasn't entirely focused on the task at hand. She noted how odd it was to be working without Bulma there to offer suggestions or help. Usually Kakarot would have walked into her room and question her about her creation but be cautious. So it was a bit odd for Sarada to be working on anything. She started her project to distract herself and it was obviously failing. She sighed and pushed her tools away. She slid off her desk chair and crashed onto her bed.

She already bad a little training session with her mother about thirty minutes ago. She worked her mother to the bone. Now the saiyan was tired and relaxing. While Gine may be exhausted, Sarada could have still went on. But she had no partner and did not feel like going against the drones. Now she didn't feel like working on any of her projects.

Maybe she should just sleep through her day. She could do something productive the next day.

Sleep wasn't a option. With a groan she pushed herself out of bed and trudged out of her room. Entering the hallway she stopped at the room opposite her. Bulma would be out for a full month at the most. That gave her one month to prepare for their leave. What should she do in that time?

She had continued on, deciding not to enter Bulma's room. Her hands were folded and her tail twitched freely behind her. She could go and work on her ship. Maybe there was something in need of improvement. She would need to add an extra bed. There was more than enough room for that. She could do that or she could go do the thing she said she wouldn't be doing anytime soon.

She made her way downstairs and into the living room, where she met Panchy and her mother.

"I'm heading out" She said as she waved and walked out to the balcony. "I'll be back around tomorrow or later today, I'm not sure"

"Have fun"

Sarada only smiled as she jumped off the balcony and took to the sky. She didn't plan on visiting Korin and Kami, but she didn't really have anything to do and she was a saiyan. She wanted to train. She could drink the sacred water and get a massive boost. Or she could wait and unlock her potential on planet Namek. The old Namekian was interesting. So in the end she would not really be going to Korin to grow stronger. She did however want some senzu. She would plant some and the rest would be brought along on her journey. She was sure Bulma would be more than happy to train without having to worry about exhaustion.

After she got what she needed from Korin she would head up to Kami. She was interested in using the time chamber.

"Here I am, planing on training for a potential year when I want to relax and take things easy" she mused to herself. She didn't have to go train in the time chamber. She could just get the senzu and leave. She was already stronger than Vegeta, technically. She could take it easy. But then there is Frieza and he needed to be taken care of.

"Go where the wind takes you" she muttered to herself as she increased her speed. She could go see the old Jun later as well. She wondered how he was. He probably still thinks he'll die every single day.

Soon enough Sarada was hovering in front of Korin's place. She drifted there for some time before landing right on the edge of his place.

It was just like she saw in the anime and manga. And it smelled of fish. She took a couple of steps into the structure. She could feel the cat's ki. He was close by. He was probably checking up on his plants or eating.

"Anybody home?" she called just loud enough for anyone nearby to hear her.

She heard the sound of shifting footsteps. She waited patiently for the cat to make his appearance.

"A kid? "Korin had stepped out of the other room. He was occupying himself with his senzu plant. He had sensed the girl. Her ki was impressive although it was suppressed. She doesn't just walk around with her massive ki. "Did you climb all the way up here? "

"No, I flew" Sarada admitted casually.

"You flew? "


"Who taught you? "

"My father" Sarada shrugged. She realized that the only earthling that actually currently knew how to fly was Kami. He was the one to teach Kakarot after all.

"Interesting " Korin had a hand on his chin. The child could fly. The child had a tail. Who was the kid? He didn't know, but he was impressed. He was sure Kami would be interested in Her. "What's your name? "

"Sarada. Nice to meet you"

"I'm assuming you know who I am"

"Yes, Korin"

"You're up here for a reason, do you want to be trained? Or are you after the sacred water? "

Sarada shook her head no. There wasn't anything Korin could teach her. She was faster than him. She wasn't in search of the scared water because she wanted her potential unlocked on Namek. All she wanted from the cat were some senzu.

"I come in search of senzu" Sarada honestly revealed. "You plant them, don't you? "

Korin nodded. He was not going to ask how Sarada knew of the beans.

"Would you mind giving me some? I'm interested in planting them myself and I would really like to take some with me when I leave soon"

Korin nodded again. "Tell me, who trained you? "

"Cloud hermit Jun"

At the mention of the name the cat gained a look of shock. Jun? She trained under him? If she was indeed his pupil she should be skilled in magic. She could plant the beans if he instructed her on how. If she trained under the hermit she should have the ability to create the nimbus clouds.

"Can you create nimbus clouds? "

Sarada nodded yes and created one as proof.

Korin nodded again. Since she had the ability she must be pure of heart. Which meant he had no problem with helping her. It helped that she was very respectful and calm.

"Alright. How many senzu do you want? " Korin asked as he lead Sarada to the back room. He approached the small pot of senzu he had accumulated over the years.

How much would she want? She didn't know how long her trip to Namek would last. She was sure she would be active everyday. Then there is the fact that she wanted to plant a good amount. She would also like to have some on her during her time in the hyperbolic time chamber. She could ask for a generous number seeing as Korin had an impressive amount of beans. Maybe thirty would do her good. Ten for the trip. Ten would be in the ground. Ten would be available to her during her year long training. She wouldn't want to rely on them so it would have to do.

"How about thirty, if you don't think it's too much"

Korin said nothing as he gathered thirty beans and stored them in a small sack which he proceeded to tie and hand over to Sarada.

"Thirty "

Sarada smiled and tied the sack to her waist.

"Thank you"

Korin waved her off as he made his way back to the front of his supposed house. Sarada was following after him.

"Do you know of the one residing higher up? "Korin asked as he stared out at the clouds.

"Yes, I do actually. I plan on going up there next " Sarada admitted as she stepped off the edge of the building and drifted in front of the surprised cat.

"How much do you know? "

"A lot" Sarada smiled and saluted as she started to rise higher into the air. "Thanks again"

Sarada was very happy with the senzu she had managed to get from the wise old Korin. She would put them to good use.

She was floating in front of Kami's lookout in seconds. The Namekian was apparently expecting her for he was there to meet her. He smiled kindly as he patiently awaited Sarada.

Sarada wasn't surprised to see the old Namekian. He could sense her ki. It would have been odd if he had not been expecting her.

Her feet touched the surface of the lookout soundlessly. She was still smiling as she stood in front of earth's guardian and his trusty companion. In all honesty Mr. Popo used to scare the hell out of her. She just couldn't get over his appearance. It didn't help that she was first introduced to him in the night at a young age. It took some time for her to get over her irrational fear of the kind man. What in the world was Mr. Popo?

"Hello, I am Sarada. It is a pleasure to meet you"

"The pleasure is all mine" Kami smiled. "You know of me? "

Sarada nodded but made no move to explain how. Now that she was standing in front of the Namekian a sudden thought struck her. She hadn't been thinking about it, despite it being right under her nose. If she received the Namekian bloodline she would gain the ability to create dragon balls. She could make her own dragon balls. And they would be strong. The stronger she got the stronger the dragon the more wishes it could grant. Next to that she would have regenerative powers. Her smile had turned into a smirk as she thought of the possibilities.

She needed to come in contact with Namekian blood.

Kami was curious. Sarada's smile had turned into a smirk. What was on the child's mind?

"May I train in the hyperbolic time chamber? " she was very straightforward with what she wanted.

Kami was really curious. How did the child know so much? She was impressively strong. He had a feeling that what he was sensing from her was not her full power. She was holding back.

"You can, if you answer the two questions I have on my mind" Kami bargained.

Sarada nodded. She had an idea about the questions. She was sure he would want to know how she knew so much and how strong she really was.

"How do you know so much? Only a handful of earthlings know of the senzu and of my existence. For you to know you would have to he informed and no one has informed you of me"

Sarada's smirk had returned to the smile it once was.

"I have my ways"

Kami went quiet for a moment. That was all the girl planned on telling him at the moment. He would accept it for the moment.

"You're suppressing your power. I have a feeling you're far stronger than me"

If Sarada had to guess she would say that Kami was at a measly 200 on the power scale. That is nothing compared to her.

"I'd rather not unleash my full power because that would cause some trouble. What I can say is that I am at least fifty times stronger than you"

Fifty? It was hard to believe, but then again Sarada was not from earth. He couldn't ask her to prove her point because she didn't want to cause trouble, as she says.

Kami was debating whether or not to trust the girl. He had been the guardian of earth for many years and had seen how selfish and cruel they are. Sarada may not be a human but she grew up on the planet. What's to say she wasn't corrupt?

But why shouldn't he trust her? Korin had contacted him. He told him of her abilities. She was trained by the cloud master and had proof. One can only create a nimbus if they are pure of heart. If they have even a hint of evil in their hearts the cloud would not form. The child could create the clouds. She was pure of heart. The fact that Kami could sense no malicious intent coming from her backed that up. She gave off a calm and trusting aura that the namekian easily detected.

"I'll accept your answers and allow you to train in the hyperbolic time chamber, if you can handle it of course"

Sarada bowed in thanks. She was granted permission. She was happy and looking forward to her training. The time chamber was practically empty. She could do what she wanted. She could transform into her ape form if she wanted to. It's a good thing she could create an "artificial moon". She wondered if it would work in the chamber.

"Thank you for granting me permission. I am very grateful"

She stood up straight with the same happy smile on her face.

"I can definitely handle myself in there"