Bulma stared up into the green sky of the planet she found herself on. She was fascinated to find three suns shining brightly in the sky. She was sure the planet has never seen night. She wondered if it was tidally locked. If it was it made the planet even more fascinating. The planet could be earth's twin. The atmosphere was breathable. The gravity was practically the same. Everything was practically the same. The only difference being the three suns, the green sky and water and the blue grass. The water had fishes swimming in them. She spotted a frog out the corner of her eye.
Sarada jumped out of their spaceship and took a look around. Namek. Not bad. It was very similar to earth and looked exactly like she had seen in the anime. She chuckled at the excited Bulma who was flying around and investigating everything. It was funny seeing her explore the planet.
Sarada had pressed a hidden button on the ship and caught the capsule it shrunk into. With the capsule pocketed she expanded her ki and located the nearest village. North. She wondered which village she would end up in. Maima? Moori? Tsuno?
"Bulma, lets go" Sarada had wrapped her tail around her waist and ascended the air. She motioned for Bulma to follow.
"So, what are your plans? "Bulma asked as she quickly caught up to Sarada. She was still very curious about the planet but could do research later on. Besides, she wanted to meet the species that inhibited the planet.
"Introduce ourselves and let them know we mean no harm. The Namekians are friendly creatures they'll welcome us if we prove ourselves" Sarada explained as she stared straight ahead. The ki she was sensing was closer. She was excited to meet the Namekians. They were nice creatures that she respected. She wouldn't mind bringing back a baby Namekian to keep Kami company.
"A tiny village" Bulma noted as the two came to stop above the small village. She hummed in curiosity as she eyed the Namekians looking up at them warily.They were humanoids with slug-like characteristics, including antennae, light green skin, and pink patches appearing throughout their bodies. She noted that the younger ones were brighter in color while the older ones were a darker green. And the pink patches were faded in colors.
"You see, they look like aliens. Saiyans are deceptive " Bulma commented.
"Whatever you say" Sarada chuckled as she slowly descended to the ground. Bulma followed.
The Namekians kept their distance. Sarada easily picked out the warrior type, for they stood at the front and on guard. There were but two of them. The children were hiding behind their elder brothers as they cautiously eyed the two newcomers.
"Who are you? "
"I'm Sarada, my friend over there is Bulma. We came here from earth to ask a favor" Sarada introduced and explained. Her body language was relaxed and non threatening. Bulma followed her example. Sarada had more experience when it came to traveling planets and Bulma trust that she handle the situation.
"And what favor is that? "
"We'd like to use you dragon balls, if you'll allow us"
The Namekians were still wary. They didn't get visitors often and they knew there were a lot of bad guys out there. They couldn't just trust a stranger no matter how friendly they are.
"What do you plan on doing with them? "
Sarada sighed. "I lost my father some years ago and I would like to bring him back"
"How do you know of the dragon balls"
"We have a Namekian residing on our planet. He had created his own dragon balls,but they are not powerful enough to grant my wish, so here I am"
They still didn't trust the two.
Sarada had spotted the leader of the village. He was staring at them, but he seemed distracted. Sarada wondered if Guru had contacted him. The old Namekian must have sensed them the moment they arrived. The leader looked to his brothers who were ready to defend and shook his head. They looked at him confused but backed down and parted as their brother started to approach.
"You have been summoned by the grand Elder" he said to the two and his brother seemed shocked. "Zonit, guide them "
Said Namekian nodded as he motioned for the two to follow. Bulma glanced at Sarada and the other nodded. So they followed.
Nothing was said on the trip. Sarada and Bulma could sense the distrust from the Namekian and chose to be silent. Bulma was wondering who this grand elder was and what he wanted with them. Sarada was excited to meet the old Guru. He would see the purity in their hearts and clear things up with his sons. They would be given permission to use the dragon balls and hopefully get their potential unlocked.
Bulma noted Sarada's calm excitement and was again curious. What could have gotten her excited? Did it have to do with the grand elder? Probably. Bulma sighed and stared ahead of her. Again Sarada knew more than she let on. Maybe it had to do with the potential unlocking event she had told her about. Bulma was sure that was it, but she believed Sarada knew more than she let on. She wasn't telling her everything. She never tells anyone everything. She did promise to talk to her at some point. She'd just have to be patient.
Sarada had glanced at the contemplating Bulma. She tends to be aware of what the girl was usually thinking and knew it had to with her. She probably detected her excitement and got curious. She probably realized that she knew more than she let on.
She sighed.
She didn't like to be read. The only person who could read her was her mother and she was ok with that. Kakarot could also pick up some signs. That was ok. But Bulma is a different story. For some reason the realization that Bulma knew her well enough to pick up on her emotions made her uneasy. It's like a feeling in her gut she couldn't decipher. It was frustrating at times.
She didn't think about it much. There was a lot she pushed to the back of her mind and a lot had to do with Bulma.
Another sigh.
"Not the time"
Guru is one of the two known survivors of a cataclysmic climate shift on Namek several hundred years prior to the events in the series. Guru is renowned for saving the Namekian race after the climate shift, by laying eggs and continuing his species. In his lifetime, he birthed 109 children, including his bodyguard Nail and the young Dende.
So, that was the information Sarada recalled as she stood before Guru himself. Guru is incredibly large, towering over all of his Namekian children even when sitting on the ground.Sarada felt small in front of him. Morbidly obese in his advanced age, he is always seen sitting stationary on his throne-like chair and always has his eyes closed.
Just like he was right then. He was resting in his throne type chair with his eyes peacefully closed.
"Saiyans" the old creature said slowly and took his time before continueing. "Odd saiyans. A purity the species rarely possess. What are your names? "
Bulma glanced at Sarada and the other only smiled as she approached the old Namekian. She stood beside him and let him rest his massive hand on her head. He hummed and she could feel him going through her memories. She blinked and it was over.
"Your heart is pure. I sense no evil within you" Guru informed. "You have great power young one, could you perhaps be a super saiyan? "
Sarada shook her head with a chuckle. "I am not. Not even close, although I do wish to achieve that level of power one day. When I do I'll make sure to come tell you about it"
The of Namekian laughed and fell into a fit of coughs. He cleared his throat and said nothing for some time. "I shall be waiting" he said. "You are an enigma, young saiyan. Where did you come from? "
"It's a long story"
"Feel free to tell me sometime"
"Sometime" Sarada promised. "Grand elder, I have a request aside from the dragon balls"
"What is it? "
"My friend" Bulma raised an eyebrow when Sarada glanced at her. "She has impressive potential. Could you reveal it? "
Guru nodded and Sarada shuffled Bulma to stand near the old Namekian. His hand was soon placed upon her head and Bulma looked to Sarada for reassurance. She met calm excitement and a thumbs up.
She let out a breath and closed her eyes, not knowing what to expect.
Sarada was owner of one of the biggest grin she could summon on her face as she felt the sudden burst of power from her long time friend. She could see the look of shock and disbelief om Bulma's face as an aura of power surrounded her.
The hand was removed from her head and Bulma was left in complete shock at the power she was suddenly feeling. She felt strong. Impossibly strong. She felt as if she could do anything. She felt lighter. Faster.
"What did I tell you? "Sarada laughed. "Look at that. I estimate a good 15.000 to 18.000" Sarada laughed even more. Bulma could beat Vegeta. Oh, that was gold. Sarada wished the prince was there for her to shove it in his face.
"Young Sarada" Guru called and Sarada moved to stand beside him again. His hand had returned to her head and she too was overcome with new power. She was expecting a lot, but she wasn't expecting what she suddenly felt.
Bulma widened her eyes as she felt the very ground shake under Sarada's power. She could feel her ki skyrocket and was almost overwhelmed by the intensity. It felt as if her ki just continued to climb every second.
Guru had removed his hand. He hummed. The girl was an enigma indeed. Her power kept climbing and would have most likely kept climbing had he not stopped.
Sarada felt amazing. She did a cupple of jumps around the space she found herself in. So light. So strong. So fast. So powerful. It was splendid. She felt like she could take on the world. The galaxy. The universe. The gods.
She calmed herself. She brought herself back to reality. She was strong, but still weak.
She mentally commanded her interface to show her character sheet.
Bloodline: Saiyan. (Yardratian). (Dragon Clan Namekian)
Age: 15 (14)
Body state : Healthy
Mind state: Excited
Innate abilities/ Talents :
Magic, Spirit control,God ki,Unlimited Potential ,? (Requirements need to be met)
S-cells: ? (Requirements need to be met)
Ki control: Ranked S
Magic control : Ranked S
Spirit control : Ranked S
Ki/ Power level: 90.000 + (50.000)
Magic : 70.000
Skills: Instant Transmission. Nimbus creation. Nimbus armor. Nimbus weapon. Magic materialization. Magic rejection. Dragon ball creation. Telekinesis and Telepathy. Awakening Potential.
Unique skills:Bloodline transfusion.Elemental Attacks.? (Requirements need to be met)
Sarada had to resist the urge to stare at her character sheet because it would seem as if she was staring off into space.
Unlimited potential.
Holy hell.
Holy hell!
She took a deep breath and the sheet of information left her vision. She released her breath and turned to face Guru.
"Thank you for helping me reach a new level of power"
Guru smiled and nodded.
Sarada glanced at the younger version of the Nail she was used to. She always found him to be a chill guy. One of her favorite characters even.
The Namekian wordlessly retrieved the lone dragon ball near the elder. It was the size of a basket ball, according to Sarada's estimation. He approached Them and presented the ball.
"A gift. I hope you succeed in reviving your father"
Sarada nodded as she accepted the ball.
"The others are to be found in each village. I have informed them of your goal and given them permission to hand over the orbs"
"Thank you, again"
Bulma's tail twitched as she eyed the happy Sarada. They had gathered all the seven dragon balls and had them on the grass at her feet. At the moment the younger girl was laughing while she entertained the young Namekians. They had taken interest in her and lost their fear once it was learned that she meant no harm. Sarada being Sarada decided to play with them. She had two hanging off her arms and one scaling her back. She walked around pretending to be a mad ape as she easily carried the laughing children around.
Bulma giggled when another child tackled her and she stumbled but quickly regained her balance. She pretended to be even angrier and banged on her chest.
"She is such a child"
The older Namekians were watching the scene with smiles.
At some point the children were told to leave Sarada be for a moment. They were disappointed but obeyed.
"Alright, time to summon the dragon" Sarada gazed down at the balls with her hands on her hips. She was told the password and easily remembered it.
"Takkaraput pop porunga pupiritt paro!"