Chapter 42

Bulma found herself on king Kai's planet again. She was trying to gather energy from the planet to form a spirit bomb. It's harder than she thought. One really had to concentrate. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. Sarada would do this often. Close her eyes and slow her breathing. When asked why she always says it helps her sense her surroundings betters. It was her way of connecting with the energy of everything around her. Bulma thought that would help her in her endeavor. It did actually help. She blocked out all sounds and all thoughts. Her only focused was her breathing. Slowly she started to become aware of the energy around her. She could picture everything. The grass. The plants. The trees. Everything. She could feel the ki of the silly monkey Kai kept as a pet. She could sense the fast cricket as he did his own thing. She could sense the minor deity as he rode around in his car. She could sense a massive energy. Obviously it belonged to Sarada. It had a unique feel to it. She couldn't explain it. It was just different from everything else.


Sarada watched Bulma focus on everything around her. Slowly a white ball of energy began to form over her head. Sarada smiled. Look at that. She was doing it. She seems to have copied her.

Sarada stared while deep in thought. She thought about her mother. Her parents. She had proceeded with the check up she had declared. She had a feeling and she was right. After a couple of tests and a few teasing words here and there, Sarada concluded that her mother was expecting.

She was pregnant.

Sarada experienced multiple emotions after the discovery. The most prominent being joy. Pure joy. She was happy. She would soon have another younger sibling. Another young full blooded saiyan that she could mold. She smiled at the thought. She really hoped her mother brought a baby girl into the world. She was guessing she'd be a strong kid. Her father already went super saiyan even if he could not control it. That would count for something, would it not? Another girl seemed perfect. It would balance things out. Two girl and two boys. Two brothers , two sisters. Sarada couldn't wait. Her sibling would not be treated or raised as Sarada and her brothers. She would not be placed in an incubation chamber. She would not be given a rank upon her birth. She would be somewhat normal. She or he would have both parents and they would raise her or him. At least Gine would.

She sighed. She could quite possible have a younger sister. That would add another strong female into the world. She looked forward to it.

She blinked back into reality. Bulma was laughing as she held a massive ball of energy above her head.

"Sarada, I did it! "

"Yes you did. Way to go"

Bulma continued to laugh until she wasnt and stared up at the ball of collected energy she held above her. What now? What should she do with it? She was obviously not going to throw it. But how was she supposed to get rid of it. She looked down to Sarada, who was watching her. She was amused. Of course she was. She knew what she could do to get rid of the power above her head.

"How you holding up? "Sarada questioned innocently.

"Just tell me what I need to do" Bulma sighed. She eyed Sarada. She had a teasing smile playing on her lips as she watched, silently. Usually Bulma would love her eyes and total attention on her, but at the moment she did not. "Sarada don't play with me"

Sarada sighed. "But it's fun" her eyes glimmered. In all honesty she didn't mind leaving Bulma up there. She would just sit and stare all day. Why? Because with her hands in the air her shirt ran up her stomach. Sarada was not immune.

Bulma glared.

Sarada chuckled and tore her eyes off the exposed toned stomach.

"Absorb it"

"Absorb it? "

"Yes, make that energy your own. That solves your problem and give you a boost in power for the moment "

Bulma nodded and did as instructed. She focused on absorbing the energy. Pulling it into herself. Making it her own

King Kai stood next to his car watching. The girl had learned fast. He shouldn't be surprised. She was a saiyan and a genius. It would be odd if she did not learn it as soon as she did. She absorbed the collected energy with seeming ease. She learns very quick. It's time to move on to his next technique. Kaio-ken. He had a feeling she would go past times ten despite his warning. He won't even try to stop her. Sarada didn't listen. He doubt Bulma will.

Bulma came barreling towards Sarada the minute she got rid of the spirit bomb. The two collided and tumbled around. Sarada was laughing while Bulma tried very hard to injure her for being such a tease. Of course she could not because Sarada was stronger than her and easily stopped anything she tried to do.

"That wasn't very nice Bulma" Sarada scolded as she straddled the girl. She ended up on top in the end and Bulma seemed annoyed by that. One day she'll overpower the proud saiyan.

"That's what you get"

Sarada chuckled. "I was just having fun, why is that so bad? Am I not allowed to have fun? Some girlfriend you are "

"Oh shut up" Bulma groaned and pushed Sarada off her. Sarada landed on her back and made no move to get up. "What were you thinking about while you watched?"

"Lots of things" Sarada said. "Mainly mom"

"You'll have a baby sibling soon" Bulma said with a smile and poked Sarada in the side.

"Yeah, I hope its a girl"

"You'll put her through torturous training like you did Kakarot"

"It helped him grow, did it not? " Sarada gazed at the clouds. "Besides we'll have senzu now"

"You have an odd way of caring for your family "

"I'm only making them stronger so they can counter anything that happens in the future. That is my way of protecting my family. I don't care if it's odd or that it seems a bit cruel. What matters is that they are strong enough to protect themselves "

Bulma hummed. That was something she already knew about Sarada. She spent most of her life with her after all. It was no surprise. It's always nice to hear her talk about her goals. She puts away her cryptic nature for a moment when she does.

"You'll see that through to the end, won't you? "

"Of course I will. Who do you think I am? "

"You're an idiot"

"Why do you always call me an idiot? " Sarada questioned with a genuine look of confusion and curiosity.

"Because you are sometimes" Bulma shrugged and Sarada grumbled. "Well, at least you're my idiot"

"What a honor " Sarada said sarcastically.


Everything hurt. Krillin regretted everything. He never should have challenged Kakarot to a fight. He knew he was strong. He was warned against it by Kakarot himself. Did he listen? Of course not. Those warnings bounced right off his bald head. Now he was lying on the hot sand, in pain. Life sucked sometimes. He had gotten stronger but it was nothing compared to Kakarot or even Chichi. It was because they trained in that gravity machine. He tried once, but he gave up once he felt how strong just twice the gravity was.

"Are you alive? " Kakarot asked above him.

"Of course I am, why would you ask that? "

"You look like the type that would always die no matter what " Kakarot said bluntly. "Your shinny head probably attracts death himself"

Krillin-owned count: 4

"Why are you always so mean to me? "Krillin questioned to which he received a shrug.

"I don't think I'm being mean, I'm just saying what's on my mind. I can't help it if you're oversensitive"

Krillin-owned count: 5

"I give up"

"That's why you're so weak"

Krillin-owned count: 6

"Damn it Kakarot! "

"I'm just saying. If you want to get stronger you shouldn't give up so easily. Do you think I didn't work hard to get as strong as I am now? "Kakarot questioned with a strong look. "My sister put me through torture just so I could learn and grow. I never gave up, not once. Sarada wouldn't allow it. She'd beat the hell out of me if I even thought about giving up"

Krillin went white in the face the longer Kakarot talked about his sister. She sounded very scary and he hoped he never meets her. She was the one who trained Kakarot? Kakarot then went on to explain the hellish training he had to go through and Krillin shivered. No wonder he was so strong. And sometimes cruel. Why would his sister do such things?

"Because she cares"

"She cares? I doubt anyone who cares for you would beat you to an inch of your life" Krillin argued.

Kakarot only spared him a sideways glance. "I guess humans are different. Well I know they are"

"You talk as if you're not human yourself "

"That's because I'm not" Kakarot said. "Humans don't have tails"

So the tail was real. Krillin thought it was just some odd accessory the boy loved to wear.

"Oh, what are you then? "

"A saiyan. A warrior race"

"I guess that explains a lot"

"I'll introduce you to my sister sometime"

"You don't have to" Krillin laughed nervously. He absolutely did not want to meet his sister. She sounds like an insane person.

"You'll meet her at some point"

"I think Krillin is afraid of your sister" Came Chichi's voice from behind the boys. She could tell how scared Krillin was. She never understood why he was afraid of everything. He's weak willed as well.

"I am not! "

"Sarada told me that the voice increases in pitch when someone is lying" Chichi said as she noted the higher pitch of Krillin's voice. "You're not a good liar"

"So you've met her? "

"Yeah she's really nice although she can be a bit sadistic at times"

"She's nice? After everything Kakarot told me of her I can't really believe that"

"It's not nice to assume such a thing when you never met her" Chichi scolded.

"Yeah, my big sis is not mean. Well sometimes she is, but she's really nice overall. Plus she's pure of heart, something you'll never be if you continue as you are"

Krillin-owned count: 7

Krillin opened his mouth to reply but decided against it. It was two against one. He stood no chance.

"Where is your sister anyway? "Chichi asked.

"I don't know, she does her own thing" Kakarot shrugged. "She's probably on some unknown planet or something"

The fact that Kakarot said that so casually baffled Krillin. His sister is probably on some unknown planet. He says it as if it has happened before. It most likely did, didn't it? Krillin got himself involved with some weird people.

Before anything else could be said there was an angered shout followed by the sound of gunshots. The pre teens stood and watched as Master Roshi practically flew out of his little house with a blonde Launch chasing after him. She was busy loading her gun when the old man tried to look for cover.

"What do you think he did this time? "Kakarot asked.

"I have no idea but it obviously ticked her off" Chichi said as she watched the old man get pelted with bullets. "Too bad she sneezed while he was up to no good "

"Somebody should do something " Krillin said.

Silence. Kakarot and Chichi eyed the short boy.

"Damn it Kakarot"

"Shut up Krillin"

Krillin-owned count:8

"Why don't you do something about it, seeing as you brought it up? " Chichi question. "Let me guess, you're afraid"

Krillin-owned count:9

"I need new friends"

"As Bulma would say; you need to grow a pair of balls" Kakarot quoted.

Krillin-owned count: 10