Chapter 50

At the moment Sarada was doing a very important inspection. She was completely focust and would not tear her eyes away from her new observation. She turned it every which way, taking in its appearance. Weighing it. Judging its worth. She touched it differently to see its reaction and decide how it actually felt. She observed the sound it would let out at random times. She hummed and stared harder. She was about to do something else before her object of inspection was pulled out of her hands. She blinked, staring at her empty hands as if in shock.

"Hey, I wasn't done"

"Your mother doesn't trust you observing the kid like that" Bardock said simply as he held the baby girl very carelessly. Sarada eyed him skeptically and snatched her baby sister away from him.

"You can't even hold a child properly" Sarada held the infant in front of her. She was only a few days old and she was only now allowed to see her. She already had a full tuff of hair. That's saiyans for ya. She had a normal tail that was pretty strong, seeing as she tends to hang from it every now and then. The thing Sarada was very proud of was her power level. She's the strongest born of them yet. She surpassed her level of power at birth. She stands at a solid 8500. Sarada was hoping she would be at 10.000 but what she got is impressive no less.

"You're a strong one aren't ya? "Sarada asked the infant. In turn she received a happy gurgle. "Yup, I'm gonna train you the minute you learn how to walk"

"That's the spirit" Bardock grinned and turned to walk away. "I'm going to help my woman. Watch your sister"

"You do realize that mom does not want me alone with her, right? "

"What's the worse you can do? "

"Throw her off the roof to see if she can fly"

Bardock froze and rigidly turned to a smiling Sarada. She put up an innocent face as if if did not say what he heard. He sighed.

"Please do not do that"

Sarada smiled brighter and walked away without a word. She could make no promises. She was humming as she carried her baby sister into the lab. She would have to construct a restrictor for her. She sat at her desk and created a tiny cloud to place her sister on. At the moment the kid was shirtless, but Sarada saw it as no problem. It wasn't very cold and she could most definitely handle it.

"Big sis! "

Sarada glanced at the window just in time to see her brother come flying on. His eyes lit up when he saw the happy baby saiyan drifting on her little cloud. He was in front of her in less than a second and laughing like a fool. Even through his excitement he managed to carefully pick up the infant.

"Yo, I'm your big brother Kakarot" he said cheerfully and laughed at the happy sound he got from his younger sister. "I'm finally a big brother! I'm gonna be the best big brother"

Sarada watched him happily dance around with the baby in his arms. She was worried he might accidentally drop her, but he seemed to be very careful with how he held her. So she let him be and focused on creating a tiny armband for her sister.

"Wait didn't mom say she didn't want to leave you alone with baby sis? "

"Yeah, she should've known there was no keeping me from her. At least I won't throw her off the roof "

"How about Bulma? "Kakarot asked that with a shiver. He remembered the day Bulma kicked him off the roof very vividly.

"She won't be doing anything of the sort"

"Where is she anyway? "

Sarada shrugged as she retrieved a screwdriver.

"How do you not know. She's always by your side"

"Well, the urge to be around eachother constantly has faded somewhat so we can now do our own thing" Sarada said simply. "Although I still cannot understand why that urge surfaces in the first place"

"Alright" Kakarot was at her desk to place his sister on her cloud.

"What about you? Where's Chichi? "

"Oh, she went to see her dad" Kakarot informed and the blinked. "Wait.. "

"Chichi is always at your side, explain that" Sarada smirked.

"She likes to see the world and I go almost everywhere. Of course I bring her along"

Sarada nodded skeptically. "I won't call you an idiot because then I would be somewhat of a hypocrite, I think" Sarada had an amused tone to her voice. "But you are dense. Most likely as dense as me. I blame that on our father"

"What do you mean"

Sarada wondered if she was just as idiotic when it came to her relationship with Bulma. Even Kakarot noticed their feelings. Now Kakarot was the dense one because everyone can see that they like eachother. She didn't even know how to explain it to him.

"How about you take Chichi to that new amusement park that opened up. It's supposed to be in the sky or something " Sarada said casually.

"Why? "

"Amusement parks are a common place for dates I've heard"

"A date? You're telling me to take Chichi on a date "

"She'll appreciate it"

Kakarot stared at his sister as if she just told him to flap his arms and fly to the moon. Why would he need to take Chichi on a date . They're just friends.

"You're such an idiot, but then again I'm not one to talk" Sarada sighed. "Just take the girl out and tell me all about it later"

Before Kakarot could do anything a gust of wind pushed him out the window he came from. Sarada ignored his shout of shock and went back to her work.

"Hello Sarada"

"Hey Doc" Sarada waved at the old man and eyed him curiously. He was struggling to carry arms full of scrap metal. "Need help? "

"It's fine. I don't want to be a bother" he grunted and placed everything in his little corner. Sarada wondered what he was up to.

"If you say so" Sarada muttered. "Just call if you need someone to do the heavy lifting"

Sarada retrieved her glasses, pulling them on she scanned her work in progress. She wanted to get it over and done with as fast as she could so it's best she make as little mistakes as possible. Her interface detects any possible errors and points them out while adding suggestions. Integrating it into the glasses was splendid.

Sarada was too focused on her work to notice Bulma come stand behind her. The older girl was looking over her shoulder, inspecting her work in progress for some time. She then glanced at the sleeping baby that was lying on a white cloud. She could see the resemblance. Both Sarada and the baby had their mother's features and parts of their father's hair.

"What's her name? " Bulma asked as she slid a desk chair toward Sarada's little desk.

Sarada hummed, most likely registering the question. "It's not decided"

"How come? "

"Stubborn parents. One wants Lotus. The other wants Shallot"

"Saiyan names"

Sarada nodded and held up her little device. She presented it to Bulma with raised eyebrow. Bulma accepted and proceeded to inspect it carefully.

"Restrictor? "

"Yes. She's very strong and it's best I downtone it for now"

"A rubber outer layer "

"She can chew on it"

Bulma hummed with a shrug and returned it to Sarada. Said girl slipped the wristband onto the infant's tiny wrist. She was sound asleep and didn't even notice the contraption.

"Where's Kakarot? "Bulma quesytion. She had felt his ki nearby and thought he would still be around.

"I told him to take Chichi to the new park" Sarada mumbled as she ransacked her desk in search of something important. They had ran into the red ribbon army some time ago. They were easily taken care of and Sarada was sure the scientist's son lived. She didn't know where she had heard that Gero blames Kakarot for his death. The man was shot by a stray bullet. She doubt Kakarot had anything to do with that. Either way, she saved him when he almost died. A few days later she finds out that he's dead. After that she is alerted of the little device that was the cause of so much future destruction. That dumb ladybug device had already located them and was doing its research. She couldn't call it stupid. It was genius. She admired it but it was an enemy weapon. She didn't do much about it. Cell would be a challenge now. But she didn't want him to be unstoppable. She had her interface interfere with it's data collection on herself. She has unlimited potential. She did not know for sure if such a thing could be implanted into Cell and she did not want to find out. She also interfered with the bugs data collection on her father. He was a super saiyan and again she was not entirely sure how the bug worked so she needed to be careful. She would let the doc do his thing. She still wanted 16,17,18 and 21 to exist. Maybe Cell can be turned.

"Gotcha" Sarada seemed very cheerful after she found the chip she was looking for

"What's that? "

"I believe it's a memory chip " Sarada said. She herself was nite sure what it was, but it belonged to a red ribbon Android. "I'm going to create my own android"

Bulma had that smile of hers. "Can I help? This sounds fascinating "

"Of course, I can use all the help"

Sarada was looking forward to meeting Cell. She would get him in her lab one way or another. Be it forcefully or willingly she will have him. She smiled at the thought of it. So much more knowledge. So much more to try. She could create another Cell type Android that would of course not be evil. Such a creation would be very useful. And Android 21. She couldn't forcefully claim her. No. She was kind like 16. She would feel bad. She'd ask permission of course. If permission is not granted she will leave her be. But she could help with her bloodlust. Maybe she could tame it or something along those lines. She sighed. Cell and 21. Such magnificent creations. Dr. Gero had her respect. She wanted him on her side. Just imagine. Him and doc Brief working together. They would create world changing creations.

The gurgle of her baby sister is what snapped her out of her thoughts. She didn't sleep for long. Sarada retrieved the bag she carried with her and pulled out a bottle of still warm milk. She retrieved her sister and proceeded to feed her the delicacy.

"She's supposed to drink breast milk at this age"

"Uh-huh" Sarada nodded. "Who's to say I don't have breast milk in this bottle"

"Is it breast milk? "

Sarada grinned not revealing the truth.

"Don't tell me then" Bulma sighed and stared at the overly happy baby. "She's so happy "

"Yeah I know. She's always smiling" Sarada said. "I don't even know what to think about this joyous baby. She's literally a bundle of joy"

"I'm curious, what would our kid look like? "

"Like us? " Sarada raised an eyebrow. "The kid needs to have my hair and that is definite "

"Why? "

"That would prove I have the more dominate genes" Sarada said as she thought of how Vegeta's kids with Bulma always had her hair while Kakarot kids had his own. But then again that doesn't mean the gene pool is weak. Or does it? She was expecting a mini Vegeta to be birthed. And Kakarot produced a mini Kakarot at some point. Sarada realized that she ruined the second child thing of her family. Kakarot was the second child and he had his father's hair. Goten was the second child and he had his father's hair. Now Kakarot is the third child.

Oh well.

"Have it your way" Bulma sighed. "I don't care whether or not they have your hair or mine. They just have to be our biological offspring "

"Yeah yeah" Sarada was very casual. "We're kinda young to be talking about this"

"I suppose" Bulma smiled. "We'll most likely produce a girl so we'll name her Bulla"

"The hell we will! "

"Do you have a name? "

"Not right now, but it's not gonna be Bulla"


"I'm serious"