"Oracle fish"
Currently a certain Angel had his eyes on the crystal ball on his staff. He had discovered something interesting a few years ago. He paid it or rather her little mind, but his interest grew the longer he watched. Curious creature she is. Her power was somewhat impressive for a supposed lower class saiyan. She grows rapidly, far faster than he has seen any saiyan. He discovered that she had god Ki as well. She is just full of surprises isn't she? Should he let het continue? He found her existance to be somewhat of a cheat. Where did she come from? He himself was not sure. Was she supposed to exist in the first place? He'll have a talk with his sister about this. She could prove to know more than him. Being older and all.
He hummed, his eyes never straying. She's strong, he'll admit. Not impressively so, but looking at how fast she acquired that power made him think different. And that was not even her full potential. It was limitless. Endless. There is no limit for her to break simply because she has none. She will continue to grow stronger. And seeing as she grows so fast, she could prove to be a very capable student and adversary.
He tilted his head back as the oracle fish came bouncing into the room. The creature stopped just before him, a curious glint in her eyes.
"You called? "
"Yes" Whis showed the fish the image of his person of interest. "I am curious about her. She's very powerful. I do remember you telling lord Beerus a prophecy or two"
The fish seemed to go into deep thought, rolling this way and that. Did she really? She couldn't remember, despite it just being a few years ago. What had she told him that made him go to sleep again? She sighed and rolled again.
"Take your time"
She nodded and stared at the ceiling. She blinked. Oh, that's it.
"Super saiyan god" she said in rememberamce. "I told him he would face a super saiyan god"
"Yes, however there was something else too, wasn't there? "
"Yeah, something about.... " about what? She twisted and turned again. Of course she lost her memory of the second prophecy. "It's about another saiyan, or is it the same? "
Whis let the fish take her time as he continued to observe the child. She seemed to be the patient type, a bit unusual for saiyans. He hardly cared about the supposed foe they were facing. She could defeat any foe if she felt like it. She wanted something from the experience or situation. An ally would be birth from the situation as she had said.
"A saiyan that will surpass all! " the fish exclaimed, suddenly remembering . "One who's potential is not limited and who's knowledge exceeds many"
Yes, exactly as he thought. That potential and supposed knowledge makes het highly dangerous. To Beerus. To him and to everyone else. However. It also makes her quite the fascinating character.
"This Sarada would make an interesting God of destruction "Whis noted with interest. Interesting indeed. He smiled.
"Planning on replacing Beerus already? "
Whis did not reply. There was silence for a long while. "This saiyan can rival and surpass Beerus with the right training. Of course it would happen very quickly too, with the rate with which she grows"
The oracle fish tilted her head in question.
"I do believe Beerus will enjoy a good fight with her"
"I guess"
Whis went silent again as he watched her. She was still nothing but a fledgling at the moment. Her power was nothing compared to many other creatures in the fast unknown of the galaxy. She did not touch the millions yet. Because of that he refrained from contacting her. However, seeing as she rapidly grows he reconsidered. How much stronger would she become just by training under him for a year? Half a year? Three months? One month?
By estimation she would surpass the millions within a month's time. Or maybe sooner.
"I find her to be quite fascinating for a mortal"
"That's new"
Indeed it was. Whis hardly paid mortals any mind. They come and go. Their lifespan almost laughable. He must admit that their food is quite delicious. Thinking about it, he realized he never had earth food. Ah, well, he would need to see to it that he fixes the error in his ways.
Althoight Beerus would feel oh so betrayed if he discovered some delicacy on his own.
No one said he had to detail his years while he slept, however.
"I wish to converse with this Saiyan"
"Do what ever it is you want. Just don't forget to feed me"
"Yes of course. You have been a great help today. I shall reward you with an extra feed"
It was amusing to watch the fish light up in joy. Her eyes sparkled at the promise and prospect.
Whis chuckled before directing his attention back to his person of interest.
A visit is long over due .
"You may have defeated my sons, but you are no danger to me"
Sarada quirked a brow at that. Before her stood King Piccolo in all his young glory. She wondered. He already had eternal youth. He was already more than three times stronger than before. What else could he want? Why did he see the need to gather the dragon balls? Typical of a villain, no? They already have power yet they crave more.
She furrowed her brows.
Sounds a lot like the typical saiyan.
Her eyes shifted to the form of her younger sister. She was entirely focused on the enemy before her. She saw her grip her fists and relax multiple times. Her tail twitched in the air, an excited swish was added every now and again. Her eyes absolutly glimmered with the siayan lust for battle that she adopted from her father.
And Kakarot.
Sarada sighed.
And herself. She couldn't necessarily help it. She was a saiyan through and through. The prospect of battle excited her, even if her opponent can never match her strength. Her tail was just as eager as it twitched in the air. Her fists itched. A small smirk was spreading across her face. How she longed for a fight right now. It had been a good while.
She relaxed her fists. As excitable as she may be, she was still a very calm and patient person. Her lust for battle never overpowers her rational and very logical senses and thought. She let out a breath, her tail coming around her waist. She shrugged her shoulders, an air of calm nonchalance settling over her.
Kakarot sat on his cloud, his tail betraying his excitement. He grinned brightly as he took in the form of Piccolo. He then looked to the watch on his wrist. If he lowered his power to match that of Piccolo it be a very pleasant fight for him. Piccolo would actually have a chance to wound him. To stand on somewhat equal grounds.
It was tempting.
"You really believe we are nothing compared to you? "Bardock asked with a scoff. The ignorance of this namekian. It was very clear to him that he could not sense their power despite his other half having this crucial ability. They say ignorance is bliss. In this creatures case ignorance amounts to his death.
"This is very underwhelming " Bulma sighed. "We found you in just a few minutes. We defeated every one of your sons. We've taken the dragon balls. Now we just defeat you. I was hoping for something a bit more exciting"
"I agree" Chichi nodded. "Don't you have some grand attack up your sleeve or something? "
"Why do you even need the dragon balls? You have eternal youth and you're very powerful. What else do you want? "Kakarot asked in genuine curiosity.
Lotus eyed him up and down, a childish curiosity that was soon replaced with a calculating gaze. She folded her arms over her chest, not looking very impressed. She pouted in dismay.
"It's immortality, isn't it? "The words were said in a childish whine as she fell back into the air. "That's so predictable. Couldn't you be more original? "
Piccolo glared at the child, who did not seem one bit intimidated by him. How dare she insult him by speaking to him in such a manner? She didn't know who she was dealing with. She did not know the power of the mighty King Piccolo. He was the true ruler of this pathetic planet. Humans are such weak creatures. How did they think they could even come close to his power?
He'll just have to show them how ignorant they are.
No one bated an eye when Piccolo suddenly appeared before the "unsuspecting" Lotus. She was still sprawled out in the air when the Namekian appeared before her, malicious smirk in place and body bent. He was set for what he thought was a good enough attack to teach the child a lesson.
Lotus didn't right her position or even move as his hand reached for her neck. She watched the action, following his every movement. When his hand came to wrap around her neck and sharp nails dug into her flash, she didn't react. She looked him in the eye. Her expression one of childish bordem. He squeezed, almost laughing, thinking he had the upper hand.
He opened his mouth to speak. He would surely gloat and belittle the child. However, such a luxury was not something he could afford for a little foot met his throat. He was sent flying through the air with the force of the kick. He was shocked by the power behind the attack. The power the toddler so easily possessed.
Lotus drifted in the air, her hand coming up to rub her neck. Her tail slipped around her waist, holding up the slack pants she had on. She tilted her head, eyes finding her parents.
"I wish to play"
Gine sighed while Bardock smirked. Gine knew there was no stopping her daughter when she wanted to "play" as she says. It's best to just let her get it out of her system. If not she'll be very very very hyperactive for the rest of the day. It was hard to deal with her in that state.
Bardock just felt pride wel up in his chest. He raised her right. He would not stand in the way of her and a good fight. She was free to do to anything she wanted to the cocky namekian. He had no idea who he was up against.
"Have fun" Bardock nodded.
Gine sighed again, but resigned with a smile. "You've been very good these past few days. I don't see why not"
She grinned brightly and joyously. With a sound of complete childish glee she did a flip in the air, practically bouncing in her excitement. She pumped her fists multiple times, just waiting for Piccolo to return to her. Just waiting to have her fun. Just aching to play.
She giggled as she spun around.
"I'm gonna have so much fun, big sis! "
"I know" Sarada watched her go around happily. "Take it easy on the poor guy"
Lotus nodded obediently.
"Don't break too many bones" Kakarot added. "It's no fun when they can't get back up"
She nodded again and was suddenly in front of the unsurprised Sarada.
"Will you take me out for ice cream after this? "
"Whatever you want, little flower"
She almost squealed at the words.
"And then we'll train and play video games and you'll teach me more about science and engineering"
There came a shout of complete rage as Piccolo reappeared. Lotus turned her attetion to him immediately, a smile on her lips. She was gone within moments, intent on having a good fight.
Sarada watched her go, a smile of pride on her face.
"Boy, do I love my crazy little sis"
Bulma glanced at her. She wasn't very much surprised about that statement. Despite what Gine had said and wanted Lotus spent and spends much time with her older sister. She spends much time with Bulma as well. She's adorable. Bulma always says that. It's no lie. She kid was just so cute. She couldn't help herself around her. It helped that the kid loved hugs and cuddles. Her personality is very interesting. She's practically a normal toddler that enjoys what ever it is that toddlers enjoy.
But when she gets the chance to fight the kid can be very calculating. She spends a good deal watching her opponent before the fight starts.
If she watches long enough her victory is already determined.
Lotus evaded a ki blast with ease. As she drifted before the very cranky namekian she held a childish smile. It pissed him off. She knew this. When one is angry enough they can ignore all rational thought. If she gets to him enough he'll charge blindly and leave himself right open. Her attack from before had damaged his throat, but as expected it seemed he had healed. No worries. She enjoyed the fact that he could heal. Very fascinating. He growled at her. She smiled brighter. He did not like the fact that he was being matched by a child. That made him angrier. The chance of him going blindly became even higher.
She drifted closer to him. He didn't back down, but she saw the way he tensed. She had been watching him since she arrived. His very demeanor was observed and broken down. She knew exactly how he ticked. She knew what would anger him. What would make him question. What would break him
Ah, the wonders of battle.
Sarada still held a smile. Yes, her little sister was a genius in battle just like she had been. A very calculating mind when it came to fighting. One that is abandoned when anything else is involved. She studies her opponent and uses what she had discovered against them.
It works very well. Sarada could personally attest.
[Sarada, there is something I believe you will find to be very crucial knowledge]
Sarada blinked at the sound of her interface. She zoned out for a moment, her focus on the words heard in her head. She question her system, waiting patiently for an answer.
[As you know the angel Whis has taken a great interest in you. I am afraid he will come find you sooner or later. I do not know of his intentions]
She blinked again, a cold sweat suddenly breaking out.
This was way too soon. She did not expect him to come to her. She didn't think she would interest him enough. She's still weak. Her power was not at the level to impress him yet. Why would he want to find her?
Bulma noticed Sarada's change of behavior. She quirked a brow at the almost pale saiyan next to her. Sarada then shook her head and sighed. Soon, color returned to her.
"What's up? "Bulma asked.
"The sky" Sarada looked at her, eyes displaying amusement at the way Bulma's brow twitched.
"Sarada, don't make me hit you"
"But it's true" Sarada chuckled.
"Don't play this off. Something was bothering you" Bulma tugged on the other's shirt, pulling them closer. Sarada couldn't fool her nne bit. She noticed her nervous she was even if it didn't last long. "What's wrong"
"Nothing" Sarada lied, knowing Bulma would not buy ut. The other knew her too well. It seemed that knowing just increased when she gained the title of her wife. Wives know everything, after all.
Bulma glared for a moment. Her grip on Sarada's shirt loosend and she pulled away. Her eyes softened when she met Sarada's own. Black eyes swimming with reassurance, promise and a plea.
"Fine, I'll drop it for now" Bulma let go of her, but drifted closer. "Promise to tell me later? "
She received a nod and a soft smile.
"You better not pull anything out of your ass"
Sarada bit her bottom lip in an attempt to drown her urge to laugh at the words. She didn't know why it was so funny to her.
"I promise not to pull anything out of my ass"