As expected Sarada was no match for Whis. In less then thirty minutes Sarada was taken down with the simple chop to the neck. Bulma was dealt the same fate and the two woke up in the grass together. Whis was standing nearby and casually greeted them as they sat up in slight confusion. Confusion turned to realization which turned to determination. Sarada was on her feet in an instant ready to go again. She would land a hit this time. Hopefully. She'll try her hardest.
"My neck" Bulma groaned as she stood. She had a hand on her neck as she slowly rolled her head in an effort to relieve the pain. It was a slight ache that seriously irritated her. Neck pain was the worse. How was Sarada not in the same state? She suffered the same attack. It most likely had to do with the adrenalin her excitement brought. It's either that or the pain was nothing to the younger saiyan. The latter seemed very possible as well.
Sarada opened her mouth to challenge Whis again when she saw familiar objects on the ground. She frowned as she looked from them to Whis and back.
"No more fighting?"
Whis smiled and nodded
"We need to lift those, don't we? "
Another nod and Sarada sighed.
Bulma eyed them suspiciously. She did not expect simple lifting training. She was the first before a pair of the things, bending down to slip her arms into them. She let out a slow breath as she steadied herself and pulled up. Surprise was soon on her face as the thing didn't even budge. It was heavier than she had expected and no matter how hard she tried she could not pull it up. How was she supposed to lift the things without breaking her back? How? Whis needed to explain this because she calculated the angle at which her back would be if she were to lift this and was sure the weight of the objects would cause disasters. No way in hell could she lift them and not break her spine.
Next to her Sarada was struggling with the weights as well. She was hoping beyond hope that Whis did not do what he had done to Vegeta and Kakarot. She did not think she and Bulma would make it. From the way he was smiling as he watched their struggle she was beginning to lose her hope. With renewed determination she gathered all her strenght and silently prayed for her back. This was a terrible exercise. She could hear her teeth grind against each other as she pulled with every ounce of strenght she had until finally, finally she lifted it. It was mere inches, but she did it. Her joy would not be dampended by the incredible strain she felt on her back. It would hurt soon. It would hurt terribly.
"Very good Sarada" Whis complemented before his eyes traveled to Bulma. "I would advise you to follow your lover's example Bulma"
"I'm trying" She really was. "What's the point of this? I swear I'll break my back"
"Come now, I'm sure you'll survive" Whis said calmly. "Maybe I should employ punishment if you do not succeed"
Bulma groaned at those words and tried to find any hidden strenght she had left. She did not want to know what type of punishment Whis could deal.
"You can do it Bulma" Sarada encouraged even as she struggled to keep the things up. It was sure to cut off her blood flow soon.
Whis seemed very entertained as he watched Bulma struggle. It took her around five minutes to finally lift her own weights. Her laugh of victory was strained as she too struggled to hold them up.
"Very good. Very good" Whis clapped. "Now you must make an entire lap around this planet while carrying those weights"
"Damn it" Sarada was hoping he didn't say that. She really was. She also hoped he did not start deleting the ground beneath their feet. She was not prepared for that.
"You've got to be kidding me! " Bulma could hardly keep the things up. How was she supposed to even take one step?. "You're trying to kill us"
"You will be punished if you fail" Whis said simply. After a few seconds the two still did not move and a smile appeared on Whis' face. "You will be separated as punishment. We don't want that, now do we? "
Bulma was seriously starting to hate the angel now.
Sarada was slightly relieved he did not start pulling the ground from right under them. Although she did not like the punishment he promised to deal. With that in her mind she glared down at her feet, demanding them to move. A lap around the entire planet would surely take an entire day. Or more perhaps. Most likely actually. She was going to die, wasn't she?
"Hey Bulls" Sagrada called, her voice breaking as she strained to hold the weights up.
"What?" Bulma had replied through gritted teeth as she too furiously demanded her feet to move
"You think you can do it? "
"I don't know, you? "
Sagrada chuckled, sounding a bit nervous as she slowly dragged her foot over the ground. She was making progress. It was painstakingly slow. But it was progress.
"I might break my spine and die"
Bulma almost laughed at the words. At least she knew Sarada was struggling as much as her.
"Same here"
"I would advise against breaking your back if you do wish to bare children" Whis quiped in. His words made the both of them look at him with clear accusation.
"You're the one putting us through this"
"I know. That is why I warned you" he smiled. The smile could be disguised as a kind smile, but the two knew better.
They looked away from him, deciding not to focus on him anymore. They needed all their attention on the task at hand. Their mission seemed impossible, but they would push through.
"We can do this" Sarada mumbled to herself as her foot slowly moved forward. She could do it.
"It's going to take a while though" Bulma grunted as she finally manages to move her foot. She was starting to feel the painful strain in her back. It would be a miracle if she could stand up straight after this.
"We'll make it anyway"
She was hungry. Damn it. She was starving and she wasn't even sure they even made half of the lap. She was soaked to the bone in her own sweat. Her legs were being severely punished and she could hardly feel them at this point. She didn't know if she could go for much longer. She wanted to stop and give up more time than she thought she would. She was not very proud of that and was definitely not going to give in. She would complete the impossible task even if it kills her. Someone would bring her back to life anyway. And going by how hard it was to breathe at the moment she was very confident that she would actually keel over and die. She'll be seeing king Kai soon enough. He probably missed her stupid jokes.
"I swear to god if you're thinking about dying right now, Sarada"
She almost froze when she heard Bulma's voice. It had an edge to it. The one that told her not to question anything she said and to be on her very best behavior.
"Whatever gave you that idea? "
Bulma could read her like a book and could tell when she was thinking something ridiculous and stupid.
"Go ahead and die. See if I won't bring you back to kill you again myself" Bulma threatened darkly.
Sarada bit her lip to try to contain the nervous chuckle that tried to break free. If she laughed she was in more trouble. Typical Bulma. Showing her concern by death threats.
"Fine" Sarada huffed as she moved her feet steadily across the ground. She could feel the muscles in her legs tremble. Her arms were faring no better since the blood flow had been interrupted by the weights. Her arm was pale from her fingers to just before her elbow where the metal hold of the weighs were to be found. There was going to be an obvious mark left behind.
"I won't die" she grunted as she forced her other foot forward. She was moving faster than she had been when she started, but it wasn't any easier. "In fact I'll finish this lap before you"
"The hell you will" Bulma was not about to be beaten and let Sarada gloat. Definitely not. "I'll beat you to the finish"
"Sure you will"
"I will, just you wait" Bulma pushed herself to move faster than she had before, determined to get ahead of the grinning Sarada. "When I win I'll be wanting a reward"
"That's my line" Sarada increased her speed as much as she could as well. She was definitely not losing. She had a very delicious reward in mind and it would be her motivation to victory.
Whis quirked a brow as the two started walking faster. The two were interesting to observe. They kept up with each other, not leaving the other behind. Now, however competition had been added and all they wanted was to leave the other behind. They had an interesting dynamic going on. The angel already knew how the two should be trained. They were motivated by each other and that is something he would use. The threat of separating them helps as well. It was amusing to think such a thing would scare then enough to push their bodies as they were. He would offer a bit of encouragement but it seemed as though they had found their own. Whoever wins their little race would be rewarded by the other. It was not hard for him to imagine what those rewards would entail. The smile and gleam in Sarada's eyes said more than enough. It just further proved his point on them being motivation to each other. Even if the motivation at the moment was highly questionable.
He wondered if there was anyway to make them move faster. He was being selfish in his reasoning for such a thing, but he really did want another of those cakes. Sarada had informed him that Bulma was a very good cook.
Kind of her to so easily offer her wife as tribute.
Whis stood silently before the pair of saiyans. Both were lying face first on the ground a panting mess.They finished a lot sooner than he expected. He was slightly impressed. It would seem the two had no energy left to pick themselves off the ground. Nor did they have enough energy to bicker about the winner of their race. They hardly had energy to breathe as it was.
"Are you quite alright?"
No answer came from them. That was answer enough for the angel. He took in their sorry forms, debating whether or not he should actually help them.
"I..... "Sarada wheezed, barely able to get that one letter out. Still she managed to smile slightly at Bulma next to her. "I w-won"
Bulma somehow managed to scoff and look away from the smiling Sarada.
"Shut up"
Sarada laughed. The laugh was strained and quickly turned into a wheezing cough as she struggled with breathing. Whis could not help the twitch of his lips at the rather pathetic sight. He should put them out of their misery. The faster they recover the sooner he'll have another cake.
With a touch of his staff they were restored to a previous state. There was not a drop of sweat on them. No aches in their muscles. No struggle for air.
"Wow" Sarada was the first on her feet and dusted off her clothes. "That's impressive"
Bulma nodded in agreement. She did not stand, preferring to pull herself into a seated position.
"Could your healing ability be taught? "Sarada wondered. "Would you mind teaching me? I already have a healing talent but it's not as instanious as your own"
"I suppose" was the only reply as the angel faced away from them. "Follow me"
Sarada was already moving after him. She had to stop in surprise when he was no longer before her. Instead he had gotten a few feet away. He was not serious.
Bulma quickly scrambled to her feet, taking off after the quickly disappearing Whis. He was obviously going to leave them behind if they lost sight of him.
Sarada quickly followed, racing after the angel with Bulma. She was at her side within seconds and earned a challenging look before Bulma took off ahead of her.
Sarada did not increase her pace and only watched for a time.
"Looks like I'll be taking another win"she smiled as she pumped her legs. "How I'll love my rewards"