Because some people don't believe I'll continue this story or any other for that matter

Standing before capsule corp Sarada had many thoughts in mind. She would be heading to the lookout after checking in with the family. She wondered how they all were. The last time she saw them was around five days ago. It's not long but her family gets up to many things and theres no telling what could have happened in that short amount of time. It was rare that they all be present, but they were at the moment. Usually Kakarot is at Roshi with Chichi and Krillin. Lotus tends to follow him there, go to the lookout or visit the cloud master. The fact that those two were home was unusual. But then again she did tell them that she would be coming.

"Everyone's home" Sarada uttered out loud as she approached the doors. She could sense ki near the door. It was easy enough to determine who was approaching.

"Lotus is about ready to pounce" Bulma commented with clear amusement as she followed after the unfazed Sarada. It had happened enough times already. She had gotten used to it and reacted automatically.

"I can tell" Sarada stopped before the door, staring for a moment. "Do you think she'll come off with the usual fist assault or a ki blast straight off?"

"It could go either way, she's rather unpredictable" Bulma shrugged.

"She's gotten stronger. I'm curious"

With those words Sarada gripped the door. She paused a moment for the suspense before pushing the door open. She blinked in slight surprise when she came face to face with a full charged Kamehameha wave. That was very unpredictable. Lotus must have timed the attack perfectly for this moment. Sarada was insanely impressed with her younger sister even as she faced a fatal attack. However, no matter how powerful the attack or fast she was stronger and faster. With a careful sidestep she watched the beam of ki shoot past her. She expected an explosion. She expected the beam to hit the small building that stood nearby. To her surprise the beam curved up into the sky at the last minute.

Who taught her that?

Before the question could be asked Sarada was face to fist with a six year old saiyan. Her excitement was clear by the gleeful laugh she let out when her fist connected, sending Sarada a few feet away.

"I missed you big sis!" She was a blur to the eye as she flew through the air, stopping just inches away from the unharmed but very impressed Sarada. Her older sister smiled as she rubbed her cheek.

"That actually hurt" Sarada chuckled. "I can still feel it. Well done"

Her response came in the form of a childish giggle and her little sister in her arms.

"Are you staying for long? Can I come with you again? Please? I'll be good. Whis is cool. I want to train with you guys again" the words left her in a stream. Sarada was used to it and caught every word with ease as she returned to the door. She saw Bulma quietly approaching and knew her younger sister would not be in her arms for long.

"Hello Lotus"

Sarada noted the higher pitch in voice as Bulma reached for the child in her arms. She almost pulled away, just to mess with her, but knew that would end terribly. So she let it happen. The two loved each other. That was clearly shown when Lotus jumped into Bulma's awaiting arms.


"Should I be worried?" Sarada questioned as she fell in step. "I feel as if you're more excited to see Bulma then you are me"

"i love Bulma" Lotus said cheerfully.

"Yeah I know. I love her too. She's amazing isn't she?"

"Yup, super amazing. She's the best"

"Now hold on" Sarada stopped Lotus from continuing her praise. "You're saying she's better than me?"

"Sounds that way to me" Bulma smirked.

"That's cold" Sarada sighed. "I'm the older sister. I should be the best"

"You always say I'm the best"

"Yes you are to me and I'll likely say it many more times, but you cannot be the best to my sister. Absolutely not"

"She's the best" Lotus repeated.

"Rub it in my face why don't you"

"And you're the greatest" Lotus gave her a thumbs up with an adorable smile even Sarada couldn't resist. She grinned in return enjoying the praise from her younger sister.

"You got that right. I'm the greatest and will forever be" Sarada nodded to herself as if what she was saying was a well known fact. It could be when it comes to her. She's good at almost everything.

"Yup. You are the greatest because you let me come with you when you leave" Lotus smiled innocently as she said that. Sarada almost stopped her stride, realizing what Lotus was doing. She narrowed her eyes at her manipulating younger sister. That's dirty. Stoking her ego just to make her say yes. Very dirty and very smart.

"Bulma, you taught her this didn't you? My sister does not manipulate"

Bulma looked away, a smile threatening to bloom on her face. She may or may not have taught Lotus a thing or two about manipulating one Saiyan Sarada.

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Yeah it was Bulma" Sarada sighed before turning her attention back to her grinning sister knowing what she was doing the manipulation would not work on hsr. Although it did make her wonder whether or not Lotus had been lying about her being the greatest. She would however, not say no to her sister. She was allowed to bring her along. She was allowed to bring any of her family she wanted to. But if she said yes it would be like giving in to the manipulation.

Her first thought was to say No, but then she was met with big adorable eyes and a pleading pout. She cursed to herself again. It was the work of Bulma for sure. Bulma taught her this too. She knows too much. They spend too much time together.

"Don't look at me like that"

"Oh come on, let her tag along" Bulma voiced.

"I don't want to give in"

"Please" Bulma pleaded adding her own puppy eyes for good measure.

"You two are terrible. Bulma you are a terrible influence" Sarada muttered with a groan. She admitted defeat, being too weak to say no to those two.

"Ha!"Lotus jumped. "It worked!"


An explosion was followed by a loud shout which was followed by a bright light. Sarada stood on the balcony overlooking the back yard and the building used for training. The building was right there and yet her brother and father chose to train outside. She stared down at them sternly. Half the garden was gone already. She even lost some of the senzu she was planting. Do those two never learn? Do they even know how long it takes to plant those things? She should have known they would not be safe on earth. At least not around her crazy family. She had hope for no reason. She'll have to plant them on King Kai's planet after all. Or maybe she could reconstruct the hyperbolic chamber for that purpose. It would prove to be very beneficial. Each day she can just go in and collect them. She'll have to talk to Kami about that when she goes to the lookout.

Another explosion ripped her out of her thoughts. She blinked her eyes into focus only to narrow them at the sight of her totaled senzu garden.

That's it.

"Kakarot! Dad! "

Bulma and Lotus stood silently aside and watched an annoyed Sarada fly towards her brother and father in a flash. They had a pretty clear image of what was to come. Poor dumbassess. They knew she had plants in the garden. They knew that training out in the open would result in massive destruction. Did that stop them? Of course not. They're carelessness will be their undoing. Sarada would punish them harshly for the crime they committed.

"How bad do you think she'll hurt them?" Lotus wondered as she drifted slightly above Bulma. She earned a shrug in reply which left her curiosity unsatiated. The last time the two did something to annoy Sarada they ended up with serious injuries. She let them suffer by refusing to heal them or give them any senzu. They had to heal up naturally which took a while. Which meant no training of any sort.

They did get a massive zenkai out of it.

So there was that.

Lotus watched with slight amusement as the guilty saiyans tried to retreat. The minute they saw Sarada they knew they were in danger. Kakarot was the first to run while Bardock put on a strong show. He stood his ground and got ready for anything his daughter was about to throw it him. When he saw her raise her hand he froze. When a ball of ki began to form in the palm of her hand he felt sweat run down his forehead. Sarada hardly used ki attacks. When she did that meant serious trouble. He would end up worse than he did last time. He didn't like to run away so when the urge appeared he cursed himself. Sarada was his daughter. He should not run from her. But that daughter was out of his league. Far out of his league. She could kick his ass a million times over.

"He doesn't even know what to do right now, does he? " Bulma stated as she observed the still Bardock. He was obviously debating with himself. "His common sense is telling him to flee while his saiyan nature and pride would not allow him. How many times has this happened to him already? He always stood his ground against her and always ended up defeated terribly. "Poor guy"

"Dad's gonna be the first to go" Lotus shook her head. She pitied him at the moment. "I feel sorry for him"

"There's nothing we can do" that's a lie. Bulma knew damn well that she could just swoop down there and save their asses. She just needed to convince Sarada to leave them be. She would listen very easily. She could do that.

She didn't want to.

"What's going on?"

Bulma quickly glanced at Gine when the question was asked. One look was all she needed. She placed everything together. The fact that Sarada actually blasted her father with a ki attack was a factor as well. She hardly attacked with ki.

"I told them not to train outside" Gine shrugged. "It's their own fault now"

"Kakarot that idiot" Chichi had silently joined them on the balcony. She couldnt see the idiot she was talking about,but she could sense him. "He ran with his tail between his legs"

"After what Sarada did to him last time it's understandable and sensible" Bulma said.

Silence fell over the women as they watched the pitiful display before them. That one ki blast had enough power to force Bardock to the ground. His impact was strong enough to create a crater. That didn't happen though. The planet would not allow that. Must be seriously painful either way. He was hardly moving. The girls swore they heared a couple of bones crack from all the way over there.

"That's gotta hurt" Lotus winced as she practically felt her father's pain.

Sarada hovered before his sad form for a moment before disappearing. She reappeared within a second, holding a struggling Kakarot tightly by the collar.

"H-hey big sis" he chuckled nervously as he refused to meet her eyes. "How have you been?"

"You know what you've done, don't you?"

"I-I.. Well... Yeah, kinda. I'm sorry about the senzu"

"What did I tell you about training out in the open?"

"I know we're not allowed to, but well.... I have no excuse" Kakarot slumped as he failed to come up with anything believable.

"Well then" Sarada's tone was very casual, which made Kakarot very uneasy. Without warning his body was yanked back before being flung to the ground with incredible power. He screamed in shock and terror as he was sent flying.

"Dumbass" was all Chichi had to say as she watched him crash into the ground. The impact was heard. The pain was echoed through them. They felt sorry for him while at the same time they didn't. He brought it on himself. Both of them did.

"I would order you two to plant them back for me, but you idiots have zero magic ability" Sarada glared down at her father and brother. "Instead you're going to collect any beans you can find in this messed up garden and put them away. I want you to count everyone of them and if the wrong amount is given you will be punished severely"

"Yes ma'am"