Night of the living ghost

I ran back to the stage, to find Bella and Blackmidnight looking around.

"Stella!! Why the heck where you scream'n!?"

Bella yelled.

"I-I heard a strange noise. And I heard a creepy voice."

"Hahahahah! That is a really good story! You should write a book about that!"

Bella thought this was all a joke, but I was telling the truth! Then another crash came.


Bella screamed.

"I see why you was scared before!"

All of us walked over to where the identified voice was coming from, I even saw Blackmidnight scared for the first time. Then, we all saw in the hallway, a shadow run across our eyes


We all jumped. Then, we saw a silhouette in the hallway.

We started to run


The ghost yelled. This time, her voice sounded normal, like a 4 year old girl, a familiar voice.

"Excuse me, what is your name?"

I asked.


She answered. The name sounded so familiar, I just couldn't remember....

But then she showed her full self.