
Shiloh grabbed her backpack, hiding the second brief case inside. Shiloh ran downstairs , pausing for a moment in front of the door. She took a few deep breaths in, not sure she was prepared to head out into this chaos. Peeking outside, her street looked quiet . No one alive, nobody undead. Holding a black handgun tightly against her chest, she pried the door open, closing and locking it quickly behind her. Taking in her surroundings there was still no sign of anything. Screams were heard in the distance but nothing in her way.

The young girl held her breath, sprinting down the dark street. Her eyes raced around , trying to reach the woods as quickly as possible. With a few blocks to go she focused forward. Her heart dropped in her chest, a low roar approaching her from behind. Still sprinting forward , she turned around a trio of the undead catching up to her. Never having shot a gun before, she held it outward with shaky hands . In one swift moment she let out three shots, each bullet penetrating their temples. In complete shock she dropped to the ground, still holding the gun close to her. It all came so natural - as if there was something lingering inside of her.

These survival like instincts raced through her head, as if they had always been there unavailable for her use.

An eerie silence filled the street, causing her to stand back up and continue racing towards the entrance of the woods. Her goal now was to head up to the Arklay Mountains and visit the Spencer Mansion. Having spent much of her childhood there, Shiloh was determined to find out what went so wrong.

After what seemed like hours of trudging through forestry, the bright lights of the mansion could be seen in the distance . The only noise in the air had been from wild dogs circling the residence.

The air was thick and held a terrifying wave of silence. The front door had been wide open, but no noise could be heard from anything now. Carefully the approached the entrance, peering inside to make sure it was not a trap. Once inside she shut the door behind her, finding her way into the dining hall. Corpses covered the floor, the stench unbearable. Racing back into the front area, footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.

Shiloh gasped , pointing her gun out towards the source. After a few agonizing moments of suspense, a young man with brown hair made his way down to her, hands up in the air to show he was not a threat.

"Alpha Team member Chris Redfield here, are you alright?"

"I-I didn't expect anyone to still be here..."

"We already swept the place clean if you're looking to hide out here -"

"No... I came here to find something..."

"I don't think there's anything of interest to you in here, you better leave while you still can..."

"No, I need answers. Umbrella is involved in this, aren't they?"

The man gasped, taken back by her question.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Shiloh Waterson... My mom works for Umbrella. When this whole thing broke out in Raccoon City she sent me away with supplies and an order to get as far away as possible. But I know there's something more to this all, more to my family, and I'm not leaving until I find answers."

"We need to leave here soon... But I think I can help you, follow me."