This is a bet that I have to win. No matter how hard this for me. I gotta win this bet. I threw my smoke and then went to the library. She was there for sure. She had to be there.

I WAS doing my project silently. Well, it was done to tell the truth. The last day was a bit awkward for sure. I had never been so close to anyone. But today why my heart is saying yes to him? Why my head don't work when I am near him? I got my project in my hand thinking about Frank. I was walking out when I bumped to Frank.

"I am sorry." Frank said and gave me my notebook.

"It's fine." I replied and walked past him.

I went to my teacher and gave him the project. Wizvi was waiting for me outside. I gave her my bag and she looked at me awkwardly.

"I wanna stay alone for sometimes, Wizvi. You go home." I said.

"Will you be alright?" Wizvi asked.

"Yeah." I said and walked away.

I was walking all alone on the lane. Someone was walking beside me.

"Hello Frank." I said and he chuckled.

"I am sorry for yesterday." Frank said.

I nodded and he gave me a cone ice cream. I sighed and took it. I was eating my ice cream when it was starting to rain. I was going to run when Frank hold my arm.

"We need to go. We're going to get wet." I said to Frank.

"No... it is only rain." Frank said pulling me closer to him.

He had his arm around my waist and was looking right into my brown orbs. He kept his hand on my cheek.

"You're beautiful." Frank said making me blush.

I NOTICED THAT Abby was really beautiful. She was flawless and my lips just wanted to touch her pink lips.

"You're beautiful." I said making her blush.

My lips touched here as the fireworks blew up. I never felt like this before not with any girl. She kept her hand on my neck. Oh God, I loved this feeling but what's happening to me? Is it only a game or something more?

I WAS sitting on my bed thinking about yesterday. What I did was right? Now, why the hell am I even thinking about it? I can't believe that I am thinking about Abby. What's happening to me? Should I call her? No, why will I call her? However, I picked up the phone and called her.

"Hello, who is it?" Abby spoke from the other side.

"Uh... hey, it's Frank." I said.

"Oh... how did you get my number?" Abby asked.

"Why? Can't a friend call?" I asked sadly.

"Yeah, you can but... I am kinda busy. So, bye." She said and cut the call.

Now that was weird. Maybe she hates me now. Oh God, what did I just do?

AS MUCH as I hated to say this, I was glad to hear his voice. I don't know why though. After yesterday, everything had changed. He just took away my first kiss. Can you believe it? I can't believe that I just hung the phone on his face. Gosh, what's wrong with my heart? I silently looked out at the rain and all the memories snapped back at me. That feeling. His touch. His lips. The rain pouring over us. Oh God. Something is seriously wrong with me.

"Thinking about Frank?" I looked up and saw Wizvi.

"No." I lied looking away from her.

"Just don't lie to me, Abby. You love him." Wizvi said.

"I can't love him. He's my enemy." I said getting up from the bed.

"He's not your enemy. His father is, not him." Wizvi corrected me.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"He was the first one to touch you, hug you, dance with you and more importantly kiss you." Wizvi said to me.

I sighed and sat next to the window. I can't believe that she's saying all this. I looked at the rain and then closed my eyes. All I could think was about Frank. I could feel his touch and that he made me smile. He called me 'By.'

"I love him." I blurted out realizing what I just said.

SHE HUNG up because she knew that she's weak for me now. I am going to win this bet and I am going to get that Lamborghini. Dear Abby, you're my victim and you're going down.

I WAS SITTING in that park where Frank and I talked for the first time. It was just so weird but I kept on thinking about him. All of a sudden, a hand came in front of me. I looked back and saw Frank. Alright, now I was dreaming too much. I kept on minding on business when someone groaned.

"Come on, this is for you." Frank's voice came.

"What? You're here for real?" I asked and he laughed.

"Yeah. This is for you. Open it up." He gave me the little box.

I smiled and took it. I opened the box and there was a beautiful bracelet. It was sparkling with all the white little stones.

"This is really beautiful." I said.

"Real diamond." He said and I looked at him shocked.

"Oh no, I can't take this. It's is too much expensive." I handed it back to him.

"Oh please... this will suit for sure." He put it on my hand.

It was looking good on me. I wasn't believing that he brought this for me.

"Thank you." I said and smiled at him.

"You're always welcome." Frank replied and winked.

I blushed and he smirked. Does he really like me? Or is it just another game? But he did kiss me, right? I'm in such a dilemma.

"Wanna dance?" Frank asked.

"What? You know I can't." I said and quickly.

"That day you could." Frank said and pulled me.

Out of nowhere, 'Perfect' started playing. Is this is a planning of something? He took my hand and we started dancing.