
There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. The clouds were dark and the winds were howling with rain drops that felt like pelts.

I was glad that this weather had helped me avoid going out to that clinic where i was scolded for even a word sprouted from my mouth . I was also happy that i got some more time to spend on reading books that were my only companions in my lonely world.

I had come to this world 18 years ago and the only time i had seen my parents were maybe when i was born. After that i have never seen them because they had left me at the doors of an old nurse. The nurse was old but sharp and in my views a very wicked women. Though her profession was to help the sick she not only harmed the patients with her incomplete knowledge on medicines but also abused the sick by charging unreasonable money on treatments which were not even necessary.

And for me i belive she had a special corner in her wicked heart that was filled with hatred specially directed at me. At the young age of 4 she had brought me to her clinic where she gave me rags and made a sweeping gesture and from that day it became a daily routine for me to go to the small shabby clinic and clean it and maintain it. These 14 years for me were dull and bland there was nothing for me to live for and die for . It was as if i did not

even exist because even the people who had

to clinic merely glanced at me and left as if i was a showpiece not worth of their time amd energy.

Maybe i really was....

Because inspight of living here for so many years i never felt the need to rebel or run as if even the idea of it was stupid because i did not know what i will do after i run. Though i had read many stories and had read about many lands and species ( i borrowed from the library whose librarian had been kind

enough to impart ne with knowledge of writing and reading during her free time) i never felt the excitement or need to see them in reality maybe i

really was a vain person....

" girl what are you doing here dont you know that its already 6 and you have to clean the clinic " a grumpy voice echoed in the silence of the room. The girl who was gazing at the candle flame turned her head towards the woman " i am sorry....i thought that the weather was not favourable to go out "

she spoke meekly making the woman led out a snort " dont make excuses the old nurse wants you to go there and clean it as tomorrow an important guest is going to arrive" and turned to leave . The girl stood up with her light brown hair and her faded blue dress shaking with her movement. Her brown dull eyes gazed at the door and let out inaudible sigh and her frail hands bunched up those strands of hair and put them in a bun.

She picked up her gloves and an umbrella and walked out of the room.

As she walked towards the clinic a feeling of unease rose in her heart as if something was going to happen that was not good.....The though had just crossed her mind when a thunder striked in the sky and a flash of light

passed through her eyes making her body shudder and her eye close themselves and dwell into the into the world of darkness

" welcome host ! i am system number 008 at your service "