
"so system are you going to give the memories of this girl"

"yes please wait for a moment"

A flash of images flowed in her mind but they abruptly stopped and ended."whats this system i only got three-year of memories where are the rest "

"host these are the only memories you will

get "

"i see.....then tell me the wishes that i have to accomplish"

"ok your missions are to prove your innocence to your parents help your foster parents expose your twin sister and you also have an optional mission which is to help Arron find his true love"

"ok.....wait you didnt tell me the points i will get for completing these missions"

"sorry host but since this is your trial world you will not get any points" the system said slowly but firmly while muttering in his head ( what do u need the points for its not like you r planning to leave....).

siyara opened her eyes and observed her surrounding "looks like i am in a hospital" she said when suddenly the door of the room opened and a nurse walked in " oh you are awake mrs are you feeling " she asked to which siyara smiled and replied " i feel better thankyou but can i ask why am i here"

" umm u had an accident yesterday in which you had bumped your head with the glass shield and you had suffered few cuts here and there on you body and a mild concession"

the nurse spoke while holding the IV drip

"so when can i get discharged " she had just finished asking when the door suddenly opened and a tall muscular man in a black outfit walked in and gave a low bow to her when he noticed her awake and following him an another man with a superior look and personality walked in carrying an air of arrogance and royalty "looks like you have gained your consciousness i suppose you dont have any excuses left so sign these papers and get out of our lives mrs merlin" Immediately the first man who i now recognize as max the most loyal guard of Aaron and the other man beside max is Merlins brother in law aka my brother in law took out few papers stapled together and place it on the shelf near my bed.


i asked making them surprised for a moment but nonetheless they hid their expression quickly and max pulled out a blue pen and forwarded ot to me. I took it and without reading the paper ( because i have already seen it in the memories ) i signed it with my initial and placed it back to its former place.

" Thank you and please leave for i want to rest" I said and closed my eyes before they could say anything.

After they left...i took help of the nurse who jad been totally ignored during the exchange and exited the hospital. Finally i thought and took a breathe of fresh air and started thinking about my next action.

I decided to first check my bank account which had a real good amount of money. so now money was not an issue for me because at present i cannot return to my ho6ise since my parents are very angry and upset with me.

I booked a room in hotel in the nearby locality and changed into blue jeans with a floral frock and white sneakers. picking up the phone i walked on the bustling street and began my first step towards my mission which was to prove my innocence. so why do i have to prove my innocence...well its because my parents think i took my twins place in the marriage which was originally fixed between my twin sister and Aaron. In fact the truth was that merlins twin sister marlin had begged her to exchange place but on the wedding day after the marriage was completed she came back disheveld and crying and screamed " mom dad merlin kidnapped me and took my place in the wedding." Her parents were devastated and immediately scolded and apologised everyone for the commotion. Ever since that incident its been one year since they have spoke to her. I took a taxi and rode to the house where my ex husband lives (the doc i signed was the divorce agreement) . Telling the driver to wait i walked into the mansion ignoring the stares of the servants and went into the room where my things were. The room was pink and girlish and i frankly detested it but whatsoever i took a bag and packed my clothes into it and took my ring and necklace off me and kept it on the dressing table since these were given by the kanes.

picking up the pink bag i opened the door to walk out when my gaze suddenly fell on a man in the opposite room "get him the resources that he asked for and make sure he completes the mission by this months end" The man spoke to his secretary and abruptly turned when he felt a gaze on him.