Strange Encounter

"I'm not staying in here." Ye Bai stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. He had taken off the bandages on his head and hands. For the most part, he had recovered. Even he is amazed at how little damage he had taken.

The lady doctor had said that when its noon, they were going to take him into therapy to make sure he is 'competent'. That's not something he wants, though. Right now it's three in the morning, so he must leave. From there, he can plan his next suicide.

The doctor lady said that she is going to pay for his bills, so he shouldn't care. It's not like it is going to matter once he is dead anyway.

"Sneaking out, are you?" The impostor stood behind him and whispered.

"Go away." Ye Bai's eye twitched. When the doctor and nurses were here, he had a big emotional surge, so he ignored the impostor completely. He had totally forgotten to ask the doctor who the impostor was. But once the doctor and nurses left, the impostor kept yapping non-stop.

"I'm a creation of you and the System, and I can't leave you until it comes back." The impostor spouted out bullsh*t into Ye Bai's ears.

"Okay. Whatever you say. Just stay in here as I sneak out of the hospital. If you tell on me, I'm really going to kick your ass." Ye Bai squinted at the impostor's reflection in the mirror. The person behind him really did look like himself, just a little old. It's as if he is his aged doppelganger.

Ye Bai walked pass the impostor and went to the cabinet next to the chair that the impostor was sitting on. Every step made his body ached similar to how one will feel after a ten-hour long work out.

Ye Bai opened the cabinet and sure enough, his clothes were neatly stashed in there. On top of his clothes is his worn down wallet which he had since middle school. Someone probably took out his ID to record him down on paper, but nothing was missing.

In addition, his phone doesn't even have a crack on it. It still has 15% battery life left, so he he could verify that his phone isn't damaged.

As he was planning to sneak out of the hospital, he obviously shouldn't be wearing his hospital gown. Doing so will just basically be yelling out "Capture me and send me back to the ward!!".

Ye Bai took his clothes and went to slide the bathroom door closed. The impostor is still inside just staring at himself in the mirror, so Ye Bai closed the door on him. He also went one step further and pushed the cabinet behind the sliding door, trapping the impostor inside.

Afterward, Ye Bai changed into his own clothes and casually walked out of his room. Although he doesn't have a visitor sicker, acting normally shouldn't draw out too much attention. On the other hand, if he acted weirdly, he would only draw suspicion.

Anyway, it was three o'clock in the morning, so there shouldn't be many people around. All he needed to do was turn away from the nurses who occasionally walks around, and he'll be fine.

Ye Bai went through one hallway after another, reading the signs along the way. And from the signs, he could tell that he is on the fifth floor of the hospital. After a while, Ye Bai finally found the sign leading to an elevator. Using an elevator felt kind of good, and it was quite fast, so he was going to ride it again.

Following the signs one after another, Ye Bai finally neared the elevator. His whole journey through the hallways was quite quiet, but as soon as he neared the elevator, he heard some muffling and sniffing sounds.

The elevator was in another hallway on its own, so he still had to go around the corner, but Ye Bai was sure that there is some around that corner.


The closer he got to the elevator, the more vivid the muffling sound appeared. It sounded like someone's crying.

'Someone probably died on their deathbed and a family member is out here crying.' Ye Bai thought as he continued towards the elevator.

As Ye Bai turned around the corner, he got surprised. The elevator hall had two elevator doors, but one of them is occupied by a little girl who's hugging her knees next to the elevator as she kept on crying. She squatted in front of the elevator, and it didn't seem like she will be moving away from that place anytime soon.

The girl wore a yellow dress. Her black hair stretched down to her waist, and it also covered her face. Ye Bai observed her in detail.

Not wanting to disturb the little girl with her crying, Ye Bai silently strode next to her and clicked the down button for the elevators.


Luckily, the elevator that opened up wasn't the one that the little girl is crying in front of. Otherwise, it might've been awkward if he asked the little girl to go cry somewhere else.

As Ye Bai entered the elevator, he chose the ground floor and waited for the door to close. Ye Bai waited and waited. He waited for 10 seconds, but the elevator door didn't close!

Maybe he did something wrong? Surely not. He doesn't frequently use elevators, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't know how to use one! It's probably just delayed or broken somewhere. Therefore, Ye Bai decided to wait a little longer to see if the elevator's door will close.

While waiting, Ye Bai stared out the opened elevator door.

The little girl still sat out there. He can clearly see that she had inched closer and closer to his elevator door. Right now, he can even see one of her feet and her elbow from inside the elevator.

'What a strange person.' Ye Bai continued thinking to himself.

The little girl had stopped crying.

It even seemed like she's trying to take a peek at him. Or like a stalker hiding behind a tree.


Something popped up in his mind.

He could've just tried hitting the close button on the elevator!

Ye Bai facepalmed and then clicked the close button. Without surprise, the elevator began to close. This is only his second time using the elevator, so he forgot that there is a button on the panel to initiate the closing of the doors.

When the elevator door almost finishes closing, the strange little girl suddenly jerked her head and peeked into the elevator. It seemed as if she's trying to take a look at him.


The elevator door closed, but Ye Bai titled his head and frowned. Did he see wrong?

When the little girl suddenly jerked her head to peek in the crack of the elevator, he turned his gaze at the little girl.

It seemed like the little girl didn't have any eyes! It's as if it was dug out of her sockets.

But he only saw the little girl's face for a split second. He must've seen it wrong. Thinking so, Ye Bai shrugged it off.

Are these things going to matter to a dead man? He's going to suicide, so there's no point in caring about things.


When Ye Bai got on the ground floor, it wasn't hard to find the entrance.

What surprised him was that no one tried to stop him when he exited the hospital building.

The receptionists seemed so tired that they can barely open their eyes. They didn't even check to see if Ye Bai had a visitor tag on himself.

In the end, escaping the hospital was easier than he thought.

After getting out, Ye Bai waited outside the hospital building and called a taxi. He still had some spare cash on him, so he might as well use it.