Chapter 4: Their eyes...

Lily was sitting on the hospital bed with her back propped up against pillows. The nurses were fussing over her, giving her water and asking if she needed anything.

Once she drank some water, her parched throat felt better and she requested a mirror.

She looked at the her emerald green eyes and light pink hair. She also saw her her fine face as perfect as a dolls. Her skin was a sickly, pale white.

(I look like a fragile fairy) That was the best description she could muster to sum up her new appearance.

She had finally asked the system about her current world and family situation. She was in a modern society similar to earth but most people had a superpowers. There was even a heroes association and her dad was the president and top hero five years in a row.

Where there are heroes there are villains, the heroes association was built because the police could not handle the villains after people started getting powers and heroes could not keep doing the job without getting paid.

Most heroes family members are not harmed by villains because once a heroes family is killed they become desprit to get their hands on the villain to the point of disregarding the law to get them or harm them.

Thus heroes get to enjoy fame without hiding their identities but they can still choose to as a safety measure incase they offend a really powerful villain.

She never thought she would have such an OP dad. The top hero. She also had a brother who was next in line to become the family head of her family and sadly her mom past away from a disease that came into the world recently.

She felt worried, she does not remember anything yet but the previous Lily died from suicide. Lilia did not want to be forced into any political marriages. She knows that kind of thing is rare in modern days but it still happens.

She fought hard for the freedom to make her own choices in her past life but lived an oppressed life until the end. Resolution shone in her eyes she would use her system to get strong enough to do whatever she wanted.

Even in a world of heroes and villains.

The door opened suddenly but quietly as a man walked in at a quick pace and it only took a few seconds before he was standing right in front of Lily.

The man infront of her had green eyes and hazelnut hair. He embraced her gently as if afraid she would break if he hugged too hard.

His eyes sparkled with joy as he saw her looking at him with curious eyes.

(Wait, curious eyes? don't tell me...)

His voice came out a little shaky: "Water Lily, don't you recognize me?"

She looked at him and made a guess when she saw those familiar emerald green eyes, she called out softly "Dad?" but she sounded unsure.

His head turned slowly to the doctor who was silently trying to erase his presence. His smile turned scary and it did not reach his eyes.

The doctor felt his shoulder had been caught by claws that dragged him out of the room ruthlessly.

Outside the room.

"Doctor whats wrong with my daughter?"

"Mr Wisteria, she must have amnesia but we need to do some more tests to find out where in the brain the problem lies and how much damage has been done."

"Make sure my daughter has the best care you have to offer, understand?"

The doctor nodded hurriedly, but thought secretly (Are you kidding me, there is not a doctor in this whole hospital who would give your daughter less than the best care.)

Mr Wisteria suddenly remembered he needed to inform his son of his daughters current condition. He had told his assistant to contact him but his son does not know she has amnesia.

He made a quick call to his son, while watching his daughter from the doorway.

* * * * *

"And that's what the nurse said, Grandfather what should we do?" He felt cold sweat on his back from his grandfather's stare.

Stephen Myers looked at his grandson and sighed he only agreed to Ren and Lilys engagement because he wanted to be her grandfather but his grandson could not recognise a good girl when he found one.

Ren gritted his teeth. He was really foolish back then he felt he had to court her because of his father's pressure and wanted to rebel, so he dated another girl but did not expect to get caught by Lily and worse she attempted suicide that very night.

He was even foolish enough to date someone else after they were already engaged. He was worried about how Lilys father might target his family and how his own father might punish him for his mistake.

Stephen looked at his grandsons worried face and commanded, " Ren, don't worry about her father targeting our family, I will make preparation to speak with him but you must take responsibility for your actions yourself. do not tell your father about the situation ,he might make the situation worse."

They were child hood friends in the past.

He might not love her in the way she wanted but he loved her like family.

It has been 4 months since the incident but he could not think of how he would ever face her now. She always used to have a cheerful smile and bright eyes when they saw each other. He dared not imagine how she would look at him now.