Chapter 13: The Third Power (Part 2)

Man: "Well, you do look pretty delicious."

The man says so with a smile on his face. A chill would run down his spin if he were still alive. Ro remembers the words Barry told him – 'I am sure they'll have enough rations to not go berserk, so no one would attack you'.

Ro: "Don't tell me he meant people when he said 'rations'."

It would make perfect sense if that is the case, but it is just too horrifying to think about.

Man: "Well, isn't that peculiar? It looks like you don't want to die."

Ro: "O-of course I don't … wait, but I am already dead, am I not?"

Ro realizes the obvious truth of having already died. As terrible as it may sound, it should help in this situation.

Man: "Already dead?"

The man looks confused after hearing that statement.

Ro: "Of course I'm dead. I should be safe then."

Ro thinks of how he has become a ghost. He should be safe from these man-eaters.

Man: "Are … are you telling me you are a ghost?"

Ro: "I … I think so."

Suddenly, the rest of the crowd which had been quiet till now starts talking. Noises come from every direction and Ro is unable to figure out what they are saying.

Man: "Silence!"

As soon as the man who had came forward says so, everybody stops. He then looks at Ro.

Man: "Find Barry."

Even though he is looking at Ro, his words are obviously not directed at him.

Ro: "He was … just behind me. He should be …"

Man: "He won't come from the entrance he sent you in. That's just how he does it. He'll probably enter from the entrance from near the court."

Ro's words were cut without any regard by this man. But that's not the concern here, what he said just now is far more important.

Ro: "The court?"

Seeing Ro look ignorant, the man sighs.

Man: "You don't seem to know anything about this place."

Ro: "That's because Barry kept refusing to tell me no matter how much I asked."

Ro's irritation at that fact has not gone away. In fact, having being thrown in a place full of cannibals, his irritation has only intensified. This shows in his words.

Man: "Well, that's Barry for you. My name is Reid Jason. What's yours?"

Ro: "Uh, it's Ro Garland."

Reid turns and starts walking.

Reid: "I see. Bring this guy to the court. We'll ask the culprit himself why he brought a ghost here?"

Everyone in the crowd bows to Reid as he declares that. Ro tries to get up by himself, but two men pin him down immediately.

Ro: "Hey, I can walk on my own."

They don't answer, but start tying Ro up.

Ro: "Damn! Why can I still be tied like this when I am a ghost?"

Ghosts are supposed to be the soul of a person that can't interfere with the physical world unless they acquire a physical medium to control. So it doesn't make sense for a ghost to be tied up with physical objects.

Ro: "What the hell is going on? The heck did you do, Barry?"


In the so-called court, there is a chair left open for the ruler of the place. This chair, made of gold, is accompanied by two chairs on either side facing perpendicularly to it. These four chairs are filled with the men who are designated the respective positions while the golden chair remains vacant.

Before this royal arrangement, there is a large hall, enough for at least 500 people to stand in. In this large hall, only one man is standing.

Barry: "Hey there, nice to see you all, generals."

Generals: "Welcome back, sire."

Barry is addressed with enough respect to make anyone think he is to take the golden chair. But that's not the case. Yet he commands respect among these four men.

The door then opens. Reid comes in with the rest of the crew following behind him holding Ro down.

Barry: "That's one pathetic way to make an entrance."

Ro notices Barry after hearing his voice. He wants to retort to his words, but he knows how dire the situation is.

Ro: "Barry? Help me out here, will you?"

Barry: "Sure. Will you let him go, Reid?"

Barry asks Reid with a smile. Reid looks at Barry as if looking at someone he despises.

Reid: "You don't get to order me around. Where's the queen? I seek an audience with her."

General: "That's bold of you."

Reid: "Don't misunderstand the situation General Ignis. This ghost was brought here by Barry, I don't consider myself qualified to judge what should be done with him, but neither are any of you. This is why I seek an audience with the queen."

Reid gets down on one leg and bows his head as he says so.

Ignis: "You sure have a lot of guts deciding what my qualifications are, don't you – you little punk?"

Reid: "General Ignis - are you saying you are capable of deciding the fate of this ghost by yourself?"

Ignis: "Uh, well, no."

Ignis backs downs after hearing Reid's words.

Barry: "Calm down, General Ignis. General Aquarius, if you would please call her."

The man sitting across Ignis, General Aquarius nods and gets up.

Aquarius: "Reid! The problem was not if Ignis was qualified to judge him or not, it was your tone in speaking to a superior officer."

Reid clicks his tongue. Irritation is clearly coming from his face but there is also a tinge of anger and hatred.

Reid: "I apologize. But if you would, please hurry. Who knows what this ghost may be capable of?"

Ro looks at Reid as he says almost threatening words to Aquarius. It is clear that this man doesn't get along too well with Aquarius or Ignis.

Ignis: "Tch! Damn brat!"

Aquarius sighs and Ignis looks at Reid furiously.

???: "What's all this commotion about?"

A feminine voice comes in the hall and everyone's attention turns to the source of the voice - a woman with pale-skin but remarkably beautiful features.

Barry: "Good to see you, sister."

Ro can't believe what he just heard. Sister - what does that mean? This woman, who is probably the queen, how can she be the sister of Barry?

Barry: "Don't be confused my friend."

Ro hears those words but can only interpret them as sarcasm after having been left in the dark about so many things.

Ro: "Are you … the queen of the ghosts?"

As soon as Ro says that, the people pinning him to the ground intensify their grip as Reid turns to him with nails big enough to tear off his heart, and ready to attack.

Barry: "Wait just now! It isn't his fault. He doesn't know what you guys are."

Reid: "And that's the problem. Why didn't you tell him anything?"

Reid doesn't look at Barry but the hostility in his voice is quite clear.

Barry: "I thought letting him see everything by himself would be a better idea."

But regardless of the hostility, Barry answers with a smile.

Reid: "Screw you!"

Reid looks at Barry with killing intent in his eyes. Barry does not even flinch but looks back at him with a smile. This stare-down goes on until …

Queen: "Are you done now?"

During this time, the queen had reached the golden chair. As she sits on it, everyone faces her and bows to her – including the four generals, Barry and Reid.

Queen: "Raise your heads. Now what is the dispute? You said that man is a ghost?"

Reid: "Yes, your highness. And Barry is the one who brought him here without explaining anything to him."

Queen: "What do you have to say?"

The queen looks at Barry asking for an explanation.

Barry: "Well sister, I think this man will be detrimental to the ghosts if he joins up with us."

Queen: "So you are saying he can be useful in the upcoming war?"

Ro: "War?"

Reid: "Silence, fool."

Reid raises his voice to chide Ro for speaking when the queen's speaking. The queen sighs and looks at Barry as if asking to further explain his statement.

Barry: "Sister, this man – he was killed by …"

Pausing for a moment to let everyone process the words he is saying, Barry continues,

Barry: "Ethan Kales."

Suddenly, the queen's eyes shoot wide open; the generals stand up in shock and Reid's eyes gets fixed on Barry while his mouth hung open.

Barry: "That's right. He has begun his life's mission, as some might call it, and is now heading towards his next target – Kais."

Queen: "So, you are saying it has started?"

What has started? Ro wonders about the question as he barely keeps himself from muttering it out loud.

Barry: "Yes, the end has started. This is the beginning of it."

Ro: "The end?"

Ro mutters under his breath in a volume that nobody could hear him. At least that's what he would have wanted to, but Reid looks back at him with hostile intent as if he has done the same mistake twice.

Ro: "Uh …"

Reid: "Didn't I tell you to be silent?"

The hostility in Reid's eyes is sickening. Ro can't help but get terrified of it.

Queen: "Stop it, Reid. From what Barry has told us, this man is of magnificent value."

Reid: "Forgive me, your highness."

Reid turns to look at the queen and bows before saying those words.

Barry: "Well, anyway, ghosts would have a lot of issues if he is working with us. What do you say?"

Queen: "I see your point. I shall consider it."

Ro: "Tch!"

Ro clicks his tongue and the echo rings out through the hall.

Ro: "Where the hell am I? Who the hell are you people? What's up with this war and the beginning of end bullshit? Can someone ANSWER ME ALREADY?"

Ro shouts in his irritation knowing it would only do him harm. He just could not take it anymore when his fate was to be decided by someone's hands he didn't have any idea of.

Queen: "Reid, I told you – stop it."

Reid had readied his nails when the queen stops him. She looks at the crowd pinning him down and motions them to leave him. They immediately obey.

Ro: "Ah …"

Having been freed of the tight clutches he was in, Ro senses relief.

Queen: "I am sorry for how my little brother has kept you in the dark. But the first thing you should know here is that we are not ghosts. In fact, we are almost at war with ghosts, so I would advise you to not speak that word so freely. It might get you in serious trouble."

Ro: "Okay, I get it. I'm sorry for earlier. But then, what are you people?"

Queen: "We are …"

The next word describes the species. Ro unknowingly holds his breath in the anxiety of what this word would be.

Queen: "Vampires."
