Chapter 53: Resolve (Part 1)

Walter: "Well, I guess we all have a general idea of who everyone else on this island is, but I think we should still introduce ourselves."

Walter, a man clad in black clothing, says in a relaxed voice, as if to say he is not at all worried about us trying to go against him. So to say, even if we do try to go against him, we won't really stand a chance.

Sona: "I don't have any problems with that idea if …"

She pauses now to make sure our attentions are on her next words.

Sona: "you start first."

Hearing that, Walter smirks.

I, Sona and Sneha had come out of the tomb knowing that we'd be needed to face two monsters who may be capable of wiping us all out. However, fear isn't exactly the word I'd use to describe our emotions at present.

Dyne: "Well, if that's how you want it to be, let me start."

Dyne, a man wearing a dark-brown robe and a black cape with a golden helm, says after hearing Sona's suggestion.

Dyne: "I'm the leader of the official army of the Ghost Nation, which some people also call the Spectres Division. I'm the Spectre known as Dyne."

As he finishes, his partner follows suit.

Walter: "Then next is me I guess."

After taking in a long breath, he states,

Walter: "I'm Walter Schmidt, a psychic by birth and an ally of the Ghost Nation. I'm also hailed as the strongest man in the world."

After that, the two of them and the three of us turn to the only other people here.

Ro: "Hah!"

He sighs and says,

Ro: "I'm Ro Garland. I'm a ghost now, was a half-psychic before. I'm currently working for the Vampire Kingdom, it seems."

It seems? That sounds like he is unsure of whether he really is working for them. But in any case, we move on.

Dragon: "In case someone of you in unfamiliar with this, there are five types of dragons – Sky, Land, Sea, Volcano and Rock."

He starts with that line so people who may not know about it might come to, and then continues in a melancholic voice,

Dragon: "I'm a sky dragon who was once a loner ruling the skies of the country that existed in the place you are all present in. That was the case until Ozyllus defeated me and forced me to join him, to which I had no choice but to comply to."

"Calm down," I tell myself. That's all I can do at the moment. I can't lose control of my emotions right now. I already know of how heinous that so-called god truly was but, I can't help the rage that boils in me every time I hear about some of his 'great' deeds.

Dragon: "As I'm a dragon, I never once had or felt the need to have a name."

Now that the five of them are done, it's our turn now. So we start with Sneha.

Sneha: "I'm Sneha Stone, an Aural by birth and also a former student of Kirin Shrine."

She stops with that. And so,

Sona: "Hah! Well,"

After a sigh as to say she doesn't really have any interest in doing this, she says,

Sona: "I'm Sona Pectus, a spirit-user who has a mission to fulfill and will not let anyone interfere with it."

With a scorn on her face directed at Walter and Dyne, she says the last past of her introduction, which was obviously a threat telling them to back off. Too bad, it wouldn't be that easy.

Kais: "I'm Kais, a psychic. That's all."

That IS all.

Walter: "Just Kais, no surname?"

Kais: "Yeah, just Kais, no surname."

The surname I am supposed to have is the name of those cowards who left me and Barry when I was just a kid. Barry was someone desperate for parental love and he couldn't get it, because the ones who I am supposed to call parents were a couple of cowards. There's no reason for me to attach my name with theirs.

Dyne: "Well, that's that."

Dyne says as he looks at me, his emotions I am able to tell even through his helm because of my aura-reading. I can tell that he is … determined.

Dyne: "There's a war about to start. Which side are you on?"

Just as he says that, Ro seconds it,

Ro: "Yeah, I think we all need an answer to that. The Vampire Kingdom or The Dragon Alliance, which is it, Kais? And Sona too?"

I hear a cackle coming from behind me, probably from Sona.

Sona: "That's a foolish question."

As those around us, except Sneha and the Dragon, narrow their gazes at us, I respond with a smirk,

Kais: "We are on the third side."


Ethan: "That's pretty hardcore."

Says Ethan Kales as he looks at the empty coffin in front of him.

Ethan: "Now I really have no clue where his body could be right now."

The man who said he'd stay back and will have a chat with his 'predecessor' is now just standing in front of an empty coffin wondering why it's empty.

Ethan: "Yeah, not the best use of time. Probably should get on with it."

He says in a plain voice as he turns around and looks at the place the three who were with him a while ago told him that there'd be some invisible floor.

Ethan: "Oh hell! Here goes nothing!"

He says as he tries to step on what seems like air but his foot stops mid-way, on the invisible magnetic floor that he had been told about.

Ethan: "Well, let's just hope it stays like this."

???: "You don't need to do all that to meet me."

Comes the voice he had never heard before, but even so, he instantly understands whose voice it is. After all, there is only one existence aside from him in the tomb.

Ethan: "So,"

He says while turning back to look at the empty coffin again, where his Eyes of Truth show a ghostly presence,

Ethan: "you are Sagax?"

Sagax: "Yes, I'm Sagax. The previous owner of the eyes you have now."

Hearing so, a smile comes on Ethan Kales' face.

Ethan: "Well then,"

Stepping forward with the smile intact, he says,

Ethan: "I have some questions for you."


Dyne: "You do realize there is no third side?"

Dyne asks in a sarcastic tone with a little anger in his voice. But, he is wrong about something.

Kais: "There used to be no third side."

So I have to correct him.

Kais: "There is one now. And it currently has four members."

As Dyne narrows his eyes, Ro asks,

Ro: "So I guess the fourth is that bastard?"

Sona: "Yeah, the fourth is Ethan."

Sona replies immediately. And then comes the loud voice of someone's laughter. That someone is Walter Schmidt.

Walter: "F-four members, seriously? Hahaha!!"

He says while being unable to stop laughing.

Walter: "Isn't that a bit low?"

Kais: "It IS a bit low. But what does it matter if our objective is reached regardless?"

Walter: "Oh?"

As he calms down a little, while still laughing, he asks,

Walter: "And what is your objective?"

Sona: "It's simple. We're gonna destroy Ozyllus and his plans."

The woman who shares my hatred answers before I could and so I just nod.

Kais: "Yeah, that's how it'll be. We're planning on taking down Ozyllus and his plans … entirely."

I made sure to show my resolve in my voice but,

Dyne: "That's foolish. You'll never be able to accomplish that."

Kais: "And why's that?"

Dyne: "In order for you people to pull off something like that, you'll need to at least know everything that happened 1000 years ago."

Dyne says something that we all realize to be the truth.

Dyne: "And no one, except that dragon who is about to die in a day, can tell you that. And well, let's just say a day isn't enough to tell you everything."

A smirking voice comes, but not from me, not from Sona, and not even from Sneha. It's the dragon who has a smirk on his face.

Dragon: "Yeah, that's true. Even though time has returned to normal and so I would get a whole day to live instead of just two hours, I still can't tell them everything."

Even though his words make it look like he would, he doesn't actually have any sadness on his face right now.

Dragon: "I thought Ethan may know everything but by the fact that he stayed behind to talk to Sagax, I know that's not true either. However, there's still a way."

The dragon's voice only has a triumphant smile as if he has fulfilled his purpose.

Dragon: "There's still The Psychic Library."

Dyne: "Oh, come on!"

Dyne says suddenly as if disappointed by the answer.

Dyne: "No one has found that thing in ages. We are at a point where we doubt it even exists."

Dragon: "It exists, alright? It totally exists."

The dragon says with the same smile.

Dragon: "And I know that it can be found, if you really try to find it."

Dyne: "That's weirdly optimistic."

Dyne says as if the Dragon's words don't make much sense, which they admittedly don't from a logical standpoint.

Dyne: "hah!"

He sighs and turns to look at me.

Dyne: "I can't let you do as you wish for a hope that has no guarantee of even existing."

He points his lance at me.

Dyne: "If you won't join our side, then I'll have to treat you as an enemy …"

I know what is going to happen next.

Dyne: "and the battle shall begin."

I know what is going to happen next, because of the vines around Dyne's feet.

Sona: "You are misunderstanding something, Spectre Dyne. The battle …"

She tightens her grip and the vines tighten theirs.

Sona: "has already begun."
