

Inside Konoha's hospital, there was a room with two females in it. One of the female with black hair, brown eyes and slightly above average facial features is laying on the bed with a pained and tired expression on her face. This female is Hayate Minami and she is currently going through the process of child birth. The other female is a doctor of Konoha who is wearing hospital attire and have gloves in her hands.

"Push harder, I know you can do it Minami chan. Push push", said Doctor

"Aaahhhh", screamed Minami while following the doctors instructions.

"That's right go on. The baby's head is out. Just a bit more. Push harder", said Doctor.


"Uwaahhhh", Just after the lady's scream, the sound of a baby crying came.

Just after a few seconds of the baby's cry, a man with height of about 6 feet, broad shoulders, brown hair, black eyes and an above average facial features wearing some sort of uniform came inside the room.

"How is Minami chan, is she okay. And what about the baby, is he okay?", asked the man in a panicked tone.

"Calm down Atsuchi kun, both of them are fine. Minami chan is just tired from the child birth and congratulations you had a baby boy in your house, and the baby is healthy. Here take him in your arms", said the Doctor while giving out the baby to the man. The man's name was Hayate Atsuchi, a chunin of Konoha.

"wow, so cute. My baby is so cute. Hello little guy. I am your father and the lady on the bed is your mother. I hope you will become very successful in future", said Atsuchi.

"The baby doesn't understand you Atsuchi kun", said Doctor.

" Still, I just feel like to tell him about us", said Atsuchi.

"Honey let me have a look at our baby", said Minami who just woke up(she lost consciousness just after giving birth to the child).

"Minami chan, here take a look at our baby. He is so cute. He got your eyes while his nose and lips are like mine. I know he will be handsome like me", said Atsuchi.

"Don't say like that. If our baby became handsome like you then it will be sad", said Minami. The doctor who was still there laughed at the husband and wife.

"Don't say like that Minami chan", said Atsuchi.

"Have you decided on what will be the name of our baby", asked Minami.

"Yeah as we decided if we has a baby boy them we will name him Kenshin. So his name will be Hayate Kenshin", said Atsuchi.

"Oh, seems like little Kenshin is happy with his name", said Minami while seeing the happy expression of the baby.

"Yeah and I hope that he will be more successful than me and become at least a jonin in his life", said Atsuchi with a little sad expression. It is one of his dream that he couldn't achieve, so he wish that his child would make his wish true.

"Don't worry my baby, jonin, chunin or even genin. Whatever you will become, mother will support you", said Minami while looking at her baby. For some reason the baby started smiling at the same time as if understanding them.

"Look honey, our baby is smiling. He is so cute", said Minami. Like this the husband and wife continued with their antics.

"Uwaahhhh Uwaahhhh", the baby suddenly cried and lost consciousness.

"Doctor doctor, what happened, why Ken chan suddenly cried and lost his consciousness", asked both the husband and wife.

The doctor was also suprised and checked if everything is all right before answering to the couple.

"Don't worry, he is just tired and there aren't any symptoms for other things but to be sure we will do check up after some time", said the Doctor.

"Oh thank you doctor", said the couple.

Kenshin's POV

" Where am I? And who is crying? Why the hell is the light so bright that I can't see anything?", said Kenshin who looked around after his eyes adjusted. He found that he is within some kind of room that looked to be similar to design of 2000s.

Actually Kenshin is a middle aged Kenjutsu trainer back in Earth who got killed by some thieves who came to his house to steal his ancestral sword and Kenshin being a Kenjutsu trainer fought with them before dying in the hands of a thief who shot him(Kenshin) with his Gun. While dying Kenshin thought, "My life was pretty much boring and uneventful. I didn't get the chance to fulfill me and my master's dream of spreading Kenjutsu throughout the world as nobody practices these old things. If I ever get the chance to be born again I will be the best Kenjutsu user and spread it throughout the world".

After that the Kenshin saw his father and somewhat remembers the uniform his father is wearing. His father is good looking but not that much to stand out in the crowd. He then saw his father's body which seemed to be trained.

"Hmmm it seems my father is not ordinary man", thought Kenshin.

After that he saw her mother when her mother holds him. His mother is similar to his father with above average looks. While listening to what his parents were talking he laughed and he also got surprised to find his name in this life also is Kenshin.

After that Kenshin saw his father said something about being a jonin and his mother said nice things to him.

"Damn this is really something. I thought I had seen father's uniform somewhere but to find him a ninja. I should have noticed the forehead band with Konoha's symbol. It also seems that I am in Konoha inside Naruto world. My mom is so nice, so this is how having a nice parents feels like", thought Kenshin. Kenshin in his last life was an orphan so he didn't get the chance to experience this.

"I have to check in which timeline I am and also not attract attention before I am strong enough. Yosh I am in Naruto world where people with the power equals to Gods live. This will always be the chance to become the best Kenjutsu user and spread my name. What is happening why is my head hurting so mu..." though Kenshin before he lost his consciousness.