Joining Team Ro

Today Kenshin woke up with a smile on his face. Kenshin was very happy because today is the day when he will officially join Anbu and possibly go on a mission.

After waking up Kenshin did his daily exercise along with his daily sword practice which Kenshin have started in the last few months.(Kenshin was doing Kenjutsu practice in afternoon and evening but he also started to do even in the morning as a daily exercise).

After finishing his daily exercise Kenshin was full of sweat, so he decided to take a bath. After that Kenshin bathed, then had his breakfast and got ready to join Anbu ops. When it was 9AM, Kenshin went to Anbu Headquarters which was a distance of few kilometres from his house.

After reaching Anbu Headquarters, Kenshin greeted others and other Anbu operatives also greeted him back as they know Kenshin when he come here for training. Soon he reached Anbu Commanders office.

Anbu Commander according to Kenshin is a very mysterious guy as not many people know of his identity but one thing is sure that he is very loyal to Village and Hokage.

When he reached there he was surprised to see Hokage talking with Anbu Commander. Kenshin quickly kneeled and greeted both of them.

"Oh Kenshin, me and Commander were talking about you only. As we have decided you will have to fight with some members of Team Ro and if you can defeat them or impress us, you will join Anbu and possibly in that team. So are you up for it", said Hiruzen. Anbu Commander who was on the sidelines nodded as if agreeing with this.

"Yes Hokage sama", said Kenshin.

"Okay come with me to the ground. And commander please get Team Ro to the training ground. This will be a serious fight and not just Taijutsu fight like you did with Itachi", said Hiruzen. Kenshin just nodded and followed him.

After they reached the training ground for Anbu which was in between a forest.

"You know Kenshin you are one of the most talented person I have seen in my life. I hope you will protect the village", said Hiruzen.

This one year time was not just for Kenshin's training, it was also to see his nature and attitude towards the village. After checking many things it was found that Kenshin is a talented child and he is loyal to the village.

"I will Hokage sama", said Kenshin with determined tone.

"Hehehe I know. Let's go to the training ground. I want to see your full power today", said Hiruzen.

Loyal or not Kenshin decided to not use advanced verson of breathing technique which explosively increases his power as 'a good ninja should always save his trump card'.

When they reached the training ground, they saw there are about 20 members of Team Ro standing along with Anbu Commander.

"Okay today it will be Kenshin's selection in the Anbu. As he is a special case you will come and fight with him. If he defeats you then he will enter Anbu", said Hiruzen to the Team Ro members.

The members of Team Ro except Itachi were surprised as they never were always busy mission so they have never heard of it or paid attention to it.

"Hokage sama, are you sure. He lookseven younger than Itachi. What is his age", said Kakashi who is the captain of Team Ro.

"Oh, Itachi never told you about him. His name is Hayate Kenshin and he is 7 years old. Don't try to loose easily as it will be shameful", said Hiruzen.

Everybody including Itachi were surprised as Kenshin with his height and built look like average 10 years old.

"Okay now every body settle down. The first match will be between Hayate Kenshin and Raizo Ibumi", said Anbu Commander who was silent the whole time.

Ibumi and Kenshin separated from the group and went to the centre of the field. Ibumi and Kenshin were facing each other and waiting fr the match to start.

Kenshin sensed her chakra and found that her chakra quantity is similar to an average high chunin. But he didn't know anything else about her.

"Fight like your life depends on it. Ok start the match", said Commander.

Just after receiving Commanders order, Ibumi took shurikens from her pouch and threw them at Kenshin. Kenshin just deflected them with his sword and dashed towards Ibumi.

Ibumi also get ready for close combat and took out her kunai to fight with Kenshin. Kenshin reached near Ibumi and started showing his Kenjutsu prowess.

Ibumi was soon overwhelmed by Kenshin's attack. Ibumi being and experienced Anbu rushed backward to create a distance and used Fire style: Great Fireball Jutsu, a powerful C rank Jutsu.

Kenshin knew that he couldn't dodge so he used Wind style: Great Breakthrough using more chakra to push that fire towards Ibumi. Ibumi was flustered. She tried to create mud wall but it was hastily made and it crumbled before the Fire mixed with wind.

And like that Kenshin defeated Ibumi.

"Hayate Kenshin wins. He will officially join Team Ro but to test his limit he will continue battling with stronger opponents", said Commander.

Other members of Team Ro were surprised to see one of them get defeated and that too so easily.

"Itachi do you know his powers", said Yamato.

"No, last time we only fought with Taijutsu and he is average chunin level in it", said Itachi.

"The kid seems to be more proficient in Kenjutsu", said Kakashi. Kakashi's father Hatake Sakumo was the best Kenjutsu user in Konohagakure, so he can gauge Kenshin's level.

"The next match is between Hayate Kenshin and Yugao Uzuki", said Commander.

Soon Uzuki and Kenshin reached the stage. From her chakra Kenshin knew she is at high chunin level but from what he know she is a Kenjutsu expert. Kenshin was eagerly waiting for the match to start. Uzuki was also excited to battle with a Kenjutsu expert.

As soon as the match started both of them rushed at each other ans started their battle. Both of their proficiency in swords as well as chakra level in comparable, so it was a tough battle.

Kenshin used variety of attacks but all of them were quickly deflected by Uzuki and when Uzuki it was deflected by Kenshin. They were almost equal until Kenshin saw a gap in her defence.

"Breath of the Sun: Second Form- Azure Heaven", thought Kenshin inwardly and attacked Uzuki. Uzuki tried to defend using her sword but the power behind that strike made her loose her sword. Kenshin didn't let this chance go and placed his sword near her neck.

"Winner of the duel is Hayate Kenshin", said Anbu Commander. Everybody was again surprised because Uzuki is the best Kenjutsu user after Kakashi in their team.

"Kenshin you can rest for a while and after that we will move towards next match which is between you and Tenzo", said Anbu Commander

Kenshin was little bit tired so he started doing his breathing technique to energize his fatigued muscles. While meditating Kenshin thought, "Looks like after match with Tenzo it will be my rematch against Itachi and that is going to be a tough battle especially with his Mangekyo Sharingan and all his skills[A/N - I am assuming Shishui is dead and he had awakened his MS. There is only a year to Uchiha Massacre, so I assume Shishui being dead, so please don't delve into this matter]

Fuck how can he be so Powerful when he is only 13 yeard old. *sigh* I am the one who should not complaint but he is overpowered. And I have to do something for his Genjutsu abilities.

Now I don't know about Tenzo or Yamato's current strength but his chakra is at high Jonin level(due to wood release). I have to use my modified version of lightning cloak and coat my sword with Wind chakra to get easy win. Yosh let's enjoy my battle".