PROLOGUE: Adriana Price

I was young when I married him. I was naive to think that my happily ever after had arrived. Everything was like a Disney princess story and I was the princess. Well, this was until I realized that I was not at all the princess.

There was no happily ever after.

I was framed by that woman. She spread rumors about me and she destroyed my marriage. Sigh, how cliche. Yup. Very cliche indeed.

What bothers me the most about all of this is that she did not end it there. Even after destroying my marriage, she took it upon herself to destroy my life completely. If only she knew that despite my naiveness I was never meant for failure. When I came out of the orphanage I promised myself that no matter what happens in this cruel world I would never stay on the ground.

This promise was one I kept. After she hunted my pregnant self down across the country I continued to live. She planned an accident to kill me and my children. Hehe, but I survived once again.

That day I managed to escape and I gave birth to my twins. I thought that my little girl had died but years later I found out that she was sent away by that woman. To her, I had died in that hospital and left one girl alive.

Even after parting with one of my children, I'm still looking for her. I swear to God that I will find her. I will bring her home.

While I do that I will take my revenge. My hatred for her is too much for anyone to stop me. It's too late….

What a scheming woman. She destroyed my life just for a man….

A man that we both love. But we are different, while she is willing to do anything to stay with him I, on the other hand, live for myself. Our love was not strong enough back then. It crumbled so easily. Although his love brought me pain and heartbreak I cannot deny that I still love him.

That woman is now by his side. I understand that but, not for long. This time I will destroy her life. I am back and with many secrets to reveal. She will bow to me and she will regret ever messing with Adriana Price.

Hehe, I can't wait!


"Mom will be angry when she realizes what you have done!"

"Brother calm down. I'm too cute for her not to forgive me besides I found him! I found our father! Guess what he is extremely handsome and he has taken me in while they find my parents haha I have him wrapped around my little finger." The little girl answered with mischief.

James facepalmed over the phone. "Are you even sure of what you are saying!?" He asked. His little sister is so hard to tame. She is too much for a handsome young boy like him to handle. She is an angel outside but her scheming nature is only known to him.

"Yes yes! I sent the paternity test over mail go check it before mommy finds it! I have to go daddy is back…" She hung up after that.

"Ugh, this naughty girl how am I going to explain it to mommy?"