Noah thought he would have a peaceful sleep but that was the opposite of what happened.

Only a few minutes after he finally dozed for there was loud noises coming from outside. He could hear Briana ordering Chris to let her inside his room. Chris had never gotten along with her and now that it concerns his health he would definitely not go along with her wishes.

Noah sighed and he rubbed his temple. He pondered on whether to let her in. He doesn't want to worry his close friend but it's not like he has the energy to see her anyways.

He has people close to him but he treats them all differently of course.

The love of his life has always been the person he was ready to put first in his heart. His parents and grandmother go after that and then his elder sister. His cousin and then his best friend Angel. After that comes his close friends: Kelvin, Briana, AJ, Simon and then Olivia.

He had set in his mind different things he would tolerate from them.Since little he would always do this. He needed to always know his priorities of course. Just like any normal person he always yearned for a happy life and love. He wanted to experience love the most but that did not last long….

Anyways, times like these where he would use this 'system' of his. He does not want anyone but himself right now. Every time something concerned Adriana it would not be him who he needs by his side. No one else.

Having a decision set he decided to get up and dismiss her. He really did not have the patience right now and it would be bad if he just lashes out of her for her over exaggerated concern.


"Chris you said so yourself. His condition is not good, that is why I need to see him now!" Briana stood in front of him stubbornly.

'This annoying b-'

Noah would scold him if he ever continued his sentence but ugh! She gets on his nerves EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME.

"Briana please leave, he is resting right now, If you really care about him then it's best you let him rest and come back tomorrow okay?"

Briana pursed her lips. 'Ugh so annoying. Why is he sick? Does it have to do with her?' She sent Chris a glare.

When she heard the door opening her eyes lit up. "Move." She pushed him away and sighed in relief seeing Noah's handsome face in front of her.

'He looks good….' She thought. She bit her lip and stared into his eyes completely mesmerized. 'Not the time to drool over him Briana. Get a hold of yourself!'

Noah almost closed the door in her face when she tried to step forward. "Briana I can't talk to you right now. Please come back in the morning. Thank you." He then pushed her away with his finger and closed the door and also locked it.

He walked back to his bed and tried to sleep again.

"BAHAHA, I told you." Chris walked away in laughter. Briana took a deep breath, her cheeks red in embarrassment. His laughter died when he saw Kimberly approaching him.

'She's back!' His eyes lit up at that thought.

"Oh dear what brings you here beautiful?" He smiled flirtatiously. "Shut up! I don't have time for your nonsense." She walked right past him and narrowed her eyes when she saw Briana.

*A/N: Just so you guys know Chris and Noah(plus Kimberly) are not blood related. Chris is adopted by Noah's distant blood relatives. This will be explained in a few chapters. So yeah you can ship them if you want ^_^

"Why are you here?" She asked suspiciously. "I came to check on him because of the news. I was worried." She explained.

"Okay you can now u can go back. I have some serious matters to discuss with my brother." She waved her hand dismissing Briana arrogantly.

Briana gritted her teeth and suppressed her anger. Kimberly only treats her nicely when her mother is around but usually she doesn't even give her face. She was actually surprised Kimberly asked her to leave, usually she would just ignore her existence completely.

You ask why? The reason is simple.

" Briana dear come here. Let me tell you something. In my heart, my grandmother's heart, even in Chris and Angel's hearts. There is no one. Absolutely no one who will be able to be fully accepted as Noah's wife. I'm telling you this once and I hope you can remember it forever. NO ONE IN THIS UNIVERSE WILL REPLACE ADRIANA PRICE. This woman can't be replaced. So, DREAM ON."

Kimberly said these words to her coldly the moment she heard Mrs.Preston's intentions of making her Noah's fiancé. Those words were cold and heartless. She was hurt but she had to maintain her composure.

Briana reluctantly walked downstairs but she didn't leave the house.

"Open the door now." Kimberly didn't even knock. "Noah I dare you to ignore your older sister. I swear to God I will beat you up black and blue."

Noah opened his eyes hearing his sister's words and he took a deep breath. 'I really….' He sighed and got up. He walked towards the door wondering what he did to make his older sister so angry. She is a person with a great temper but she easily gets angry when certain topics are touched which are sensitive for her.

He shut the door in Briana's face and he was determined to do the same to every single person that shows up requesting for his presence. "Come out NOW!" She yelled.

"Kim." Noah smiled lazily when he saw her face.

Kimberly glared at her brother. "Let me in." She warned him. "Come Back tomorrow. I will talk to you then." He sighed and was ready to shut the door but a hand pushed him back and he witnessed her forcing her way in.

Kimberly slammed the door shut and she locked it. "Take a seat." She sat down on the sofa and pointed at the chair in front of her.

Noah stared at her.

"– _ –*"

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She crossed her arms. She got up and cupped his face in her hands. "Your complexion isn't good. What happened?" She asked worriedly.

"Kelvin said I just need some rest. Kim come back tomorrow,please." He begged. Kimberly sighed and helped him towards his bed.

She had him lay down and she sat beside him. "This talk needs to happen right now. I saw her." She smiled brightly. "I promise I will fix everything brother. I don't wat you suffering anymore." She caressed his cheek and Noah wiped a tear from her cheek.

"You saw who?" He asked.

"Adriana." She responded and Noah stiffened. "She visited you first? She didn't mention that…." He frowned.

"Wait. You met her too?' She asked. "I did." He responded. "Brother I saw her in the airport. I didn't get the chance to talk to her but you didn't you?"

"It's a long story. Lay down." Noah patted the side next to him and decided to narrate the story for her.

When he saw his sister he had the urge to tell her how he feels and all the shocking things that have happened today.


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