You will hurt her with your lies

"Tell me how is this possible….we all thought you had…" Whatever the old lady wanted to say was stuck in her throat.

Adriana was quiet for a few seconds. Everyone in the room turned to look at her intensely waiting for an answer.

"Before the car fell down the bridge I remember someone saving me but my memory is still fussy. I don't really remember much of what happened that day. You all must be wondering why I didn't reach out to you guys. I was in the hospital for a very long time and it took me a while before I could freely walk around. I reached out to some people that knew my biological parents and I decided to start my career in designing." Adriana smiled calmly not getting into any details.

"Basically a lot of things happened and I honestly didn't want to come back." She told them honestly. "I'm sorry for not keeping in contact with any of you." She squeezed the old lady's hands that were holding hers.

"You don't have to tell us the details, as long as you are doing well that's all that matters." Mr.Preston smiled and he held his wife's hand pulling her out of the ward to give Adriana and his mother some privacy.

Kimberly followed and Noah did too.

"You stay here." The old lady clicked her tongue referring to Noah.

Noah sighed and he stayed back closing the door of the ward. He walked back to his previous spot with his hands in his pockets staring at Adriana as if he was looking straight into her soul.

Questions....he has a lot of them but he is too afraid ti ask them.

Adriana smiled and tried to ignore the presence behind her. "Did you eat yet?" Adriana asked, pointing to the porridge on the table beside the bed.

"You know I hate porridge." The old lady complained. Adriana shook her head and she brought a bowl pouring the porridge from the flask and she mixed it around with a spoon. "But you have to eat it. You don't seem to be in a good condition." Adriana insisted.

"No." The old lady stubbornly pushed the bowl away.

"Fine, I'm afraid I won't come visit you if you aren't going to eat your food."

"Humph! Who wants your visits anyway?" The old lady continued.

Adriana sighed helplessly.

"Grandma, if you don't drink the porridge mixed with the medicine the doctor will make you drink the medicine raw." Noah countered.

The old lady sighed and she opened her mouth. Adriana smiled and she fed her the food kindly. Her expression softened and she relaxed her tense shoulders.

There was silence while Adriana fed her the porridge. It wasn't until the whole bowl was empty that the old lady wiped her mouth and spoke. "So, are you guys going to start living together again after your remarriage or did you already remarry without telling anyone?"



"I should probably go. I have some things to take care of, I promise I will come visit you tomorrow during lunch time." Adriana smiled and she stood up. The old lady held her hand with a frown.

"What does this mean? You and Noah won't…." Her expression turned gloomy and she let go of Adriana's hand. She turned to gaze at the window with a heavy heart. "That's quite disappointing."

"That's not true. We are obviously together we just need to catch first. It has only been a day since she arrived here anyway." Noah pacified her.

Adriana's eyes widened.


'Play along.'

'You will hurt her more with your lies.'



Unknowingly they were both now glaring at each other, arguing through their thoughts.

"I don't believe you. *Sigh* You don't have to lie to me, I know you two will never get together again. I should just accept the cruel reality. Seven years ago, when Noah told me about the divorce I was really shocked. How could my two favorite grandchildren fall out of love? I remember how many times Noah apologized for spilling the hot drink on your hands thus, making it hard for you to work at that cafe. Tell me did Noah do something to make you upset?" The old lady turned to Adriana.


"No he didn't. It's just some complicated things Grandma. But we are good friends and we will definitely not fight. You don't have to worry. Just take care of your health." Adriana smiled.

"Tsk, we are definitely not fighting again grandma. I promise you." Noah agreed.

The old lady narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "I still don't believe you to. If you are going to lie to me you better just leave." She turned around and ignored their eyes. Her heart was broken and sadness overwhelmed her. How could she leave this world when these two aren't together. If there is something she is confident about is the love they have for each other. She trusts her gut the most and it was telling her that they love each other.

"We are not lying!" They both insisted in unison.

"Prove it!" The old lady clicked her tongue again.

Noah's lips twitched and he grabbed Adriana's hand intertwining their fingers together.

The old lady narrowed her eyes. "Wow, is this the best you got?" She scoffed.

Noah took a deep breath, his patience running out quickly. He wrapped his arm around her waist and he pulled her closer, leaning in for a kiss. "Corporate." He whispered.

Adriana stiffened. Indeed, Noah is willing to do anything to ease his grandmother's heart, even if it means pretending to be on good terms with her. She breathed in and she closed her eyes.

A feeling she hadn't felt in so long. Her lips trembled slightly when she felt his hot breath in her face. Her heart skipped a beat when his lips touched hers ever so lightly. He gently slowly and very softly captured her lips.

When they were gone she opened her eyes, disappointment filled her heart. She found him deep, blue eyes staring right back at her. For a second she almost lost her sanity in those eyes that she loves so much. Every time she would look at them she would want to go in for a dive, feeling his love involving her.

Him kissing every inch of her body and whispering 'I love you' in her ears. A feeling she would never get tired of. A scene very much fresh in her mind, his gentle touch that she has missed….

She blinked and she took a step back, her body feeling an electric shock. Her face full of disbelief. For the short moment that their eyes locked she felt her body relax and her heart open up. The urge to just stay in his arms forever and let him fight her battles, an urge to tell him the truth and stay in his embrace forever surged in her.

She snapped out of those thoughts and quickly regained her composure. She would definitely avoid intimate interactions with him, it's definitely dangerous for her. Right now she should stay focused on her one and only goal; revenge.

"It seems you weren't really lying huh? Fine, I believe you now." The old lady smiled brightly when she saw them kiss. The kiss was short but she could understand their silent love. She now felt more at ease.