So far Adriana was very much satisfied with what she saw.

She followed Jona and he told her to enter an elevator but surprisingly Noah did as well. She pursed her lips but she calmed down knowing Ralf and Jona would join her inside as well.

"I hope you don't mind but only the CEO and special guests can use this elevator. I will take Mr.Ralf and we will meet you at the CEO floor." Jona explained. Before she could even say anything the elevator started closing.

She helplessly sent an unsure Ralf a nod of assurance.

When the door closed and she was all alone with Noah she took a deep breath and said, "The working environment is great. You did a good job."



"Tsk...why did I think I could conversate with you?" She mumbled.


He faced her and placed his palm on her cheek. He closed his eyes and gave her a peck on her lips.

"Excuse me."

"Pardon me, it's been seven years. It's something I really can't help. Our skinship has always been….you know…." He explained himself.

He thought it would be easy. Being in such a close in space alone with her made him do something stupid like what he did just know. After he explained this to her, he was relieved to see the elevator door open.

He immediately exited and walked right inside his office.

Adriana closed her eyes and smiled clenching onto her purse. "Ma'am you look like you are about to murder someone," Ralf commented.

Adriana took a deep breath and she asked, "Does it?"

"Ms.Price please pass through this scanner. The doors in the front of the building are a hidden scanner but we are to scan everyone who enters the CEO floor as well." Jona explained and Adriana walked right through it.

As if reading what she had in mind Jona shook his head. "We have the most advanced technology in the country here. You don't need to remove any jewelry or anything of that sort. The scanner directly searches for items that may pose danger to others." He explained.

"Now, you must wait in the room outside of the CEO's office. When the meeting starts and everyone is inside the meeting room the CEO will escort you there." Jona told her.

"The CEO does this himself?" Adriana raised an eyebrow. "Yes...well sometimes. It depends on how important the guest is and his schedule." He responded and opened the door for her to a big room that felt like a comfy living room.

"Mr.Ralf would you like to come with? I will introduce to you the bodyguards arranged for Ms.Price. We didn't know she would bring you so we prepared in advance. I was thinking we can form a schedule with them so that you can take turns to match our itinerary. We also have to meet up with your assistant Ms.Price. She and your team also have a separate itinerary." He suggested but it didn't sound like an option.

It seemed like this was the plan all along but he didn't want to force them. Since the building is always under tight security, when guests come they want them to stick with the itinerary so that they can know where they are and keep everything in check.


"Go ahead." Adriana agreed.

"Thank you for collaborating with me Ms.Price. If anything is to your discomfort please inform Thea she will be here to keep you company in the meantime." The woman he referred entered the room with a polite smile.

"My name is Thea and I will assist you in the meantime. If you need some snacks or anything of that sort please inform me. I will be right outside the door." She said and she left the room with Ralf and Jona.

Adriana bid them goodbye and was now alone in the big room. She sighed and thought about what happened a few moments ago in that elevator.

What he said was indeed right. They were really the type of couple that would throw dog food at everyone mercilessly. She groaned and picked up a magazine.

She tried to stop thinking about those things and distract herself so that time could go by faster.

No way in hell would she allow him to take advantage of her just because he misses their interactions!

She would definitely give him a piece of her mind when she gets the chance. She considered his actions extremely rude.

'At least ask permission damn it!'


Noah locked his office door room and he took a deep breath in. Now that he thought about it, completing the promise he made to himself would be hard. It felt nearly impossible to be extremely professional with her.

He sat in his chair and opened the computer. He opened the camera tab and searched for the waiting room on the CEO floor.

When he found it he left it open and double checked the file about today's meeting.

He heard a beep from his intercom and he responded.

"CEO Preston, our guest has arrived at the waiting room. Also, your assistant is requesting to enter your office along with Ms.Brooklyn."

"Let them in...and check if our guest needs anything." He responded looking at the woman in the camera.


"Good morning Briana," Angel whispered behind her.

Briana jumped in surprise and she pulled him away from the glass window that they could use to see into the waiting room.

Briana had sent Thea to 'entertain' Adriana for her while she examined her from a distance. The fact is that she isn't ready to face her yet. She wanted to first get used to the reality of Adriana being alive and then she would face her head-on.

She saw Adriana turn her head to their direction and she pulled Angel away to hide from her line of sight.

"What are you up to?" He asked. "Isn't it obvious? I wanted to see if it's a real person and not a ghost." She responded.

"Well, I met her and she's very human to me." He joked. Briana rolled her eyes. "What's her itinerary?" She asked.

"I don't know much but after the meeting, she will be taken to her office and her team's room for their work and meetings. After that, I think she has lunch with the CEO, a tour around the building, and finally a meeting with the disciple she chose." Angel explained.

"Oh...wait what? Why does it all include Noah?" She asked knowing the type of guests like Adriana always have an office on the CEO floor with their team.

"Because she's a special guest." He replied and they started walking towards Noah's office.

"Obviously, ugh for his sake I will postpone today and attend her." She sighed making it seem like extra work for her. "Oh, you are so kind but there is no need. The CEO is free today since the chairman told him to take a vacation. Noah decided that he would just have an 'easy' day over a vacation."

"And it just had to be today?" Briana frowned.

"You are his best friend. Don't you care about his feelings? Do you think he will be able to face his ex-wife properly?" She insisted.

"Who do you take Noah for? He can handle it. And why do you seem to have a grudge against her?"

"Are you kidding? She hurt Noah, don't we all have a grudge against her?"

Angel stopped and faced her calmly. "Oh, Briana it's none of our business. We are just spectators. Noah's personal life is his problem all we can do is support him but at the end of the day it's his life and his decisions."

Looking at Briana's expression he continued, "Besides yesterday she visited grandma and met with aunt and uncle. They don't hate her because they don't know what happened in the past for sure. Why would we hold a grudge against someone without knowing anything for sure?" He asked, patting her shoulder.

"Relax." He smiled.

He was enjoying her twisted expressions a lot!