Manipulation at it's best

"Briana, don't be upset but after a lot of consideration, I came to a decision regarding the engagement between you and my son. Basically, I think we should cancel the whole arrangement. I will have a meeting with your parents and explain to them why I choose to do this. First I wanted to talk to you…."


Just a few days ago she was ecstatic about having a dinner with the two families to announce why?

Briana couldn't hide her frown. The sweet smile she held before disappeared in an instant. It was too hard to hold in her emotions when she heard that. Anyway, first she wanted to know why she took this decision.

After all, she's her biggest supporter. How could she turn her back on her so suddenly? Something must have definitely happened.

"Don't worry auntie, I trust your judgment."

Mrs.Preston smiled and continued after sipping her tea. She took a loud deep breath and exhaled then spoke, "I realized that I should let my son have the freedom of choosing his wife. I feel like I have been pushing him too far. It's been so many years since I have been able to hug him or greet him properly. Though, he smiles and treats me with respect there is something missing."

"I guess we aren't as close as we used to be. These years well...since that year our relationship hasn't been the best. I started reflecting upon my actions and realized that pushing you to him is making it all worse…" She bit her lip when she looked at Briana's hurt expression.

She realized that maybe she was being a bit too blunt.

"It's okay. I want what's best for Noah too. I want you two to be on good terms as well. So, I will be patient and wait until everything is solved." Briana gave her an understanding smile, still, her expression wasn't exactly a happy or excited one.

Mrs.Preston pursed her lips. "No, what I mean is…..I mean if you do what to get married to him you will have to approach him on your own. I...I won't be supporting this anymore unless he tells me he wholeheartedly loves you and wants to marry you. If he is happy with you I don't mind having you as my daughter-in-law." She explained.



Briana pressed her lips into a thin line.

"Did something happen?" She asked calmly.

Mrs.Prestons sighed in relief seeing she wasn't angry or upset.

'She's such a nice girl. She truly cares for my son.' She brushed that thought away when Adriana's words replayed in her mind.

Right...she was being too selfish and not letting her son make his own decisions.

"I would hate to have a mother like you." She said.

Does her son feel that way?

Does her son hate her?

It might be too late to fix her past mistakes but she could at least stop herself from making more! She was determined to fix things between her and her son.

"Well, Kimberly overhead a few things and she knows I was involved with Noah's divorce. We had a fight and I realized how selfish I was being. I should have talked with Noah properly and-"

"Aunt...what she did to him is wrong. You don't have to feel guilty. It's not your fault that the man we hired to scare her away was replaced by one of her obsessed lovers. Who could have guessed he would try to kill both himself and her for love…"

"Briana….." Mrs.Preston raised her voice a little.

She clenched her fists and sighed.

"Let's not bring that up. Even if it isn't completely our fault we were involved. I feel so relieved knowing she's alive. I felt like I was responsible for her death and it was eating me up."

Briana placed her hand on top of hers. "I know. I also felt that way. But how could she do that? Auntie, she aborted your grandchild. How could someone be that cruel? And for what? To go with her other lover."

Mrs.Preston closed her eyes. Every time she thought about it she got angry. How could a woman be so cruel!

'Yes..hate her. Hate her from the core of your heart.' Briana smirked while she hugged her.

It's fine. Their engagement being delayed like this again is an obstacle but not big enough to stop her….

Her heart had been pounding earlier. Kimberly! That little-

How dare she involve herself in this!? She almost lost Mrs.Preston off her grasp. If she had not been quick enough to manipulate her with the past she fabricated, she would have completely lost her.

She left the place with a relaxed expression. Everything is fine!

She still had that weird feeling on her chest, she felt like more troublesome things like these would happen again but if they did she would solve them quickly!

The thought that Adriana was behind this always stayed at the top of her head. Of course she has something to do with this!

That woman doesn't even have to do lift a finger and everyone will side with her.

She hates that.

It's so annoying! Why does everyone favor her? Adriana has tried to ruin her life so many times but why is she the innocent one? Well, there is no longer an innocent Adriana.

Just like Noah she had someone mess up with her memories. So, Adriana won't have enough proof to clear her reputation from the past.

She made sure it hit rock bottom before she sent her off to hell. Unfortunately, she didn't go to hell as planned….


"Shame..." She mumbled.

She got inside her car to head back home and she took a deep breath in. Her eyes teared up but she quickly wiped the tears away before they could even fall.

'That side of me is showing again.' She pursed her lips.

She hadn't been like this for a while. But that damn woman always makes her like this.

It's all her fault.

She wouldn't have to live like this if it weren't for her.

She cheered up when she got a message from Noah saying he wanted to meet up. He probably wants to apologize and enjoy the rest of the day with her!

Her mood lifted because of a simple message.

"It's okay. I won't let bad thoughts distract me. Besides, she doesn't remember things properly so I think we can be friends. If we are friends it's guaranteed that I will be able to keep my eyes on her!"

Even if she would be friends with Adriana she would still find a way to stop working under her. The idea disgusted her.

How could she work under that woman's commands? No way!

She would definitely ask Noah to help her out! But she had to find a good excuse….