
Noah smiled when Aria dozed off in his arms. He placed her down on the couch of his office and gently wrapped her in a warm blanket.

A unicorn, one he had prepared to give her. Guess he would have to look for another.

Anyway, he picked her up again and carried her to the bedroom in his office. He would often use it for rest or when he would work overnight.

He placed her on his bed and turned off the lights. He also left the door open in case she would wake up and be afraid of the unfamiliar surroundings.

He looked at his hand and frowned. Was he doing this right?

He had no idea of how to be a parent, but he hoped he was being good with Aria so far. She might not be his daughter, but that didn't change the fact that he cares for her.

It was funny to think a child stole a place in his heart so quickly.

Noah's favor of children was not the best. He loved children, but from afar. He sometimes told Adriana that he wanted a football team, but they both knew it was all jokes. After all, neither he nor she was ready to have children.

The idea sounded nice, but there was a responsibility that comes with it, and they were not prepared for that. Besides, they wanted to enjoy their marriage.

It's a pity that it only lasted about a year.

He heaved a sigh and answered an incoming call from his grandmother, who was still resting at the hospital. He had been busy these days and so Adriana and he never met each other when they went to visit her.

After hearing his grandmother's long speech about how Adriana is going through a rough time and how he should go comfort her, he tried to reach her and inform her about the situation.

When he was about to call her phone again, he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in." He said.

Briana sighed in relief when he finally allowed her to enter his office.

Noah looked up and frowned. "Was our conversation yesterday not clear enough for you?" he asked.

"Noah, you need to calm down. I explained to you why I did it. I meant no harm to you. Instead, I was helping you!"

"Helping me? How does manipulating my memories without my consent help me? I never allowed you to decide in my life. You crossed the line and have no right to influence my life anymore. So please leave before I call security."

Briana clenched her fists and bravely faced him. "For the sake of our friendship, could you at least do me a favor? I know forgiveness is too much to ask, but you know how my mother's health has been. You yourself went to visit her a few weeks ago! My contract with her can't last two years. If it does when she goes back to Paris, I will have to follow her! I need to stay here and take care of my sick mother."

She explained as quickly as she could before Noah would lose his patience and quick her out.

Noah paused, actually considering it. He wasn't thinking about it because of her, but because his mother likes Briana and would often visit Briana's mother as well. If she heard about this, she would be very upset. Their families also have a deep relationship, and if he let personal grudges affect it, it wouldn't do anybody any good.

Still, that didn't mean he would accept this kind of behavior. When he called her over to confront her, she had the nerve to blame it all on him.

A day ago:

"You were dying! I couldn't watch you like that, so I did what I had to do."

He had an expressionless face, but she was across from him with a tissue in her hand and sobbing.

"That day, your mother told me about how heartbroken she felt by seeing you like that. I understood getting over a relationship can be hard, but I needed to help you."

"So, I contacted the hypnotist, and you agreed to see him! When it wasn't giving results, he offered to wipe her off your memories forever. I called your mother and asked, 'Would it be better if he forgot everything about her completely?' She agreed, of course. She knew nothing about it, but she agreed. I was influenced by her words and so I took the decision!"

"I know you feel betrayed, but I really did what I thought was best for you."

"Is that your excuse?" He asked.

"You realize our relationship will never be the same anymore, right?"

Though it hurt her to be in this difficult situation with Noah, she nodded her head.

She saw this coming anyway. Briana knew there was always a slight chance that he would find out what she did. She had to think. It was frustrating seeing him stuck over a relationship that had already ended. How could they move on if he's still stuck with his ex-wife?

She would keep her distance for a little while, but she was sure he would come around, eventually. And yet it saddened her, and she cried even harder.

Noah looked down at her and passed another tissue.

She's still sensitive when people raise their voices, and cries easily as always. Even so, it annoyed him so much, yes they are childhood friends but there are boundaries!


F*cking boundaries.

Yes, he cares for her, but she has crossed the line!

He no longer felt that he could trust her. He had no feeling of forgiving her for something like this. Wiping out someone's memories is not simple! It could also be dangerous. He was not thinking right when he said he wanted to forget Adriana. Obviously, he only said that because he was in pain.

He never said he wanted to forget every single thing about her.

He had this uncomfortable feeling in his heart every time he saw Briana. She had changed, and it took him so long to realize it. Her idea of their friendship was not something that pleased him. Even if they are friends, no one but he should be able to decide what he wants to do.

They were no longer on the same page. And so he decided...

"We need some distance. Talking things out won't work in this situation. Also, someone informed me of rumors going around the company. I see you as a friend and I have no intention to take part in a marriage with you."

'Friends.' The more he repeated that word, the tighter her heart clenched in her chest.