Weirdest day ever

Noel was a little spooked, but he trusted her words and he knew it was for the best.

After relaxing and taking on the role he was playing, poured himself a drink and he smirked.

"Your daughter. She's an interesting person. I also heard a rumor that she's engaged to Preston's son, is that right?"

Wow, he couldn't believe he pulled that off. It surprised him, but the way she spoke with confidence through the device in his ear influenced him. Her words were careful and calculative, she chose her tone wisely and when she was mocking someone it sounded so sophisticated that it was like being stabbed a hundred times.

If she spoke like this in such a conversation, he wondered how it would sound when she insulted and cursed at someone. She spoke with such elegance that it was amusing even for him.

"Well, it's not official, but I'm not sure if it will go anywhere." Mr. Brooklyn smiled. For a second he misunderstood that Noel had taken an interest in his daughter, and so he denied that she might be in an engagement already.

"Then make it official." Noel tilted his head at him with a calm and yet angry expression.

"Wait what..?"

"You heard me. Make it official. I want a wedding between them…. also, send me an invitation if you would."

"I want it to happen right after your wife gets busted. If you don't do as I say, you'll get exposed along with your wife. No pressure." Noel smiled coldly.

Mr. Brooklyn broke into cold sweats. He had been working with this anonymous man that had given him many benefits as long as he followed his instructions. He was sketchy for a while because the instructions always revolved around his own family, especially his daughter.

Either way, he wanted to break free from his wife and her family. They had gotten married for the benefit of each other's families, and he was sick and tired of her dirty work behind his back. Not only had she cheated on him, but she had been leeching off their company.

He knew that if he got his wife exposed he would gain a significant advantage, and so he asked that anonymous person for help.

His original instructions were to give him information.

It wasn't anything difficult either, just a few important files from his company and other things.

He never questioned it because he also feared the power of this anonymous person.

"I can't." He swallowed.

"I mean- it will be hard. The Prestons decided they won't support an engagement unless their son agrees, and he refuses to."

Adriana raised an eyebrow at that.

"Noel, I want you to put your acting skills to use. Just frighten him a bit, yeah?"

Noel followed her words, and he stood up. He sipped his drink and placed it down. He then lifted Mr. Brooklyn by his collar and he glared at him.

"I don't care how you do it, but you will do it. I want an official engagement between them in a month. Is that clear?"

Noel felt the man in his hand tremble and watched him nod his head furiously.

"I-I will."

"Great. Since the instructions are clear, don't contact me again unless I do it first."


Noel sent him another glare and Mr. Brooklyn backed down instantly.

"If something goes wrong, I'm sure you will handle it, right? If you don't, then I'll handle you."

Noel gulped down the rest of his drink, and he walked out of the room. The guards outside said nothing and made way for him, he could have sworn one of them flinched.

'Just how well did she scare them?' He wondered.

He had never experienced something like this. No one had ever been so afraid of him. He then realized that it wasn't him who they were afraid of, but the person he was pretending to be.

With that in mind, he nervously walked back into the room where Adriana was in.

She was already pouring drinks for both of them. "Take a seat."

As if he had received orders from his boss, he took a seat across from her.

"Cheers, you did well." She smiled.

He nodded his head, and they clicked their glasses together.

"So, I presume I'm not allowed to ask questions."


He hummed and removed the device from his ear. He placed it back in the black box in his pocket and handed it to her.

"Word of advice…. forget today happened." She smiled and gulped down her drink, only to pick out another bottle from the ice bucket and pour herself more but of different alcohol.

"What happened today?" He asked.

She hummed, "I like you, you're are good at this... Anyway, give this to him when he knocks on the door." She picked out a white package from her purse and handed it to him.

"Who?" He asked in confusion. He felt like this woman spoke only riddles, and it made him nervous.

"The guy outside." She answered.

A second later there was banging on the door.

"Wait! I need assurance. It's something difficult and I need to be sure of what you told me." Mr. Brooklyn shouted.

Noel sighed and opened the door.

"Take this, for your 'assurance'." He then closed the door on his face and sat back down.

Adriana chuckled. "I really do like you, huh?"

"I don't know if I should be freaked out or honored," Noel mumbled with a chuckle. He looked up at her and was left in awe.

It was until now that he had the chance to appreciate her beauty. He had no idea of who she was, and that made him nervous. He looked at the familiar pattern on her shoulder.

Since the dress she wore exposed her tattoo on her shoulder, he found the pattern familiar.

It brought him out of his thoughts when she cleared her throat.

"It was nice working with you, Noel. I'll take my leave, oh and pass a message to your cousin. Tell her she won't get the plans until she learns how to read them first."


"Yes, the planes to a building we are constructing together. She wants the plans, but she doesn't even know how to read them, it's funny isn't it?." Adriana picked up her purse, and she stood up.

Noel opened the door for her and watched her leave.

When she had disappeared from his sight, he shook his head while he laughed.

"This is the weirdest day I've ever had."