Return of the Wanderer

Mount Ba City, Ye Mansion.

"Have you heard? Master's lowly son-in-law has returned."

"You mean the one who got engaged to our Young Miss as a child? Who does he think he is? How is he suitably matched to our refined Ye Family's Daughter?"

"Precisely! But what can we do? The Master likes this man. Hmph, he left without a single notice four years ago, and now he appeared out of nowhere when our Young Miss got accepted in the Holy Sword Sect. Who does he think he is?"

"Craving things he isn't worthy of! He should take a good long look in the mirror at his vile self!"

The servant girls of the Ye Mansion chattered and argued ceaselessly, their faces overflowing with scorn and disgust. 

All of a sudden, their faces froze. Swiftly, their heads lowered as they stared blankly at the fallen leaves at their feet, sweeping and retreating in silence.

In the distance stood a young chap clad in plain, inconspicuous cheap robes, staring at the gossiping ladies. Their words had fallen into his ears.

"I'm unworthy?" he muttered to himself in disbelief. Hearing the words through his mouth, he scoffed. This man was none other than the undeserving man, fiance of the Young Mistress of the Ye Family, Lin Qian.

Hearing the condemnations of the servants, Lin Qian was simply blase. Shaking his head, he left down the path. 

The Ye Mansion was humongous. The Main Family line and the Branch Families, together with the servants, totaling more than three thousand, all stayed within the walls of the mansion.

Pathway after pathway connected the various regions within the estate. While it might be a seemingly endless maze, Lin Qian, who had been away for the past four years, navigated through them with ease.

The Ye Mansion's Inner Court, Meeting Hall.

The Meeting hall was the place where the clan discusses the events of utmost importance. As Lin Qian approached the entrance of the Meeting Hall, he coincidentally met three others.

At the very front was a middle-aged man. His clearly defined facial features accentuated his handsome proportions, topped with two well-groomed whiskers as a moustache. Dressed in regal robes, every step he took radiated confidence and power, together with a tad of dominance. This ma is this generation's Ye Family Head, the future Father-in-law of Lin Qian, Ye Nanxin.

Two youngsters, around the age of 16, followed at his sides. Their faces reeked of arrogance as they walked over, dressed in snow-white robes with a black cloak. 

Seeing Lin Qian, a warm smile broke Ye Nanxin's stern expression. Warmly, he nodded at Lin Qianin acknowledgement, before he left with the youngsters.

Watching Ye Nanxin depart, Lin Qian's fingers wriggled and fidgeted, his mind churning through some unknown thoughts. 

Subsequently, a loud cacophony of chatter resounded in the hall. Masses of clansmen swarmed out, waves after waves, completely cutting across the gentleman at the entrance of the building.

As they walked past Lin Qian, everyone had the same gaze. Disgust, scorn, hate, belittlement and contempt. Despite the enormous masses of people, half a meter radius around Lin Qian remained mysteriously empty.

The message was clear. Even being the slightest bit close to Lin Qian was a form of unthinkable insult on oneself.

"I've heard from others that you have returned. Unbelievable. It looks like it's true!" "A bright, chirpy voice echoed on his right. Turning towards the voice, a 14-year-old little girl was staring straight at him.

"Ye Lin?" Carefully examining the little girl, Lin Qian recognised his future Father-in-law's 2nd brother's daughter, the cousin of his fiancee. 

"Cousin is now Hold Sword Sect's disciple. She is not someone a trashy, worthless, good-for-nothing gigolo can ever be worthy of." With a voice full of contempt, a condescending gaze burnt onto Lin Qian's face. Staring smugly, Ye Lin continued her slurs, "if you have the slightest bit self-awareness, take the initiative and cut the engagement. Did you think that you could leech onto cousin and rocket up to the sky? Stop dreaming!"

Having said her share, Ye Lin flicked her hair, turned and left. Not even a meter away, she looked back and added, "Only a child favoured by the Heavens, like the son of the Governor, Bai Ren, can be suited for Cousin. The Governor has already sent his wish to arrange a meeting between them. Bai Ren will be back here at Mount Ba City in a few days. You can stop dreaming of leeching onto the Ye Family from now on."

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he watched her condescending soliloquy in silently, thoroughly amused. 

Sensing his indifference and silence, Ye Lin's disgust towards him concentrated further. Snorting coldly, she turned and left, "Worthless trash!"

Seeing that the young girl would not turn back again, Lin Qian sniggered to himself as his head shook in amusement. He entered into the Meeting Hall, against the flow of the crowd leaving it.

 As Lin Qian stood in the vast hall, capable of holding several hundreds of others, it was empty, with not another soul left inside. 

On each side of the hall, a text scroll hung. Only one word was written, "Silence".

Randomly choosing a spot, Lin Qian sat down, waiting silently and expressionlessly.

Moments later, hurried footsteps paced towards the Meeting Hall, echoing louder and louder. Lin Qian's head lifted as he heard the approaching man. Immediately, a hustling Ye Nanxin entered his gaze.

"Uncle Ye!" Lin Qian bolted right up, smiling as he ran towards the entrance.

Ye Nanxin rushed forward, grasping Lin Qian's hands, tugging him out of the Meeting Hall, "Little Qian, Uncle now will give you a God-given, precious chance. You have to hold onto with your life." 

"What chance is this that got you in such a mad rush?" Lin Qian wriggled his hands out of the grip, forcing an awkward smile

"Ba Shan City is a subject of the Universal Phenomenon Sect. Every three years, the Sect opens up recruitment for disciples. I want to send you for a trial." Sternly, Ye Nanxin walked and spoke for his plans with Lin Qian.

 "Cultivation in this world is heavily dependent on the Martial Soul. Yet, I am a disabled man with no Martial Soul, how am I going to enter the Universal Phenomenon Sect?" Aware of the hopeless struggle, Lin Qian brushed aside Ye Nanxin's concerned hands.

"For every recruitment, the Sect dispatches Inspectorate Disciples to the various Clans and Families within the city, offering their entitled quota for their clansmen. Like previous years, the Ye Family has three slots. Very specially, this year, we even have an ensured slot. "

"For this insured name, regardless of his abilities, talent, potential, that person would be accepted. As such, this is an exceptional opportunity for you. I want you to take this chance."

"Who uses the ensured name is entirely up to the inspectorate disciples. Fortunately, the inspectorate disciples dispatched to Mount Ba City from the Sect has graced their presence in our Ye Family. I've arranged for you to stay in the accommodation bedside them. You have been intelligent and crafty from youth, and good with words. Go, establish strong connections with them; only then, Uncle Ye can push it through for you."

"Uncle Ye, there are three disciples dispatched, with one of them being the main inspectorate officer. The other 2 are just lackeys tagging along. I suppose the ones staying with us are just the assistants, right? If so, there is no point sucking up with them!" Hearing the desperate measures proposed, Lin Qian did not know to anger or laugh.

"The Governor's son, Bai Ren, had been accepted a few years ago when he was 14. I caught wind of his return recently; he must be the inspectorate. My relationship with the Governor is deep; I will ask him for help personally." As they spoke, the duo had arrived at the courtyard.

Standing at the entrance, Ye Nanxin fished out a cloth bag, shoving it into Lin Qian's palm. 

"This is a little gift I prepared. Go inside, get to know the Universal Phenomenon Sect's disciples." Firmly tapping Lin Qian's shoulders, he smiled warmly, "Uncle Ye can only help you tell this point. The rest, all up to you."

"Also, our little girl sends letters back here every month, asking about your return. You are always on her mind, and she misses you tons." Finishing his careful instructions, Ye Nanxin looked wistfully into the courtyard and shook his head. 

As Ye Nanxin left, Lin Qian stood stationary and silently, watching his caring father-in-law's back disappearing gradually into the distance.

"Who cares how the Ye Family sees and treats me. How is that of any importance?" Staring at the heavy linen bag on palm, his heart was engulfed in with warmth, "As long as my future father-in-law and wife treats me with love, that is sufficient."

Flinging and catching the bag up into the air, Lin Qian pushed open the doors, entering it.


As the door shut tight, the loud sound echoed through the silent courtyard, alarming the two young and arrogant disciples from the Universal Phenomenon Sect.

As Lin Qian approached them, the initial as arrogance fleeted into nothingness as seriousness and respect took its place. With their fist clenched together in front of their chest, they courteously bowed.

"Brother Lin!"