The Message Left Behind

Ye Mansion, Front Hall

All the clansmen from the main Ye Family had their breakfast here. Owing to a strict rule there was no speaking during mealtimes, only the soft clatter of utensils against bowls was heard.

As the servants picked up after the meals, a silent cough from the Family Head Ye Nanxin drew the attention of the entire hall. However, their gaze occasionally jumped to the young man beside him, Lin Qian. From their perplexed expressions, Lin Qian could tell that they were confused, their hearts jumbled with inexpressible thoughts. 

Staring at the masses, he could not read their minds. But one thing was certain, he could feel the molten rage that Ye Lin had for him. As Ye Nanxin spoke, her eyes never left him, burning into his skin. After the chat with his future father-in-law, Lin Qian had thoroughly understood how much Ye Lin despised him.

For a small city like Mount Ba City, their population was negligible compared to the province. Prodigies were a rare occurrence. Calling the feat Ye Lin achieved extraordinary, becoming a disciple of the Holy Sword Sect, was an understatement. 

The instant she was accepted, Ye Xin was promoted to the role model of all the younger generation within the Ye Family. In Ye Lin's eyes, Ye Xin was an idol she glorified and admired dearly.

Yet, the cousin she saw as a goddess was to be married to the trash with no Martial Soul? What an inconceivable and unfair arrangement!

"Just yesterday, I received two pieces of wonderful news. First, the Universal Phenomenon Sect inspectorate disciple has decided to hold the recruitment test right here, at our Ye Family home. Following the usual practice, we will be entitled to two more positions."

As his words fell upon the ears of the fellow clansmen, their eyes sparkled with anticipation, and their lips curled up from the inexpressible joy.

Mount Ba City was part of a broader region of Qing Province. Numerous powerhouse sects had split the province into several smaller areas and Mount Ba City was one of them. Currently, they were a vassal of Universal Phenomenon Sect.

The City Governor's Bai Family head was a disciple of Universal Phenomenon Sect. Seeing his unimpressive talent and potential, the Sect dispatched him out as a supervisor for the City.

During every recruitment, the Universal Phenomenon Sect sends out several disciples from their Headquarters as inspectorates. These disciples would enter the various vassal cities under their charge, recruiting high potential and talented individuals into the Sect.

Within the Qing Province, Universal Phenomenon Sect was a superpower. To be able to send just a single family member into the Sect would bring utmost honour and pride to the clan.

The privilege of being the Sect's disciple was unrivaled. Even a disciple with mediocre talent could become the Governor of a city.

For every assessment, each family was entitled to limited slots. According to their influence within the City, their numbers varied. Low influence families were given two slots, mid-range families were given four slots. Superpowers like the Bai, Ye and Li Family were given eight slots. Wherever the assessment was conducted, the hosting family will receive another two bonus slots.

For the past several years, the coveted opportunity had landed on the Governor's Bai Family without fail. Yet this time, the bonus had miraculously landed on the Ye Family. The sudden and unannounced blessing had left the entire clan stupefied.

"Do not overthink. We owe it all to Lin Qian's efforts!" Ye Nanxin heard the cacophony of chatters, instantly extinguishing any rumours. Giving Lin Qian a resounding pat on the shoulder, he praised him yet again, "This rascal got really close and bonded with the Universal Phenomenon Sect disciples and even convinced them to let us be the host this time. Get this fact in your heads, this man here is a large contributor to our family's success!"

Alas, Ye Nanxin's words were insufficient to change the discrimination of the clansmen. With scepticism all over their faces, their eyes narrowed onto the young man beside the Family Head.

From the looks of things, they were more convinced that Ye Nanxin bribed the Universal Phenomenon Sect disciples, buying the chance to host the assessment. After which, he credited the phenomenal success on Lin Qian's name.

Good-For-Nothing trash with no Martial Soul could mix in with the arrogant Universal Phenomenon Sect disciples? All he had to do was talk them into giving us this God-given chance which everyone else thirsted for? Who are you kidding?

Never did anyone expect, this man whom they looked upon with contempt, was the real inspectorate disciple from Universal Phenomenon Sect. His words were the ones that counted. He chose Ye Family. Literally, he only had to talk.

"Naturally, the second piece of good news is the return of Lin Qian." These words distorted the expressions of the clansmen. None of them saw this as anything worth celebrating about. 

"I know what you all are thinking. But Xin'er's decision had never wavered. If it's not him, she will not get married." Sweeping his gaze across the crowd, Ye Nanxin suppressed any objections sternly, "Any violent objections, go to Xin'er directly."

Discuss with Ye Xin? 

That very thought sent a piercing shiver down their spines. Who in their right mind would do that?

Lin Qian and Ye Xin grew up as an inseparable pair. They were childhood sweethearts with an unfathomably deep bond.

Even if an almighty, Herculean man from the Holy Sword Sect offered a hand in marriage. Even if he waited for her relentlessly at her doorstep, her heart would not sway a single bit.

Moreover, rumours had been spread that Ye Xin's teacher had a formidable background. It was through her dominating connections that she had the means of taking away such a prodigy from under the Universal Phenomenon Sect's noses.

With her teachers backing, Ye Xin was far above any Ye Family member in the hierarchies. Who dared to question her decision?

Not to mention, Ye Nanxin's firm, decisive tone left no room for discussion. He was the Family Head, and he had set the engagement in stone. The die was cast, who were they to object it?

All they could do was to keep their grievances to themselves and throw their insults silently in their minds. Placing a flower of a heap of dung, what a shame!

What needs to be said had been said. The chatter died down gradually as the Ye Family members stood and left, leaving only Ye Nanxin and Lin Qian within the vast hall.

After the crowd left, Ye Nanxin fished out an envelope from his breast pocket, passing it to Lin Qian.

Lin Qian's gaze glued onto the envelope the moment he received it. This envelope was not the ordinary paper made ones, nor was it made of unknown leather. On its surface, an ominous, blood-red pattern ran across, covering it like webs. Looking at the sinister envelope and its eerie inscriptions, caution and dread churned within Lin Qian.

"Uncle Ye, this envelope…" With his hands tightly gripping onto the envelope, his puzzled eyes directed towards Ye Nanxin.

"This envelope, it was left behind by your parents. They instructed me to hand it to you when you turned 16." Speaking of the past events, Ye Nanxin smiled warmly. "What a coincidence! My prodigal child returned when he turned 16. Little rascal, are you not going to tell me where you went?"

Hearing Ye Nanxin's question, the undesirable image of the nightmarish place flooded his mind. At these nasty thoughts, Lin Qian's eyes turned colder than absolute zero, "A… horrible place… where man only survives by eating other men!"

Hearing that ridiculous claim, Ye Nanxin's head shook as he laughed, "Where in the world is this place where a man eats another man?" 

Staring straight into Lin Qian's eyes, Ye Nanxin waited for a few moments. No reply. Sensing the unwillingness to speak, a resigned sigh escaped, "Well, you are unable to train your cultivation. As an ordinary man, I'm sure you had your fair share of pain and difficulties in these four years outside."

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Smiling gleefully, a bright set of sparkling white teeth shone as Lin Qian smiled indifferently.

"That's my child! If only the issue with your Martial Soul could be solved. Uncle Ye firmly believes that you would make it big one day!" Impressed, Ye Nanxin gave an assuring nod. Happiness and pride flushed his face, together with a tad of sympathy.

Having absorbed Soul energy, the Practitioner would definitely awaken a Martial Soul within him. Should the Martial Soul be a weapon, then the user would be a qualified Soul Practitioner. Should it be a set of farming tools, then the user would be something along the lines of a Soul Farmer...

Making it worse, should the Martial Soul be a hoe, scissors or even a tea set, the cultivation and refinement progress would be unnaturally sluggish. Regardless, every person should be able to awaken a form of Martial Soul. Only in the case of Lin Qian, not a strand of his Martial Soul was found. Owing to this disaster, Lin Qian's parents were led to believe that something went amiss. This belief urged them to set out in hopes of finding a cure.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Lin Qian did have a Martial Soul. It was just that this pure white whirlpool was overly bizarre and hid underneath the radar, creating a false belief of his lack of a Martial Soul. 

"Alright! Uncle Ye has to go arrange the planning for the Universal Phenomenon Sect's Recruitment Assessment. I've got to make sure we live up to the high regard of the inspectorate disciple. If we let them down, things may turn difficult." Standing up, Ye Nanxin bid farewell to Lin Qian, walking straight out of the hall.

Watching Ye Nanxin's disappearing silhouette, Lin Qian suddenly shouted, "Uncle Ye! Universal Phenomenon Sect's inspectorate would definitely be pleased!"

"HAHA! You aren't the inspectorate! What makes you think your words are counted! Rascal, just make sure you don't disappear again!" Turning back, Ye Nanxin broke into a loud guffaw, jokingly scolding his son-in-law.

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qian muttered his grievances softly, "Uncle Ye, I too, don't want to keep you in the dark. But things can get nasty if it goes off course."

But quickly, his attention was sucked away by the envelope on his hands.

The message left behind by his parents from this world.