Ye Lin

By the river, Ye Lin slumped onto the ground in a battered and dismal state. Being caught red-handed by Lin Qian, she stood with her head sheepishly lowered, her heart racing.

Within the Ye Family, Ye Lin and Ye Xin were closer than blood sisters.

Every year, when Ye Xin returned home, she would bring some exciting gifts for Ye Lin. Take the Concealment Talisman, for example. After activating this talisman, it would suppress the aura of a Soul Practitioner to a considerable extent. With its aid, Ye Lin was able to tail Zhao Qiang and Zhao Jian, utterly undetected. .

The Zhao Brothers, on Lin Qian's instructions, were heading to intercept Bai Ren' entrance back into Mount Ba City, telling him of his new mission.

Unbeknownst to them, their conversation before they left had fallen upon the ears of Ye Lin who was passing by their courtyard.

What? Two Universal Phenomenon Sect disciples are heading out to intercept the Governor's son… such an exciting event! 

However, should anyone else catch wind of this, they would know better than to stalk the disciples of the Universal Phenomenon Sect. Alas, fools rush in where angels fear to tread. At a tender age of 14, Ye Lin was inexperienced and immature. Coupled with her ownership of a Concealment Talisman, she was completely fearless. Immediately, she lept into action.

During their movements, the Zhao Brothers were careful of the movements from the Li Family. But, they would never have expected that within Mount Ba City, there existed people who dared to tail the disciples of the great Universal Phenomenon Sect. Not to mention, of all the people possible, it was the Young Lady from the Ye Family who would be following behind them, concealed by a high-end talisman.

At first, Ye Lin was hidden impeccably. From her time stalking the duo, she learnt several bits of shocking news. Like the Li Family colluding with the Tyrannical Blade Sect, and their outrageous scheme of taking the treasures with Mount Ba Ruins for themselves. Not only that, they had the audacity of wanting to annihilate the Ye and Bai Families, using it as a bargaining chip to gain the Tyrannical Blade Sect's protection.

Despite learning this inconceivable news, Ye Lin managed to keep her emotions in check, never once letting out any sound or actions that may give herself away.

Yet, that trash with no Martial Soul, her Goddess's unworthy Fiancee, Lin Qian, suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Not just that, the impossibly mind-boggling thing occurred. The Universal Phenomenon Sect's Zhao Brothers and also the Child Blessed by Heavens, Young Master Bai, actually greeted this trash courteously and even called him Brother!

Waves of shock and disbelief crashed repeatedly on her, causing her to lose herself entirely. As she stared wide-eyed, she uncontrollably took a step back, snapping a branch beneath her feet.

Followed quickly by the force of a palm strike jetting towards her. The imminent assault drew all sense from her and in her fear, she went crashing to the ground.

"Concealment Talisman… no wonder Ye Lin could go unnoticed by my two junior brothers." Walking back from the tree, Bai Ren waved a piece of yellow paper, handing it to Lin Qian. 

Receiving the talisman, Lin Qian could still see the glimmering Soul Energy on its surface. Shaking his head, Lin Qian sighed, "Of all the possible gifts, why would Xin'er give a Concealment Talisman?"

"Oh no… Brother, what do we do? I think she heard all of it…" Flustered, Zhao Qiang panicked and sought help. 

"What to do? How am I supposed to know? Should I shut her up for eternity? You do realise this rascal would be calling me Brother-in-law in the future right?" Furious, Lin Qian's head turned and glared straight at the incompetent brothers, his voice strained from irritation." You two are a disgrace. Ye Lin barely entered the Condensed Vitality Stage, 9th tier. Even if she had the Concealment Talisman, you two could spot her with just a tad more awareness!"

"In the end, what happened? I've reminded you, over and over. Regardless of what you do, just be careful, spare me some worry!"

"When this is settled, the rewards from the Sect would be guaranteed. Is this how you repay me after I fought for this chance for the two of you?"

"Tell me, if the one that tailed the two of you idiots was not Ye Lin, but someone from the Li Family. What are you going to do? Huh? Tell me!"

The quaint and tranquil atmosphere around the river was wholly destroyed by Lin Lin Qian's bellowing roars. In front of him, Zhao Qiang and Zhao Jian stood with their heads lowered in shame. As their Senior Brother chewed down on them, their eyes darted around, not daring to look him in the eye.

"Hmm, you guys…" On the side, Bai Ren sighed as he watched on, "Brother Lin is scolding you two for your own good. If the one tailing you was from the Li Family, you might already be buried in the ground."

Nodding their heads slowly, they had immense guilt written on their faces. Regardless of how harsh Lin Qian was, Zhao Qiang and Zhao Jian knew that they deserved it.

For they knew, all of these words were proof that Lin Qian believed that they could be better.

On the other side, Ye Lin was dumbstruck. These two Universal Phenomenon Sect disciples were officials of even higher rank than the Family Head in her eyes.

Back in the Ye Mansion, these two brothers were arrogant and supercilious. As they walked around the premises, their eyes never looked into the clansmen eyes, and their expression was cold and unchanging.

Now, the bizarre sight in front of her left her flabbergasted. The pompous brothers had hell coming down onto them from the trash known as Lin Qian. The divergent change and incongruence to her memory left Ye LIn dazed and stuck on her spot.

Finishing his lecture, Lin Qian stood in front of Ye Lin, staring straight at her, not speaking a single word. After a while, he sighed helplessly: "Ye Lin, what's wrong with you? Why are you so curious?"

"Lin Qian, I promise you. My mouth will be shut tight, not a single word will be let out." As soon as Lin Qian's words fell, Ye Lin quickly raised her hand into a begging stance. Looking at him with puppy eyes, she pouted and whined, "Please, please don't kill me."

"What the heck? Do I look like a murderer to you? Why would I kill you for no reason?" 

Slamming down her raised hands, Lin Qian snapped in annoyance.

"I concealed my identity for the sake of convenience." As he spoke, Lin Qian's fingers jabbed at Zhao Qiang and Zhao Jian. "The attention of the Li family is fixated on these two. While I, on the other hand, am conveniently taken as trash with no Martial Soul. I can go snooping around for whatever I want to check. Who would bother with me? "

"Mount Ba City's Universal Phenomenon Sect Trial will be held tomorrow. The Li family's scheme targets Bai Ren, Zhao Qiang and Zhao Jian only. My hidden existence will totally tear their plans to shreds."

As he spoke, his gaze narrowed onto the girl, sternly, "Just make sure you don't run around until the assessment tomorrow."

Perplexed, Ye Lin questioned, "How do you know it will happen tomorrow?"

"The biggest point in the Li family's plan is to annihilate the Ye family and the Bai family in one swoop. With this, they would prove their loyalty as a vassal, joining The Tyrannical Blade Sect. During Mount Ba City's Universal Phenomenon Sect Trial, the most powerful forces in Mount Ba City gather in one place, making it the perfect stage for their performance." Lin Qian's eyes turned ice-cold as his lips curled into an ominous sneer.

"I believe the Tyrannical Blade Sect would be lending a helping hand. After all, it's delusional to think that the Li family alone can take down the Ye family and my Bai family." On Lin Qian's side, Bai Ren warned in all-seriousness, single-handedly opening a folding fan in one loud swoop, swaying it in front of his chest. He continued, "If they knew the inspector who came to Mount Ba City is actually Brother Lin, I'm afraid they will escape with their tails between their legs?"

"Anyways, as for the ruins, you need not explore them anymore. I need you to let Ye Lin spend the night at your Bai family. You must ensure that she stays put. Monitor her every second tonight if you need to." Jabbing his finger at the girl beside him, he sternly instructed Bai Ren.

Closing the fan, Bai Ren cupped his fist and nodded in acknowledgement, "Understood. I believe my younger sister misses Ye Lin immensely. As such, little miss Ye Lin, you are cordially invited to come to my Bai family for one night. This excuse should be fine."

"But…" Hearing Lin Qian and Bai Ren's conversation, Ye Lin froze, her mouth gapped opened yet no words formed. The words of protest were forcibly swallowed back down. 

She understood that Lin Qian and the rest could not fully trust her. If she leaked news of their plans, then their efforts for the past few days would be for nought.

Moreover, Ye Lin was crystal clear that her resistance was pointless. She was but a mere Soul Practitioner at Entrance Vitality Stage, 9th tier. 

When Lin Qian's palm shot out just now, the Soul Energy materialised into a palm print in mid-air. Very clearly, he was at the Condensed Vitality Stage. Besides, her cousin Ye Xin, who she dearly admired, was in the same cultivation stage!

In the face of an opponent whose cultivation was leaps and bounds above, any wise man would know better than to resist.

"If my suspicions are accurate, I believe Xin'er gave you some Pills. You need to take it tonight, aiding you to break through to the Condensed Vitality Stage. With this, you can soar to the peak during tomorrow's assessment and become a disciple of universal Phenomenon Sect, right?" Suddenly, Lin Qian's voice sounded behind her.

Hearing those words, ye Lin's head shot right up. In front of her, the face she despised much was smiling warmly.

"If I spend the night at the Bai Mansion, I can't break through with the help of cousin's Pills." Ye Lin was evidently distressed, "The Pills are sealed by Sister Xin'er, for fear they were stolen. So.. they can't leave the house."

Lin Qian understood her concerns. The seal on the Pills was unique, just like the seal on his parent's envelope. It was a Bloodline Seal which can only be opened by people in the same bloodline.

Lin Qian was surprised, he didn't expect Ye Xin to dote on this little girl so much.

"Rest assured, there is a special quota for Mount Ba City's Universal Phenomenon Sect Trial. Without the need for an assessment, you can directly join Universal Phenomenon Sect." Looking at Ye Lin's sad pouting face, he suddenly said, "As long as you obediently stay in the Bai Mansion and let Bai Ren monitor you. This chance is yours. "

Hearing Lin Qian's words, Ye Lin's eyes pried 3 sizes wider: "Really?"

"Of course, it is true. I am the Inspectorate Disciple of Mount Ba City. The Elders of the Sect have bestowed full authority onto me. If I say that this chance is yours, it will be yours." Lin Qian's words were sharp, unequivocal and unquestionable.

Yelin stared blankly at Lin Qian. All of a sudden, she turned misty-eyed as memories of what she had said in front of the Assembly Hall flashed back. Bowing her head in embarrassment, she sincerely apologised, "Lin Qian, I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Seeing Ye Lin's apology, Lin Qian was dumbstruck. Hesitantly, he reached out and rubbed the other's head, "In my eyes, it's just a child's immature jokes. All is fine, alright? In the future, don't look down on others so quickly, you must give them at least the necessary respect."

Hearing that Lin Qian had accepted her apology, Ye Lin looked up and wiped the tears from her eyes. After a moment, she solemnly nodded to Lin Qian: "I understand, Brother Lin Qian."

The sudden addition of honorifics left Lin Qian at a loss for words.

Years ago, when they were still little children, Ye Lin had stuck to him all the time, whenever wherever. She had always loved to call Lin Qian, Brother Lin Qian.

"You, still the same little girl, playful as ever." Looking back at her, Lin Qian smiled.

As Ye Lin heard this, childhood memories rushed through her mind, drawing embarrassed laughter.

Not long later, Lin Qian left the bank of the river and headed deep into Mount Ba.

By the river, only Bai Ren, Ye Lin, and Brothers Zhao Qiang and Zhao Jian were left. They were headed back to Mount Ba City along the original road.

"Brother Bai Ren, is Lin Qian very powerful in Universal Phenomenon Sect? I can't believe it, he is actually the inspector!" Along the way, Ye Lin was still in a daze, unable to believe the dream-like scene she just witnessed.

Ye Lin still found it inconceivable


"Well, of course! Brother Lin is very powerful. He concealed his identity to prevent Tyrannical Blade Sect from catching wind of our plans." With a charming smile on his face, Bai Ren nodded. Playfully, he toyed with the folding fan in his hand as he further elaborated,. "If Tyrannical Blade Sect knew that Brother had come to Mount Ba City, I am afraid they would send at least five Nirvana Class Soul Practitioners to assassinate him. "

Seeing Bai Ren's smile, Ye Lin's face flushed crimson.

Amongst the ladies in Mount Ba City, Bai Ren was the epitome of the ideal lover in their dreams. Ye Lin was no exception.

Of course, it was not just infatuation that caused her to lose her cognitive abilities. It was also Bai Ren's words. A Nirvana Class Soul Practitioner. In her recollections, these people belonged to the legends and rumours. They were mysterious and rare beings. In Mount Ba City, these were prodigies born once in a century.

After another century, all hopes were pinned on the most promising young geniuses to reach the Nirvana Class. The first being Ye Xin, the other, Bai Ren.

If Lin Qian's identity was exposed, the superpowers like Tyrannical Blade Sect would send out more than five Nirvana warriors to assassinate him?

"Brother Lin Qian, just how strong are you? I bet you will shake the whole of Mount Ba City to its core tomorrow..." Behind Bai Ren, Ye Lin muttered to herself, stricken with disbelief.