Awakening of Martial Soul

"Sister! This is bad!" In a place far away from Mount Ba City, a man rushed down the steps into a dungeon.

As he approached the lady, he caught a glimpse of the battered man within the water prison. His face froze and his fists balled with anger at that sight. Between his teeth, he hissed, "Brother in law, how dare they treat you like this!"

"It's all my fault. If only I managed to do more, your circumstances would have been miles better…"

Sighing deeply, the lady looked towards the lamenting man, "My young brother, it's not your fault. You have done all you could for us."

"Indeed rascal. You have done your best." Within the water prison, the injured man spoke high praises for the blue-robed man.

"Right, Sister, Brother-in-law, the Ancestral Shrine had some reaction. Someone from within the later generation has awakened the Ancestral Class, Sky-Piercing Blade!" Heaving a deep breath, he sternly informed the couple in front of him.

"What?" The coupled gasped aloud simultaneously. This was a piece of serious news, especially so for the lady. She was crystal clear about the significance of awakening an Ancestral Class Martial Soul, particularly in the context of her clan.

"However, within the younger generation of the clan, no one showed any signs or changes. According to that gang of scoundrels, I'm afraid, the one who awakened it is your child, the nephew I haven't had the good fortune of meeting."

"Worse still, Elder Fu had secretly suggested they would use Borher-in-law's blood to activate the Bloodline Seal to track down Little Qian's position. I'm afraid they plan to remove him in case he ends up posing a threat to their position."

The extremely alarming news came as a crushing shock for the lady. Her legs buckled as she fell back. As her consciousness almost slipped away, she supported herself on the walls of the dungeon.

"Argh! Those scumbags! If Father in law was still around, they would never be able to act in this preposterous manner!" From within the water prison, the man yelled furiously.

"You two cannot move around freely, but I have the freedom. Up till now, and beyond, I will suppress my desire to bring my nephew back, for fear something goes wrong with him here." The blue robed man spoke with firm resolve, "If the Bloodline Seal really detects Little Qian, I promise the two of you, I will be at Mount Ba City, defending him with my life!"

Misty-eyed, the lady leaned onto the walls, whining regretfully, "Should we have known that Qian'er would awaken his Martial Soul, we shouldn't have returned here. Then we wouldn't have fallen to this state, even troubling you, my brother, so much…"

"Sister, you were unaware of the circumstances within the clan. Furthermore, I suspect that this incident with Father is related to that bunch of scum." Comforting the lady, the blue robed man turned away firmly, "Relax, I will never let anything happen to Little Qian!"

Leaving the dungeon, the blue robed man stared into the sky, profoundly breathing as he paced to the entrance of a towering pagoda.

He had set his resolve. He would wait here till the Bloodline Seal determines the location of Lin Qian. Having known the area beforehand, he would grasp this advantage and reach Lin Qian before anyone else.

"Sister and Brother-in-law's only son. I cannot let anything happen to him!"

At the top floor of the pagoda, several figures stood around in a circle. In their centre, there was a spiritual array drawn out in blood-red substance.

In the epicentre of the array, a drop of blood hovered in mid-air. It was swaying, engulfed in a bright red Soul Energy. As the light shone one it, the droplet twitched uncontrollably, as though something was breaking free from within.

Amongst the crowd, an elderly man stood. His hair was a constant shade of silver, shaved into a neat crew cut. Despite his old age, his eyes were bright and focused, his physique well-sculpted. As he stared coldly at the droplet of blood, he muttered in an undertone to himself, "It would be terrible if the Young Master was found by these people."

Mt. Ba City, Ye Mansion

"Ah!" Drenched in cold sweat, Lin Qian jumped violently up from the bed.

"Fuu…" Breathing out deeply, he relaxed his tensed body. His head was still in a daze, heavy and grouchy. As he sat on his bed, he folded his legs into a cultivating stance.

Sweeping his gaze across the room, Lin Qian found himself back in his own bedroom. The surroundings were serene and quiet.

Thinking back at the time when he fainted, he was clear as to who brought him back here. It could only be his future father in law.

As to the reason for the blackout, Lin Qian could only recall a sudden sharp pain in his dantian. From the sudden piercing pain, a drastic draining of his Soul Energy followed, leading to the loss of consciousness.

"Dantian…." silently muttering to himself, Lin Qian gathered his focus, looking internally at his dantian.

Sometime later, his eyes flew wide open. Staring straight ahead, his face was flushed with disbelief, "What the…"

In the time scrutinizing his dantian, a shocking sight landed in his gaze. Within his swirling white whirlpool, there were two new blades.

The first blade was whiter than snow. On its surface, intricate, pale blue clouds were delicately carved. The second was black, darker than death. On its surface, majestic and dominating lightning patterns were exquisitely engraved.

Within his mind, two names for the blades surfaced into his subconscious.

The snow-white blade shall be named Sky Piercing Blade!

The death black blade shall be named Tempestuous Night Blade!

Falling onto his bed, Lin Qian stared at the roof in silent thought. Sighing slowly, he muttered a command, "Return!" As the word escaped from his mouth, a white light enveloped his entire body, disappearing without a trace from the room.

An enchanting view met Lin Qian's eyes. It was an empty and vast space. White throughout and void of any substance. Within this space, a gigantic planet, more extensive than anyone's imagination drifted. There were six humongous oceans and an incredible eighteen continents.

This planet was an empire. The world's dominator, Huaxia Empire.

On the largest continent, the magnificent Capital City was built. Within the City, the Palace, size of hundreds of Mount Ba City could be seen in its centre. Marching and pacing along its grounds were uncountable numbers of heavy armoured guards.

Looking closer, within the most regally adorned room was Huaxia Hall. Out of nowhere, Lin Qian materialized onto the familiar Dragon Throne. From there, he activated the command menu, dishing out several instructions at a go.


A bright glimmer sparkled outside the Hall. From the ball of light, Zhao Long emerged, rushing into the hallway and knelt at the base of the throne. "Your Royal Guard Commander, Zhao Long, pays respects to Your Majesty!"

"Mhm, let us wait for the others." Lifting his hand, Lin Qian gestured to the general to stand.

"Yes!" Answering loudly, he stood attentively at the side, his chest and shoulders tensed and upright.

Another bright glimmered sparkled, followed by the entrance of another figure.

This time, it was a lady. Her curvy figure was clad in a jet black armour. As she walked in, her shoulder-length hair fluttered in the air, with each step she took in her knee-high combat boots.

"1st Division Army Commanding Officer, Hua Ling, pays respect to your majesty!" Kneeling on one leg, her bright pupils glistened as she faced her emperor. As she greeted him, her soothing, chirpy voice resounded across the Hall.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The ground shook as a brawny man, towering at more than two metres, appeared from another white light. As he knelt carelessly beside Hua Ling, a loud booming crash of his thick and heavy armour, together with his enormous body, reverberated.

As he faced Lin Qian, his eyes watered passionately, "Your Majesty, 2nd Division Army Commanding Officer, Xu Meng, awaits your command!"

"HAHA! Xu Meng, you are also clumsy as ever! Rush in like a bull! Aren't you afraid of startling His Majesty?" Within a dust cloud, another man arrived, clad in a black, elegant robe.

Quickly, he knelt down, lowering his head as he greeted, "3rd Division Army Commanding Officer, Ji Qing, pays respects, Your Highness!"

"HAHAHA! All of you are really speedy!!" A loud, carefree voice echoed from the entrance down the hallway as a man brushing his long beard as he entered. Dressed in his armour, he reached the foot of the throne, kneeling down, and cupped his fit in respect. "4th Division Army Commanding Officer, Guan Yi, pays respects to Your Highness!"

The firm, unwavering Female General Hua Ling, the straightforward and chivalrous Xu Meng, the Speedy and Agile Ji Qing, and last but not least, the frank and loyal Guan Yi.

Looking at the four familiar generals which he had handcrafted and groomed personally, Lin Qian was sure that they were the strongest of all generals.

Being able to watch them from such close distance, Lin Qian was overjoyed and excited from the bottom of his heart.

Soon, two more figures appeared outside Huaxia Hall, walking into the Hall in tandem.

One of the men was clad in light armour, quickly kneeling down as he arrived, "5th Division Army Commanding Officer, Li Rong, has arrived late. Please forgive this servant, Your Majesty!"

Beside him, the man had his head wrapped in a bandana, lying prostrate to Lin Qian, "Tiangong Ministry's Zhuge Ming, pays his humble respects to His Majesty!"

Having paid his respects, he lifted his head, worriedly looking at Lin Qian, "Your Majesty, you are in a perilous situation! You need to counter-attack quickly!"

"I'm in a perilous situation?" Those alarming words left Lin Qian's forehead puckering. "Minister, why do you say so?"

"Your Majesty, forgive my actions." Having said that, Zhuge Ming pointed his finger at Lin Qian.

The next moment, a puzzling sight occurred. Lin Qian's eyes widened multiple sizes as he stared at the bewildering changes on his body.