Full Recovery

Sitting upright in his bed, the rainbow-coloured array of liquids within the bottles left Wei Wushuang in a daze. On the priason island, he had witnessed first hand the unexplainable ability of his disciple to procure potions out of nowhere.

In this world, Soul Practitioners only used pills made by Alchemists, be it for Cultivation or for Medical Purposes. Till he met Lin Qian, Wei Wushuang had never seen medicine served in the form of liquid.

"Lin Qian, what is this?" Sometime later, he managed to pull himself together and asked, faltering.

Just from his tone, Lin Qian could tell that his teacher did not have many days left. At the foot of the mountain, when the disciple informed him of Wei Wushuang's condition, he had believed that his teacher was already walking through Death's Doors.

Now, having seen the condition personally, he knew that Wei Wushuang could at least last a few more days. Knowing that he was not too late, his initially tight and tensed mind could finally relax just a little more.

If he had faced this situation before he left Universal Phenomenon Sect, Lin Qian would have been left with no choice but to grieve and savour every last second he had left with his beloved teacher. But now, this was not the case. He had solutions on hand.

With the ocean-vast resources the Huaxia Empire, coupled with the enormous and competent research team at the Tianggong Ministry, there was no doubt that a solution could be found to the seemingly hopeless condition of Wei Wushuang. 

As Lin Qian swept across his teacher's body just now, he had delivered the necessary data to Tiangong Ministry.

The moment he received the data, Zhuge Ming had activated all of the elite and top-notch researchers in the Tiangong Ministry to find a solution for the critical state Wei Wushuang was in. As expected of the strongest and largest Empire, they had found and produced the necessary medication within the time the duo spoke.

"This is called an anti-toxins potion. It does not have any antidotal effects, but it does give you strong resistance to all poisons, making them ineffective against you. It will prevent your body from getting any weaker from the repeated poison intrusion." Smiling at Wei Wushaung, he handed over the bottle, gesturing for him to drink it, "It's green apple flavour, pretty delicious."

After he drank it, Lin Qian pointed to the bottle on the blankets that his teacher used, proceeding with the instructions, "This purple medicine is a tad bitter, but as they say, the more bitter the medicine, the better. This is the antidote for the toxins within your body. It's been adapted to fit your condition and will purge all the poison from within you."

"But you have been poisoned for too many years. Hence you will need to drink ten bottles. One bottle for each day. After ten days, the toxins should have been cleared fully."

"Oh, this brown solution looks terrible, but it is to strengthen your joints and bones. Damage to your skeletal system is inevitable from poisoning after all."

"Oh, this one is to strengthen and restore your blood condition. Oh right, maybe teacher, you don't know about this…"

Stunned, Wei Wushuang stared blankly at his disciple rattling non-stop about more than ten potions. The miracles these potions brought, he had thoroughly experienced them before.

During the usage of Pills, the absorption of its medicinal effects had to be one through careful Cultivation and refinement on the user's end. However, Lin Qian's medicine had an immediate impact. No need for Cultivation or any input from the patient.

After all these years, he had come to believe that his disciple was only able to bring out three simple potions.

After all, these immediate effect medicines were already the best of the best he had seen. Should there be even more refined versions, just like Pills, would that not be a crime against nature's laws?

"Oh, my gods. It actually goes against the laws of nature…" Shaking his head in disbelief, he downed the entire bottle of the inconceivable potion.

As the sweet and tart flavours engulfed his mouth, he circulated his Soul Energy and directed the potency of the drug as he did with Pills. Within moments, he could clearly feel the effects of the medicine warmly covering his entire body.

Quickly following that, to Wei Wushuang's amazement, his body had drastic changes as the medicine integrated seamlessly. It was an experience that he couldn't put to words. Perhaps, the best description was what Lin Qian stated, invulnerability to all toxins.

For countless years, he had to put up with the poison that tore away his health. Every moment, be it be awake or asleep, he had to suppress the toxins with all his Soul Energy. When the Soul Energy gave way, the toxins burst out at full force, tearing him apart from inside out. The excruciating pain was equivalent or even more than a hundred insects biting at him, or like a million needles piercing through him.

Yet, just moments after he ingested Lin Qian's medication, all his pain vanished without a trace.

His body was lighter than ever as if he had shed the weight of the entire Universal Phenomenon Sect mountain off his shoulders.


Opening his eyes, he immediately unplugged the purple solution, finishing everything in one gulp without hesitation.

Following Lin Qian's instructions, he drank bottle after bottle of potions. As he lifted his chin, drinking the medication, tears flowed down his cheeks silently. Soon after, only nine bottles of purple liquid remained on the bed. Carefully, he stored these miracle solutions into his Soul Storage equipment. Then, he stood and walked away from the bed steadily.

What used to be winter-white hair had been replaced by silky smooth, jet black hair. The pale, sickly face was now rosy and healthy. The wrinkled skin and weak muscles were now tender and strong. As Wei Wuhuang stood in front of the mirror, he was no longer hunched. As he saw an upright, healthy image reflected on the mirror, warm and thankful emotions swelled within his heart. As he smiled, his eyes shut and tears rolled down uncontrollably between his eyelids.

"Oh? The medicines seem to work fine!" Looking at his teacher from afar, Lin Qian nodded, evidently pleased with the effects.

Turning around, Wei Wushuang quickly wiped the tears off his face, laughing, "Haha, the teacher has let you see an embarrassing sight."

"Don't think that way, Teacher. Your sickly body which walked the tightrope of death has just been reborn. Strong emotions are completely normal and understandable." Kneeling down, he cupped his fist in respect, "This disciple congratulates teacher on your restoration of the invincible powers of the Battle Emperor!"

Heaving a long, deep sigh, Wei Wushang nodded gently, "Alas, this Battle Emperor had to escape from the majestic and vast stage back home in a pathetic and battled state. What's more, I had to waste a year like a vegetable on this bed."

"Just when I had finally resigned myself to death, you, little rascal, actually cured me." As he spoke to this point, he was still in disbelief of his miraculous recovery. 

"On Prison Island, Teacher, you saved my life once. Not only that, you taught me to cultivate. Now, this disciple had the honour of saving your life. Don't you think this is God's Will?"

Looking at his disciple, Wei Wushuang burst into a peal of laughter from the bottom of his heart, "indeed God has granted me a brilliant and filial disciple!"

However, he quickly followed, "Lin Qian, these medicines. You cannot show them to others too easily. I'm sure you understand the dangers of holding on to treasures that are too precious for your position."

"Oh, come on! Does your disciple look like an idiot to you?" Lin Qian joked, "if it was not to save teacher's life, these medicines would not see the light of the day!"

Wei Wushuang nodded and looked into Lin Qian's gaze, somewhat conflicted, "If not for my condition, these potions would have been so beneficial for your own cultivation…"

"Precious? These are just ubiquitous and readily available items." Hearing the heavy words, Lin Qian was thoroughly shocked.

"Common and readily available items? You do not have to joke around just to comfort me. These medications had huge benefits, even for me. I even wish to drink a bottle a day. Hopefully, I'll break through the bottleneck I've been at for the past years!"

At this point, Wei Wushuang patted Lin Qian's shoulders, saying solemnly, "Teacher knows that you are teasing me, to make me happy. I'm sure you have spent immense amounts of effort to procure them for me…"

Suddenly, his voice halted, and his jaws dropped.

Pulling away from the hand on his shoulder, Lin Qian returned the pat,"Teacher, aside from the antidote and Anti-toxin potions, there were at least another 100 bottles of the other medicines. Drink them slowly, they should be enough for a month at least…"

After gifting the items, Lin Qian whistled and sauntered out of the room.

Within the bedroom, the renowned and dominating Battle Emperor stood as still as a statue, his eyes dazed, and jaws dropped till they almost touched the ground.