The Nirvana Flame Tempering

Regardless of the slanderous rumours that were spreading like wildfire, Lin Qian cooped himself up within his room, rarely making an appearance outside. As the days passed, even his teacher, Wei Wushuang, grew worried and curious. 

What is this disciple doing inside?

In these few days, he and his brother Qin Wushuang had run through the many possibilities of saving Lin Qian's life. For this deathmatch, there was no way that they were going to simply stand and watch Lin Qian give his breath away.

Qin Wushuang had drafted a plan. He had liaised with another Grandelder, having discussed and decided on the timing when they could intervene and save Lin Qian's life.

"As long as we save Lin Qian. I would bring him out of Universal Phenomenon Sect. After some days, when my powers have fully returned, there will be no need to fear that old thing, Lei Bastard." As he spoke, a menacing gaze burnt in his eyes; evidently, he was not going to let the assault on his disciple slide so quickly.

Within the bedroom, Lin Qian had brought out a wooden pail, brimming with a boiling red solution. Stripping out all his clothing, he entered the bucket of water. 

Steaming the rolling boil, Lin Qian seemed as if he entered a warm bath, heaving comfortably as he shut his eyes.

As he sat down, the deep waters quickly covered his head, submerging him entirely underneath the water surface. As he disappeared underneath, Lin Qian slipped into a deep cultivation state, circulating his Soul Energy through the all-new Regal Emperor Mantra. 

As he controlled his breathing and focused on his training, potent medication rushed into his body. 

As he soaked within the hot water, Lin Qian felt his tense muscles easing up. The medication did that and more. It also aided in the strengthening of his physique. 

Yet, the comfort ceased the moment the medicine penetrated his skin. Like red glowing magma, the crimson solution scorched Lin Qian's bones, joints and his flesh, sending waves after waves of grimacing pain, piercing through from within.

Under the onslaught of pure torture, Lin Qian tightened his jaw, circulating his Soul Energy per his Mantra, withstanding the excruciating refinement process.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The rolling crimson medication, coupled with the surging Soul Energy of Heaven's Slit crashed into Lin Qian. Like a hammer, they moulded Lin Qian forcefully into shape.

Only through blood, sweat and tears could Lin Qian temper the most sturdy and unparalleled body possible. 

When the potency of the drug was used up, no doubt Lin Qian's physique would soar to another level, undergoing a massive change.

Yet, that was insufficient for a portion produced by the superior researchers from Tiangong Ministry. This crimson potion not only tempers the user's body, it also transforms into pure, condensed Soul Energy, seamlessly merging into the user's body. With this, Lin Qian's cultivation state grew by leaps and bound at lightning speed. 

As it climbed faster and stronger, the overbearing advancement shocked anyone who felt it.

"What?!" In the yard, Wei Wushuang suddenly kept from his seat, his head whipping in the direction of his disciple's room. He, too, had felt it. This disciple had advanced at a monstrous pace, having broken through to the 5 round of the 9 round Nirvana. Not just that, from his aura, he had reached 3rd Tier Materialised Vitality Stage from 1st Tier within 2 hours.

Three tiers in two hours. That was inconceivable Cultivation Speed, even Wei Wushuang had never dreamt of it.

"Rascal, what is happening with you?" Despite dying of curiosity. Wei Wushuang did not dare to barge into the room for fear his rash act would compromise his disciple's golden opportunity. 

Within the room, the youngster was unaware of the crushing shock his break-neck advancement landed on his teacher.

In the past, Zhuge Min and the Tiangong Ministry knew little of the world their Emperor was in. It was so insufficient that the details on Martial Soul, Soul Energy and their changes were unknown to the Huaxia Empire.

When Lin Qian Qian learnt of the under-informed situation his people were in, he had plotted to procure the manuscripts from Universal Phenomenon Sect to allow Zhuge Ming to research further.

Before this, Zhuge Ming had adjusted and planned Lin Qian's cultivation based on the data and numbers he received from Lin Qian's body.

Now, with the manuscripts from Universal Phenomenon Sect, the team led by Zhuge Ming had a massive breakthrough in their research.

Firstly, they revamped the Regal Emperor Mantra, bringing a massive makeover, and enhancing the cultivation speed by ten fold. 

Such a vast improvement! When Lin Qian first received this proposal, he too, gasped in disbelief.

Besides, Zhuge Ming had even proposed a speedy method to achieve the 9 Round Nirvana.

According to his research, Lin Qian's physical prowess was indeed invincible amongst his peers. 

Yet, when compared across stages, with individuals like Wei Wushuang, he was far weaker. Nevertheless, the life energy within Lin Qian was a considerable way ahead of Wei Wushang. 

In reality, Wei Wushuang's life energy was just that of a commoner. On the other hand, Lin Qian had broken free of the limits of man, attaining life energy comparable to a Celestial being, and having a Godly Physique. Otherwise, Lin Qian's Dantian would never be able to withhold the entire Huaxia Empire within it.

According to his physique's durability, Lin Qian already attained the specialities of the 9 Round Nirvana. Under Zhuge Ming's lead, the Tiangong Ministry had invented the procedure that Lin Qian was going through, the Nirvana Flame Tempering.

The Nirvana Flame Tempering put Lin Qian's body through extreme tempering. Additionally, by converting the surging medicinal potency into Soul Energy, Lin Qian's cultivation state was rapidly shooting upwards. 

Within the Materialised Vitality Stage, any advancements only brought about changes to the Soul Energy's quality.

The purpose of the 9 Round Nirvana was to stimulate growth in the Martial Soul through the impact of igniting the Soul Energy. Through this, the specialities awakened during the breakthrough to Nirvana Stage would be stronger and denser.

The Nirvana Flame Tempering aimed at speedily boosting Lin Qian's cultivation and body. Taking advantage of Lin Qian's sturdy frame, huge waves of medicinal properties and Heaven and Earth's energy was injected, boosting Lin Qian's cultivation stage explosively.

Furthermore, the Nirvana Flame Tempering's solution acted and played around his body. When the Soul Energy ignited, the blast was contained within the pail, not a single strand of energy was wasted on the process.

As such, the ignited Soul Energy was utilised to its fullest extent, stimulating the Martial Soul maximally and also Tempering Lin Qian's physique to the sharpest and highest stage, positioning him at his peak for the next round.

Under Zhuge Ming's and the Tiangong Ministry's precise calculations, Lin Qian was able to undergo an unprecedentedly speedy 9 Round Nirvana.

The fastest speed, through the most significant Soul Energy, bringing the most considerable Stimulus to the Martial Soul and refining the most hardened body.

From all these combined, Lin Qian would awaken the strongest and the one and only, Dual Martial Soul.

"All of you, prepare your hearts to be shocked down to the core!" From Tiangong Ministry, Zhuge Ming had his eyes glued onto the Battle Mirror, carefully monitoring everything that happened on Lin Qian's body.

This man, he was the Emperor he served and pledged eternal loyalty to. Not a single accident was allowed to happen to him.

As the numbers and graphs rose without stop, Zhuge Ming's heart pounded faster and faster, his emperor was growing stronger than ever before.

"This. This is our peerless and invincible Emperor!"

As sunsets blurred into the sunrise, days slipped on silently. The day of Lin Qian's and Lei Qian's deathmatch had arrived.

Judgement Peak, this was the location of the Sect's disciplinary grounds, the Judgement Court.

In front of Judgement Court, a vast deathmatch arena had been cleared out.

Whenever there were stubborn disputes where negotiation was no longer an option, this arena was utilised to solve them all. 

When the challenge was accepted, it would not be terminated until both parties had decided to do so. Otherwise, the fight went on until one of them had died.

At the same time, once a conclusion has been reached, the victor shall no longer stir trouble for anyone related to the loser..

The losing party was not allowed to revenge onto the victor.

All hatred and vengeance ended in this arena when a result was reached. Should there be any breaches to this agreement, the Sect would bestow their judgement.

Even so, deathmatches were rare within the Sect. Furthermore, these two disciples held extraordinary positions. Owing to their fame, the arena had long been flooded with spectators before it had begun.

As the time ticked on, a symphony of charters and gossips rang on increasingly.

All of them were in consensus, this time, Lin Qian had only one conclusion, to die!