Honestly, did your brains get squashed?

Having declared the start of the Deathbattle, the Disciplinary Elder left the arena. As he left, pulses of Spiritual Array Movement shook the surroundings, materialising as a transparent dark yellow hemispherical barrier, caging the stage within. Moments later, the dark colour tint faded wholly, turning fully transparent.

While they may not see it, the disciples around knew the death battle arena had been enveloped entirely by the Spiritual Array. 

Now, regardless of how vicious the battle on the arena progressed to be, the duo on stage had no chance of escaping. From that point on, the fight would not end until one of the two men dropped dead.

On stage, Lin Qian was staring at Lei Qian. The latter's body was rumbling with crackling Soul Energy, and his arms widespread, exposing all of the weak points. While Lei Qian was oozing with repulsive disdain for him, Lin Qian simply found him pathetically disgusting.

Readying his battle stance, a pure white Soul Energy streamed out fluidly from Lin Qian. 

Quickly following, a peculiar sight made all eyes widen by three sizes. The pure white Energy morphed into minuscule pieces of unrecognisable words, chaining together into a long loop, which seamlessly attached itself onto Lin Qian's legs.

"Rush!" As the word escaped from Lin Qian's mouth, the mysterious word chain tightened around his ankles, fusing into his skin.

Without delay, Lin Qian raised his arms, and slightly different Soul Energy Words looped around his arms.

"Power Boost!"

As the words popped from his mouth, the chain of soul energy fused into his arms, just as before.

"Discernment!" After the word rang, Lin Qian's eyes glowed with Soul Energy.

"Iron Defense!" 

"Boiling Adrenaline"




"Cry of War!"

As he shouted every foreign term, a change in Lin Qian's soul energy occurred. In the end, all of the changes surfaced at once. Then, he bellowed one final term, " Exponential blessings!"

With the last word, Lin Qian lit up like a fluorescent lamp, all of the Soul Energy glimmering. Suddenly, it all got sucked into his body, disappearing underneath his skin.

Watching the mysterious sight, all of the spectator disciples were befuddled, completely confused by Lin Qian's action.

"What is this idiot doing? Talking to himself?"

"Who knows? Maybe he had gone maniacal facing death!"

Gone maniacal?

"Impossible." Hearing suspicions of the other disciples, Wei Wushuang shook his head vigorously in denial. His disciple is one of superior mental strength, how could he go maniacal?

Not to mention, deep down, he felt intense pulses and changes of Soul Energy from Lin Qian. His proud student probably was up to something.

Similarly, as Lei Qian stood on the arena, his perplexed eyes glared at Lin Qian, his brows furrowed into deep ridges. He growled, "What are you doing? Wasting time? What a coward!"

In Lei Qian's eyes, he probably believed that Lin Qian was pulling odd stunts, purposefully wasting time. In his heart, he had expected the next course of action to be Lin Qian whipping out Spiritual Equipment as his Grandfather anticipated, and dragging the battle to two hours, ending in a draw.

"Hmm, none of you ever played games, of course, you don't know about power-up skills. Even so, it's common sense to utilise every single possible perk before the battle." Rotating his shoulders, Lin Qian stretched while giggling to himself. "you can take this as self-invented Soul Skills."

Self-invented Soul Skills?

Everyone around the Deathbattle Arena, including Lei Qian, erupted into a peal of condescending jest.

"HAHAHA, Lin Qian, don't you understand what Self-invented Soul Skills represented?" Pointing his finger at the youngster in front of him, he mocked, "In all seriousness, what sort of Young Emperor are you? Based on your actions today, you are just a clown, full of self-praise, lacking in self-awareness."

After his words, Lei Qian spread his arms open, challenging Lin Qian, "Since you are prepared, with your so-called power-up skills, come at me. I have said, you can hit me thrice…"


Before Lei Qian could finish his words, Lin Qian had instantly appeared in front of his face. From his body, Soul Energy erupted violently, crackling in the air.

The aura of an invincible dominator, the ruler of the land, populated from the youngster, enveloping the surroundings in a suppression.

Facing the sudden appearance of Lin Qian a palm's distance from him, Lei Qian's pupils pried wide open, staring in surprise.

"What? This speed….?!"

Just as Lei Qian was still frozen from shock, a sharp pain pierced through his stomach.

Lin Qian's fist had already viciously dug into Lei Qian's abdomen, sending him grimacing.

Lin Qian's right fist, cloaked in crackling White Soul Energy ruptured the Lightning Soul Energy Shield like tofu, smashing mercilessly into his stomach.

Striking while the steel is hot, Lin Qian quickly followed with a vicious uppercut with his left fist. With the remorseless jab upwards to Lei Qian's lower jaw, the initially curled up body was rocketed forcibly off the ground.

Just as he was punched off the arena, Lin Qian brutally threw in a bonus.

Interlacing his muscular, buffed, right leg with monstrous Soul Energy, he whipped it into Lei Qian's torso with diabolical intent.


As the impact stacked onto Lei Qian's body, he burst upwards, as though the enormous power of a million men crashed into him. He twisted and contorted in mid-air, vomiting the gastric acid that was forcefully punched out of him, and slammed on to the barrier unceremoniously. Upon impact, the invisible turned into pale yellow ripples as they sprang Lei Qian's body off.

Poor Lei Qian flopped back onto the arena like a pile of dog shit.

Watching the turn of events, the arena dropped to a pin drop silence. All of the mockery and insults at Lin Qian were forced back down the threats of the arrogant Inner Disciples. 

Like the fluid rush of a river, Lin Qian landed all his three strikes accurately and effectively, shattering Lei Qian's Soul Energy Barrier in a blink of an eye.

Way too fast!

In fact, a majority of the Outer Disciples did not really see what just occurred. Within them, the best few, like Bai Ren, also failed to keep up. All he saw was just a motion blur of a rushing figure, then Lei Qian had been destroyed.

The Outer Disciples from the other factions were stupefied, staring with widened eyes of shock at Lin Qian. 

Of all the people present around the arena, the rowdy and arrogant disciples following Lei Qian were unusually quiet. The three hit combo seemed to also be consecutive slaps onto their faces, leaving their cheeks red hot in shame.

After all, they had mocked Lin Qian, thinking that he would never be able to even break apart Lei Qian's Barrier.

Yet, with one punch, Lin Qian crushed the Purple Lightning Barrier like paper. Not only that, he had pummeled Lei Qian, digging him into the ground.

"Qian'er?" The relaxed expression on Lei Heng had turned a different turn. Tensed and perplexed, he stared at the Deathbattle Arena. Evidently, these changes were not within his expectations. 

"What did this brat do? He actually completed the entire 9 Round Nirvana!" At the same time, Qin Wushuang burst out in surprise, ultimately losing his composure as the Sect Leader.

The loud exclamation from the Sect leader set off an eruption within the disciples gathered.

Lin Qian completing the 9 Round Nirvana. That was something they thought was inconceivable.

When he entered the Sect, Lin Qian rocketed up from 3rd Tier Condensed Vitality Stage to Materialised Vitality Stage and even attained 2 Rounds Nirvana.

The absurd cultivation rate, coupled with his exceptionally sturdy physique, many disciples, turned green with envy, many Inner Disciples had even turned slightly maniacal from greed and displeasure.

When they discovered Lin Qian's inability to achieve Vitality Equipment Infusion, and his I'll dated destiny of being unable to break through to Nirvana Stage, their dense jealousy and hatred were quenched and replaced by open mockery and disdain.

"Even if he cannot break through to Nirvana Stage, this cultivation speed is still… Mother. Fucking. Horrific." Seeing the insane power, the Disciplinary Elder kept his cool, but his heart was tumultuous, cursing and swearing without restraint.

At that same time, Lin Qian glanced down contemptuously at the battered Lei Qian, crawling back onto his feet. He sneered coldly, " The world only thinks of muscular and overbearing Physique and the dense Soul Energy when they speak of me, Lin Qian. My body can face a Nirvana Stage Infused Vitality Equipment. "

"Yet, you expose every weak spot on your body and allow me to freely bash them a solid three times? Honestly, did your brains get squashed?"