Above the 9 Round Nirvana

Lin Qian's words stumped Lei Qian momentarily. He didn't know how to reply. After some careful thought, he realised that Lin Qian was right. He almost lost his life under the former's barrage of attacks. Yet, just a day later, he came here, willfully asking to follow under his lead. In anyone's ears, the idea was plain ridiculous.

Sometimes, the truth was precisely so. Simply fascinating.

Yesterday, Lei Qian suffered a crushing defeat at Lin Qian's hands. That unexpected turn of events had shaken him, uprooting his innate arrogance completely.

He suddenly realised he was actually nothing special. He had learned to be modest and began to understand that there would always be someone better than him. Retaining his bigotry would only be an embarrassment upon himself. What's more, the final words Lin Qian left the spectators with had struck him hard.

Indeed, acting like a giant bully, pushing around his fellow sect-mates was nothing to be proud of. Instead, it would definitely be something special to be able to force the other sects, like the Victorious Heaven Sect, to follow their demands.

At that thought, Lei Qian had a sudden realisation. The murderers of his parents, it had been the Victorious Heaven Sect. Moreover, they had never been on good terms with the Universal Phenomenon Sect. Who knew when another conflict would break out again, sparking another bloodbath.

Since this was the case all Lei Qian needed to do was to get stronger than ever. At the moment of this realization, Lin Qian appeared in his mind. As they say, 'one takes on the behaviour of his company.' Being by the powerful Lin Qian would no doubt be of aid to his learning.

What's more, Lin Qian's clean and decisive victory over himself had him convinced of the former's strength.

Looking at the firm expression in Lei Qian, Lin Qian understood his thoughts entirely. When an arrogant and pompous man suffered a total defeat, two possible scenarios followed.

The first possibility would be an immense twisting to his mental state due to the inability to accept the loss. The loser may plot recklessly, all for his revenge on those who defeated him and to regain his self-esteem.

The second possibility would be an open-minded acceptance of his opponent's superior abilities. The loser was able to lower his pride, requesting guidance from others in hopes of improvement. Evidently, Lei Qian belonged to the latter.

"Recognising me as the boss, you would be following my lead in cultivation. Then, what would happen to the others that follow you?" Walking towards the stone table, Lin Qian filled his cup yet again.

Seeing the movements, Lei Qian took two steps back silently, "Boss, I founded the Rushing Thunder Guild, the position of Guild Master would naturally be yours."

"Wait, you are calling me that already?" Hearing Lei Qian words, Lin Qian was taken aback, "In any case, I have to make this clear. I have no interest in managing the so-called Rushing Thunder Guild. But, there is no harm in your followers following me in my cultivation sessions."

Suddenly, Lei Qian felt as if the entire courtyard was crushed by the invisible weight of the Universal Phenomenon Mountain. From Lin Qian's body, the Authority of the Ruler erupted, dominating Lei Qian. 

"If I find you messing about with me, I swear I will take your worthless life. There will be no more mercy." Lin Qian's voice was dripping with killing intent, sending fear piercing through Lei Qian's back.

In the past Lin Qian had been trapped on Prison Island as a commoner with no cultivation. For his survival, he had his palms covered in the blood of his predators.

His methods were vicious. How was he to survive and lead a peaceful life should he not send a stern warning to the barbaric savages?

With a deep breath, Lei Qian declared solemnly, "I have understood my mistakes. Now, I just need to get stronger by following you and cultivating by your side. I don't wish to act like I did in the past, heralding around with a bunch of lackeys behind me. That's superficial fame, it's not what I wish to attain."

Lin Qian fell into silence after he heard Lei Qian words. Pouring another cup of tea, he passed it to Lei Qian, "Following my cultivating methods will be tough. Would you be able to follow me?"

"I can!" Receiving the cup, Lei Qian downed the entire cup without a tint of hesitation.

After the tea went down his throat, his face cringed. This tea was way too bitter. However, not a silent groan escaped from him. With a big gulp, he forced the bitter tea down his throat.

That evening, Lei Heng was surprised as his gaze met with his battered grandson." Qian'er, what happened to you?"

At this moment, Lei Qian was bruised all over, sweat soaking through his robes. It was as though he had dropped through the ocean. His face was white as paper, topped with a set of dried, cracked lips. As he stumbled forward, he panted faltering, weak and fatigued.

"I'm fine. I just trained with Lin Qian, that's why I'm like this." waving his hands to his grandfather, he laughed wryly. "Never thought Lin Qian cultivation was this powerful."

Hearing Lei Qian words, Lei Heng was stunned, but happiness sprouted within his heart. Lei Qian had always been resilient while cultivating, yet, even he said Lin Qian's training regime was harsh. After just one day, he had already claimed that Lin Qian was powerful...That was surprising...

"Lin Qian never rests while training." Under his grandfather's support, the duo hobbled towards the mansion. "We began at noon. Along the way, except for the occasional restroom trips and meals, he never once stopped."

The claim was astounding beyond belief. "Not even once?!"

There was a limit to anyone's stamina. If the training exceeded their capabilities, they could suffer a setback, and in the worst-case scenario, a divergence from the correct path.

What was this Lin Qian made of? Did he have steel for brains? How's he never tired?

Unbeknownst to the duo, Lin Qian was from another world. With two powerful minds fused as one he had a seemingly unlimited pool of mental strength.

"Monster… losing to him is definitely no shame." Returning to his room, Lei Qian plopped onto his bed, sighing aloud.

At that moment, the monster had just ended his dinner with Wei Wushuang. Returning to his own room, he began another round of cultivation. 

In the room, a giant wooden pail, filled with the same crimson solution, sat in the middle.

The Nirvana Flame Tempering!

When Zhuge Ming contacted him previously, it was regarding the Nine Round Nirvana. 

For regular Practitioners, after 9 Rounds, they would have met their peak. At that instance, their Dantian would have already become metal-strong, making them unable to ignite and erupt with their own capabilities.

Should they borrow power from external sources, they might even destroy their Dantian. 

Usually, this was the sign for Practitioners to break through to Nirvana Stage.

Yet, according to the Tiangong Ministry, it was the case for conventional Practitioners, not for Lin Qian.

For Lin Qian was a man who had two lives, his Soul's strength was far higher than that of common men. Besides that, he was the owner of two Martial Souls.

All of these were coupled with his outrageously sturdy physique. With these extraordinary abilities, Zhuge Ming foresees that Lin Qian could continue with the 9 Round Nirvana. 

Of course, should he be successful, it would no longer be a mere 9 rounds.

When Lin Qian returned to the Huaxia Empire yesterday, he had thoroughly discussed the possibilities with his Prime Minister.

Now, the time to attempt it had arrived. 

Removing his clothes, Lin Qian entered the pail like previous times, submerging himself entirely within the bath.

Immediately, the scorching hot potion began its effects. The potency of the medication pierced into his body aggressively like magma, aiding him in his attempt at the unprecedented 10th Round Nirvana.

Within the Huaxia Empire, the scholars controlled the Energy from Heaven's Slit with hair-thin precision. Under the Zhuge Ming charge, the three hundred thousand elite scholars worked solemnly, not allowing a single bit of error. After all, this breakthrough was of utmost importance for their Emperor.

As numbers jumped on the Battle mirror, the faces of the enormous crowd lit up, cheering in a victorious cry.