Mark My Words!

"Could it be… You burst your Soul Energy Nebula again?" As Lei Qian felt Lin Qian's Cultivation state, only one possibility appeared in his mind. To drop from 9th Tier Materialised Vitality Stage to 1st Tier, there could only be one possibility. Completing the 9 Round Nirvana. And now, Lin Qian went through this drop. 

During the Death Battle, Lei Qian clearly remembered, from Lin Qian's Soul Energy glimmer, there were already nine halos, meaning he had completed a 9 Rounds, which is already one round above him!

After all, within the Universal Phenomenon Sect, only the most powerful practitioner within the Inner Sect completed all 9 Rounds before he broke through.

Yet, Lin Qian was an odd case. He had completed all 9 Rounds, yet his cultivation dropped again.

Sparing any unnecessary explanation, Soul Energy burst from within Lin Qian.

"1, 2, 3….10!?! WHAT?!" Carefully counting the halos over and over, Lei Qian gasped aloud, his eyes widened and his pupils shrunk in shock. "You are indeed a monster. I am thoroughly convinced of your strength." He thought he had seen the true prodigies, yet, now the one standing in front of him was indeed a monster.

Originally, Lei Qian had been awfully proud about his 8 Rounds Nirvana Cultivation before he broke into Nirvana Stage. Now, seeing the ten halos on Lin Qian, his pride was thoroughly shattered and dissipated into nothingness. 

Suddenly, Lei Qian thought, calling this monstrosity boss, was actually not too bad after all.

"In any case, the slot to enter the Ancient Ruins, can it be won over?" sometime later, Lin Qian pulled himself together.

Giving his face a hard rub, Lei Qian suppressed the giant shock he just received, "Yes, before the trip into the Ancient Ruins, anyone can challenge the candidate. Should they win, the position would have to be given over."

"What's more, the Sect had dictated. To promote friendly rivalry within the disciples, the candidate cannot reject any challenges."

Hearing that, Lin Qian glanced suspiciously at Lei Qian, "That's odd, you are only number 1 within the Inner Sect. Why didn't anyone challenge you?"

Hearing the awkward question, Lei Qian smiled wryly, "Because of my grandfather. No one dares to provoke him."

"Hmph, my teacher is the Battle Emperor. On what basis do they have the guts to challenge me?" as Lin Qian spoke, his head whipped over to face Wei Wushuang, "Teacher, these scums are looking down on you!"

Wei Wushuang smiled and thought about it, quickly understanding the situation, "Everyone thinks that I am terminally ill and that my days left on this earth are numbered. Even if I'm the Battle Emperor, I am only a mere dying Battle Emperor. What is so scary about me?"

"The Battle Emperor's open-mindedness, this junior is thoroughly impressed and convinced." Hearing how Wei Wushuang remained optimistic and even indifferent to his imminent death, Lei Qian's respect for Wei Wushuang soared, cupping his fist and bowing courteously to the latter.

Facing the salute, Wei Wushuang did not respond, merely smiling, "This issue, Qian'er, you settle it on your own. Having said his share, Wei Wushuang turned and entered the rooms, leaving Lin Qian and Lei Qian alone in the courtyard.

"Now what?" After Wei Wushuang left, Lei Qian turned and asked Lin Qian.

"There is always a solution to the problem. Since he thinks I'm easy prey, I will roll with him!" Nonchalantly, Lin Qian shrugged his shoulders, continuing to ask Lei Qian, "How does this work? Do I fight him now?"

Vigorously, Lei Qian shook his head, explaining, "Not that quickly. Liu Ming had already made clear his intentions. He has set the date as 7 days later at noontime. The venue would be the 13th Arena. Should you not meet his challenge, the candidature slot would be his."

"Alright, I shall meet him 7 days later then!" Right as he finished, Lin Qian sent a kick straight into Lei Qian.

The assault came out of nowhere and slammed into the unprepared Lei Qian, flying back as he winced in pain.

As Lei Qian hugged his chest and struggled up, Lin Qian laughed as he prepared his stance, "Then, lets train!"

At the Holy Sword Sect, outside the Sword Shed, a majestic and elegant lady guarded as she watched the content within the shimmering crystal in her palms.

"What a fella!" Having seen the details, the Sword Saintess gasped aloud. Even after she kept it, her heart still churned due to the surprises she had just seen.

"Ancestral Martial Soul, mysterious familial background and even accomplishing the 10th Round Nirvana all by himself!" Like she was within the crashing oceans, the Sword Saintess was tossed about by the crushing shock.

Looking at the shed, she murmured in disbelief, "My dear Xin'er, just who in the world is this childhood lover of yours?"

All of a sudden, a domineering aura violently whipped up, sending the Sword Aura piercing through the sky.

After the swirling menace calmed, a familiar young girl skipped out. Happily, her enchanting feature lit up by her elated smile," Teacher, I have broken through to the Nirvana Stage, can I go look for Qian'er now?"

"Silly girl, since we already know where he is, why do we need to go find him?" The Sword Saintess caressed her anxious disciple's head, smiling pleasingly," Focus on your training, get accustomed to the Nirvana Stave strength in preparation for the Ancient Ruins."

"Do not blame the teacher for telling you, your little love is going to the Ancient Ruins too!" As she spoke, the Sword Saintess eyes narrowed smilingly at her disciple, teasing her.

Hearing this news, Ye Xin was shocked and sceptical, "That's not possible. Little Qian has not even broken into Nirvana Stage, how could the opportunity be his? Teacher, are you joking with me?"

The Sword Saintess was slightly annoyed by the lack of trust her beloved student had in her, knocking her head lightly, "In so many years, has Teacher ever lied to you? Go do your preparations and in one month, your dreams will come true."

Lightly nodding, Ye Xin looked wistfully in the direction of Universal Phenomenon Sect, "Little Qian, I will see you again soon!"

In the courtyard of Mt Maoqing

As dusk closed in, Lin Qian had just ended his regime. Drenched and dripping in sweat, he panted heavily as he stared at the battered Lei Qian. The warm evening sunlight bathed Lei Qian's bruised face in a warm orange glow. Lin Qian nodded admirably and praised, "Not bad, I increased my strength, and you can keep up! What an amazing improvement!" 

Plopped on the ground, Lei Qian merely nodded. Not a word was able to form from the swollen mouth and face. Suddenly, tears were forming and dribbling out from his eyes. 

"... Was it that bad? When the teacher first trained me, he punched and kicked me even harder. Never once did I cry from it!" Seeing the misty-eyed Lei Qian, Lin Qian was stunned speechless.

Shaking his head vigorously, the swollen buns-like cheeks had prevented him from speaking, resorting to writing on the ground.

"I'm not crying. It is just that your thorough beating had made the tears roll out uncontrollably!"

After he wrote his words, Lei Qian stared back with pain grimacing eyes, narrowed to a thin line as tears poured out continuously. Waving his hands, he struggled up, preparing to leave for home.

Watching the hobbling Lei Qian, Lin Qian burst out into a peal of laughter. Suddenly, a crystal bottle materialised in his hands.

In reality, the harsh beat down from Lin Qian was on purpose, all to test the resilience of Lei Qian.

He was surprised, despite the unceasing barrage of attacks, Lei Qian had remained severe in his efforts to defend and counter-attack. His entire mind had been focused on the training. Up till just not, not a strand of hatred or unwillingness had been seen from him.

"Catch this!" As Lin Qian spoke, he tossed the potion bottle to Lei Qian.

Catching it smoothly, Lei Qian's hands immediately felt the slightly warm bottle. Confused, he stared at Lin Qian through his narrowed, teary eyes.

"Pfft!" A loud snigger burst out uncontrollably from Lin Qian as he faced the ridiculous expression on Lei Qian. Sometime later, he managed to continue his instructions, "Go back and heat up a pail of water, and sit within it, submerge yourself fully. Empty all of the content within it and cultivate inside through the night. Refine your body and Soul Energy. Do not break through!"

"I promise you. Within a month, you will become strong by your own efforts and you'll grab a ticket to the Ancient Ruins."

"I, Lin Qian, promise you! Mark my words!"