The Challenge Begins.

"Both parties have agreed. The mode of battle will be a team fight, with Liu Ming as the challenger, and the stakes being the Ancient Ruins Candidature. The challenge begins!" As he spoke, the elder fished out a jade panel, pumping Soul Energy into it. 

Quickly following, he bent down, piercing the panel onto the ground.

As the bright, crisp sound of the impact resounded, a spiritual array burst out, sprawling over the entire arena platform.

As the array radiated, Heaven and Earth Energy from all corners swarmed in. With the input of energy, the Soul Energy quickly morphed into a pale white barrier, enveloping the massive 36th Arena.

After the energy engulfed the battlefield, colour leaked out, turning transparent. With this, the barrier protected the spectators while offering a clear view of the inside.

At that same time, a ball of Soul Energy condensed into a chair-like structure. After the elder sat onto it, it hovered slowly above ground.

It only halted when the elder was beyond the coverage of the barrier. From here, he would watch every action that happened during the battle.

With the commencement of the battle, Lin Qian eyes fixated unto his prey. His voice bellowing, "Prepare for battle!"


The moment Lin Qian gave his order, each of the two soldiers drew their weapons simultaneously. On their heavy armour, Soul Energy surged vivaciously. 

At that same time, a loud boom echoed as the spearmen took a step forward, brandishing their sharp lances at Liu Ming and Lei Kuo party.

Within a blink of an eye, the Huaxia Empire troopers readied their battle stance. With a simple command from Lin Qian, they would rush forward, killing their Emperor's enemies.

While these soldiers were the lowest tier soldiers, they possessed the strength of a 9th Tier Nirvana Stage Practitioner. 

Within the lowest tier soldiers, there were also class differences. The Materialised Vitality Stage soldiers from before were the lowest class of the most inferior soldiers. Now, the Nirvana Stage Soldiers were more refined, being the middle class lowest tier soldiers.

Having been through the 12 Rounds Nirvana, Lin Qian had a much sturdier physique and a purer Soul Energy. While he may still be in Materialised Vitality Stage, he could withstand the damages from bringing the army through Heaven's Slit. 

The Arena Entrance was connected to the various peaks that the disciples lived on. Between the two grounds, there was a massive patch of forestation.

When he first learnt of the changes to the battle mode, Lin Qian had controlled Heaven's Slit and brought the Huaxia Empire's troops out, hiding them within the forest.

After all, three thousand Nirvana Stage soldiers were not a small sum.

"Ten seconds. That's all I will give you. My soldiers will not be holding back. So if you feel like your life is in danger, cup your head and drop to the ground. Then, they will not attack you any further."

"Now, if you leave the arena with your hands behind your head, I will spare you life."

"But I need to warn you. If you dare to try anything funny after admitting surrender, my next attack would not be merciful."

After he warned Liu Ming, Lei Kuo and the army, he turned to Lei Qian ordering, "Countdown."

Hearing the instruction, Lei Qian started without delay, "1…"


As the numbers reverberated through the Arena, the spectator's faces flushed with shock.

Was it genuinely like how Lei Kuo anticipated? Was Lin Qian really putting on an act?

Lin Qian had agreed to the challenge, and now, there was no chance of backing out. 

Who knew, there was not a strand of worry on Lin Qian. Around him, his army had pulled their weapons and readied their stance.

Seeing this unusual scene, Lei Kuo took a sharp turn.

"This is wrong! Why did Lin Qian agree to the challenge? Why is he so calm about this?" Panic brewed within his heart as he watched on.

According to the situation in his mind, he had believed that Lin Qian's act would be exposed. Following that, he would escape from the Arena, rejecting the challenge.

Even if he did not give up, he would only be able to pull together the remnants of the Rushing Thunder Guild, putting on their final struggles.

Yet, why did he agree? Why is he unafraid?

"10!" As worries and fear swirled vivaciously within Lei Kuo might d, Lei Qian reached the final number.


Crimson Thunder bellowed ferociously while crackling Purple Lightning roared. Surging Soul Energy burst forth from within Lin Qian and Lei Qian simultaneously. 

"As expected, the pressure from Boss is incomparable to the morning. There are only 9 halos. Looks like suppressing his powers can truly conceal the 12 Rounds Nirvana." As he watched Lin Qian, Lei Qian thought to himself.

Right at that moment, Lin Qian instructed, "I will take care of Liu Ming. You take care of Lei Kuo. Go and test out the effects of your seven training days."

"Can I do it?" Hearing Lin Qian absolute confidence, Lei Qian was skeptical. 

"I've said, it's not that you are weak. It's just that I'm too strong." As he spoke, Lin Qian's eyes swept across the disciples gathered, "Go show them the power that you have, Lei Qian!"

Shutting his eyes, the image of the Rushing Thunder Guild shattering resurfaced as the doubtful insults echoed in his ear.

When he reopened his eyes, they were sharp and resolute, "I've decided to follow Lin Qian. This is the best decision. As the Thunder King's Grandson, I, Lei Qian must be stronger!"


Purple Lightning crackled menacingly as a palm-sized Sword Vitality Equipment Core appeared, together with 9 Vitality Equipment Pieces.

"Vitality Equipment Infusion!"

As the power from the MS rushed in, Soul Energy condensed around the core, forming a sword. The metallic balls-like Vitality Equipment Pieces Instantaneously melted into a viscous metallic fluid rushing to the Vitality Equipment Core.

As the purple lightning morphed into a sword, Lei Qian Soul Energy entangled like snakes around it. Tightening his grip around his sword, he prepared his battle stance.

"Zhao Long, lead the spearmen. Guard the Arena and be ready to move out at any moment. Swordsmen and bladesmen contingents, charge with me!" Crimson Thunder Soul Energy roared ferociously around Lin Qian as his orders boomed across the Arena. 

"Kill them!" With this command, his Soul Energy flashed forward, piercing mercilessly.

As the imposing battle cry resounded behind Lin Qian, two thousand heavy armoured soldiers crashed like a metallic wave towards their enemy.

Everyone could feel it. The earth trembled as the imposing army swept across the Arena.

"Vitality Equipment Infusion!"

As Lin Qian threateningly crashed towards them, Liu Ming, Lei Kuo, and others' expressions changed dramatically, shouting with trembling voices.

The liquid metal climbed towards Liu Ming's hands, and after a moment of solidification, it morphed into a pair of metallic gloves. On its surface, sharp blades are attached to the fists.

In a blink of an eye with Lei Qian, Lei Kuo's Soul Energy erupted from within him. A familiar roaring purple lightning, clad his Vitality Equipment Core, forming long swords, very similar to Lei Qian's.

Just when Lei Kuo armed himself fully, a purple figure flashed in front of him. A blindingly bright Blade Aura glimmered, chopping towards him mercilessly.

Under the menacing pressure, Lei Kuo hurriedly held up the long sword, defending himself, "Lei Qian, how confident are you? You have been suppressed by me since you were a child. Do you think just by following Lin Qian for a few days, then ... "

Before Lei Kuo's remarks were finished, his whole body together with the sword in his hands was thrust unceremoniously backwards. Then, he crashed with a heavy thud into the twenty or thirty inner disciples behind him. Only then, his crash was cushioned.


Under the 36th Arena, the spectating disciples took a loud gasp and looked at the inconceivable scene.

Lei Qian too, was also stunned. Speechless, he stared in a daze at the Rushing Thunder Blade in his hands, "I am so powerful?"

Watching from the side, Liu Ming watched with dropped jaws and widened eyes, staring at the supposedly weaker Lei Qian.

"Oh? You are still in the mood to look at others?" Lin Qian's voice shattered Liu Ming's daze.

Horror paralysed his heart as he turned sharply, punching forward.

 A golden Soul Energy entangled in Liu Ming's fist. His fist whistled as the air exploded in succession.

Liu Ming, the strongest disciple of the Inner Sect, did not hesitate to strike his most forceful blow.