The Unnamed Technique

After Wei Wushuang entered the room, Lin Qian smiled sinisterly and turned to look at Lei Qian, "Hey hey, Lei Qian ..."

Seeing Lin Qian's ominous smile on, Lei Qian shuddered uneasily and stepped back quickly "Boss, what do you want from me?"

"Of course, it is training!" Lin Qian suddenly exclaimed. Without warning, a kick thrust mercilessly at Lei Qian. As his leg whipped over, the air whistled and crackled. In a blink of an eye, the foot appeared right on target.


As an unfamiliar metallic sound ringed, a new sight welcomed Lin Qian's eyes. Unlike the past, Lin Qian's foot did not meet Lei Qian's chest. Instead, he was blocked by the flashing purple lightning on the Rushing Thunder Blade.

"Oh? Interesting. Your reaction speed has greatly improved." Seeing the efficient and stately defence, Lin Qian was thoroughly impressed. "We've only been apart for 3 days, and I already need to see you in a new light!" As he spoke, the Regal Golden Soul Energy erupted out. Once more, he attacked.

Narrowing his gaze onto the incoming assailant, Lei Qian's eyes glimmered with resolve, pushing his focus to 120%. Lin Qian could strike and toy with him, but he could not afford to relax a single bit.

While they called this training, Lei Qian knew from his past experience, Lin Qian never held back. Instead, he was cruel and heartless with his attacks.

Time trickled on, and the light blue sky was soon basked in a warm orange glow. By sunset, Lei Qian had crashed onto the ground once more, like a freshly butchered big head. He was battered, covered in cuts and bruises, droplets of bright red peeked from his injuries. His body swayed to and fro as he wheezed heavily, struggling to catch his breath.

"If I never fought and murdered Lei Kuo, I would have believed that I was seriously a scum of the earth…" Lying flat onto the ground, Lei Qian stared in disbelief at the orange pieces of cotton floating by the descending sun.

"But, Boss, your words have pulled me out from my self-inferiority. If I don't believe in myself, how could I become powerful?"

Hearing those words, Lin Qian smiled to himself and raised his palms to eye level, "Your biggest rival is yourself. You today must be better than yesterday. Following this mindset, you would have easily surpassed countless others unknowingly."

Lei Qian panted silently on the ground and listened. Hearing the advice, his eyes widened slightly, and his lips lifted on one side. 

Suddenly, a black figure flew from nowhere, smashing unceremoniously onto his face.

From the sneak attack, his face swelled with massive bumps, making him more recognisable as a pig head than Lei Qian. The assault left him wailing him pain, leaping straight to his feet, seeping his surroundings with his eyes.

"This is my promised gift from before. Have a look!" Looking at the confused and vigilant searching eyes on Lei Qian, Lin Qian laughed and pointed at the book.

Perplexed, Lei Qian opened the book and scanned through it. Just after reading the contents of the first page, Lei Qian's expression took a radical shift. The more he read, the more solemn he looked. Having read the entire contents, he closed the book and sat stationary on the ground. In his chest, the heavy pounding continued for a long time.

After an extended period, he finally pulled himself out of his trance. As his mouth gaped to speak, he was shut immediately by Lin Qian's hand.

"Don't ask where this came from. I wouldn't bother to tell you even if you asked. You just need to know, this book is the one and only copy between heaven and earth." Lin Qian pointed to the book in Lei Qian's hand, said slowly, "Its effects, it is absolutely better than you think. "

Hearing those words, Lei Qian hands caressed the priceless book over and over again. Emotions swelled and roared turbulently, but his mouth failed to put it to words. 

The contents of the book were a technique unknown to him. Not only did it include the meridians and circulation method to refine Soul Energy, it even added a plan to temper and strengthen his physique. 

However, just mere cultivation methods were not enough to leave Lei Qian dumbstruck. The real reason for his astonishment was how perfectly tailored this technique seemed for him.

Right now, Lei Qian was following the Rushing Thunder Technique. It was an exceptional technique, a few heads above the conventional and popular ones. However, besides this unnamed technique, it could not hold its candle.

In all seriousness, this gift from Lin Qian seemed to be made especially for him, with him in mind. He was sure, if he followed this cultivation technique, he would grow at earth-shaking rates.

"Catch it!"

Suddenly, Lin Qian's voice shattered his deep thoughts. Instinctively, Lei Qian's arms whisked through the air and caught the object. It was a crystal bottle, slightly warm to touch. Within it, a familiar pale red potion swayed. The only difference, the colour was much darker than what Lei Qian remembered.

"Every night would be earth-shaking for you. With this potion, your innate potential will be drawn out at its peak. Our sparring the next day is for you to get accustomed to your new-found powers and to get them under your full control."

Lin Qian's thoughts, Lei Qian naturally understood. Yet, he could not find words to express himself.

"Why are you treating me so well?"

"Aren't you calling me boss? Also, don't think this is for free. You have to pay me back by working for me!" Laughing, Lin Qian got up and pulled Lei Qian onto his feet, "Alright, scram! What are you doing lying here on the ground?"

On his feet, Lei Qian nodded solemnly to Lin Qian. Keeping the technique and potion safe, he rushed off Mt Maoqing.

Seeing the minimising figure, Lin Qian also smiled happily.

Lei Qian's deep thirst for improvement was a massive factor, driving Lin Qian to provide aid.

From the data the Tiangong Ministry collected from every match they had, Zhuge Ming discovered a huge but dormant potential within Lei Qian.

Before they worked out a substitute Puppet, Lin Qian could not summon any other generals from the Huaxia Empire. In this situation, Zhuge Ming believed that the Emperor needed a constant and reliable guard by his side.

Since this Lei Qian had volunteered himself by recognising Lin Qian as the boss, why not use him?

The unnamed technique gifted to Lei Qian was researched by the Tiangong Ministry, based on the data gathered. With Nirvana Flame Tempering Bath, they can stretch Lei Qian to meet his potential without fail.

According to Zhuge Ming, this Lei Qian had no rights to even ask to follow by Lin Qian's side with his current strength. He was far too weak, merely undeserving of any attention.

If he didn't have enough strength, then he must cultivate it.

Moreover, Lei Qian still proved to be a right sparring partner. While it may not seem like it on the surface, Lin Qian did gain much from their matches.

In fact, every time he sparred with Lei Qian, Zhuge Ming led the Tiangong Ministry to utilise Heaven's Slit to increase the burden on Lin Qian.

Every time he moved, he felt as if he was carrying Everest on his back. When he tapped on his Soul Energy, it seemed to be heavily restricted as well. Despite the handicaps, Lei Qian still could not land even a scratch on Lin Qian. Well, it was to be expected of Lin Qian's monstrous physique.

"Your Majesty, this man is not too bad. Devoid of complaints and very willing and resilient in the face of difficulty. He can be used." In the menu in front of Lin Qian, Zhuge Ming offered his perspective.

Lightly acknowledging, Lin Qian nodded, "Not bad, he is indeed so."

"Your Majesty, you would be heading to the Ancient Ruins on your side in about twenty five days. At that time, you would meet the future Empress. Should we prepare any gifts for her?" Smiling teasingly, Zhuge Ming asked thoughtfully.

Hearing Zhuge Ming's words, Lin Qian cupped his head and exclaimed, "Oh, thank gods you reminded me, Zhuge Ming. I really forgot about this."

But soon after, Lin Qian's face curled up, his eyes evidently troubled: "What kind of gift should I give Xin'er when I see her?" 

"Your Majesty, when you transmigrated and lived your second life, the Queen became your childhood sweetheart. I think it's wise to look back to your past and decide from there ..."

 "Well, that makes sense. Alright, I know what to gift her. I'm sure Xin'er will love it!