One Night in Mu Weiwei's Room (Extra)

The filming of the Eyes of the Eagle came to an end and Gu Weiwei and Fu Hanzheng still kept in touch with each other over the phone, every single night.

She had not the slightest idea that faraway in the capital, she and Yuan Meng's meeting was being intensely investigated.

Since she had other work today after the filming, She and Song Yu had a discussion together with the director, so that they could finish filming her part first, so that her work was finished ahead of time.

That same night, she had dinner with the crew members, packed up her things and flew back to the capital city on an overnight flight.

Jolin snorted seeing her anxiety to return home.

"Having work to do is an excuse, you just want to go home and meet Boss."

She did have work to do but she could also return on the same day.

She worked overtime, so that she finished ahead of schedule because she needed to meet her boyfriend.