Likes to Shout and Holler

Ye Xin yelled immediately.

"What did you say, Ye Buyu? Who did you call shameless? Both Zhou Ziqing and I are engaged. What right do you have to call me that?"

Ye Xin released her anger and started yelling in the mall.

"Come here, everyone! This woman is called Ye Buyu. She's someone else's mistress, yet she still stands here shamelessly and tries to get into trouble! This woman dares to act righteous even after she became someone else's mistress through her looks! Come here everyone! Remember her! She is a shameless woman! Those who have husbands or boyfriends better avoid her if you meet her!"

Ye Xin grew up in a chaotic alley, and she retained that vulgarity even after moving to high society when her mother married Ye Hao.

She would shout and holler every time she was met with any issue.

She would shout like nobody's business.

Ye Buyu wrapped her arms around her chest and looked at her. A lot of people were attracted by Ye Xin's shouts.

Some people were even snapping pictures and recording videos with their phones.

Zhou Ziqing, who stood at her side frowned deeply. He was born into an upper class family. The conflicts that happen in his world had no fire and brimstone. Such a thing like Ye Xin shouting with disregard would never happen in the upper class society.

This was the part of Ye Xin he disliked the most.

He thought that it was not presentable.

How proud does she think she is? This is Beijing!

Ye Buyu noticed that there were already a lot of onlookers. She smiled, "Some people just love to complain even when they are the ones who did dirty in the first place. They just have to say that it's an affair even when it is a legit relationship. Since you love to yell so much, okay then!"

Ye Buyu blinked at the crowd adorably.

"Tell you guys something. You can use your phone to search for 'H City Ye Xin.' There's sure to be a surprise there."

Ye Xin paled.

"What are you trying to do, Ye Buyu?"

Ye Buyu shrugged, "I didn't do anything. Unlike you calling me someone else's mistress without any evidence, your case has pictures and proof."

The onlookers wanted the little episode to get bigger. They quickly searched for the keywords Ye Buyu said.

They were immediately shocked after their search.

"Wow, these are some great photos! What a great figure!"

"Holy cow! This position is awesome! I really want to try it."

"The skin is quite fair. Not bad, not bad. I like it!"


The onlookers commented about Ye Xin with their phones in their hands. The men among the onlookers even looked at Ye Xin lustfully.

It was as if they wanted to swallow her alive.

Ye Xin stomped her feet angrily, "You...all of you…"

Ye Xin plotted to replace Ye Buyu and rake in her money in the beginning. She talked about it with the reporters and said that they could use the photos to create some ripples. The photos were supposed to be redacted after that.

She was set up in the end and the issue blew up.

Now many people had her photo.

This was the skeleton in her closet.