Lu Zhi's Ex-Girlfriend

Lu Zhi also knew that Ye Buyu only said it nonchalantly.

He was really in a dilemma over this.

He didn't know how to handle Ye Buyu

She was a wild horse that was completely off her reins.

Trying to control her?

Quite impossible!

Lu Zhi said resignedly, "Master Tian Yi has gone to travel around. I don't know when he will return. I contacted him. I'll ask him to take a look at your condition and figure it out when he comes back. Maybe he can cure it."

Ye Buyu punched the side of his head fiercely.

She rolled her eyes.

She didn't think that having the ability of a doomsayer was a bad thing.

On the contrary, she could protect herself well like this.

Of course, she didn't know what the deal with her doomsayer ability was either. She was an atheist. She didn't believe in things concerning the occult.

However, it happened to her in reality.

It was just so incredible.

"Look for it if you want to. I want to play some games right now. Don't get in my way!"

She then lowered her head and immersed herself in games.

Lu Zhi was half angry, half resigned.

He had no way of handling her!

This was really a headache!

Ye Buyu's phone suddenly went dead. She couldn't play anymore. She extended her hand to Lu Zhi.

"Give me your phone."

There were a lot of trade secrets in Lu Zhi's phone, but he still gave it to her without hesitation.

Ye Buyu opened his phone and went through some of his apps. She even opened his WeChat, just to find that there was nothing inside.

She then held Lu Zhi's hand and snapped a picture of them holding hands.

She posted it on his wall.

Lu Zhi's wall exploded almost instantly.

The comments below all went crazy.

Gao Lang

Wu Shaoyuan

Xu Chengyi

Xu Ran

Sister Lu Han

Lu Fei liked it.


Ye Buyu thought that she posted something quite incredible in WeChat's moments [1].

It was because Lu Zhi's brother, Lu Fei, was the youngest president.

Even he liked the post.

Ye Buyu wanted to delete the post because she was scared.

She felt that she might have to go to jail just for posting this in WeChat's Moments!

Lu Zhi's phone suddenly rang.

Xu Ran:

She furiously blocked the name and deleted it at the moment she saw the name that sent the message!

She then stood up thunderously, "Xu Ran is actually your ex-girlfriend?!"