Particularly Mysterious

Ye Buyu was already sauntering right now.

She was angry with Lu Zhi.

She decided to run away.

She looked up at the clear sky. Quietly, she said, "Aiya, it would be bad if it starts to rain in this great weather…"

The rumble of thunder boomed across the sky right after she said that.

Dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky that was clear just now and rain started drizzling.

Ye Buyu looked at the pedestrians that were escaping from the rain hurriedly. Confusion was written on everyone's face.

The weather forecast said that there wouldn't be any rain!

Ye Buyu was standing under a beam, smiling.

It drizzled for about five minutes before the dark clouds in the sky went away. The surface of the earth which was drenched dried up immediately.

Ye Buyu mulled.

Her skill wasn't actually really powerful.

Her curse would only come true for a while before everything returned to normal.

For example, when she asked for her period to arrive, only a tiny bit came last night.

It went away in the morning.

The skill isn't really great!

Besides, not every curse would come true.

For example, events that would affect too many things would never come true.

Let's say there was a bridge in front of her right now. If she said that the bridge would collapse, that would absolutely never happen.

If an airplane flew in the sky, and she said that the plane would fall, that would absolutely never happen either.

Her doomsayer ability was only capable of bringing out minor inconveniences. It would have no effect on anything that was related to lives, wealth, or personal safety.

That was why she said that her skill wasn't really great, but it wasn't useless either.

It could only be used in trivial pranks.

She did not feel satisfied.

Since she had that hack, why wasn't she given the full power of it?



She had a light breakfast before she started her venture in a mall.

She went into an arcade and bought two hundred tokens without pause. Ye Buyu then sat down to play recklessly.

Two hundred tokens managed to carry her for about two hours in there. She then went to a branded shop that she loved in that mall to loot some bags.

However, an awkward incident occurred as she was going to pay.

Her card had been frozen!

Ye Buyu apologized to the cashier before going to a side to call Lu Zhi.

As soon as the call was through, she said in displeasure, "Why can't the card you gave me be used?"


Lu Zhi sneered and hung up after that.

She looked at the call that was hung up. Realization struck her. Lu Zhi froze her card on purpose.

Ye Buyu huffed and puffed.

"How can this man be so petty? Someone so petty will bite their tongue when they…"

Ye Buyu squatted in pain. Biting her own tongue was excruciating. Her tears almost fell because of the pain.

She cried like a baby deep inside her heart.

Since she knew she had the ability of a doomsayer, cursing everything became her expertise. It was so serious, everything she said inadvertently involved cursing someone.

However, these curses were effective on everyone else.

If she cursed Lu Zhi, the curse would backfire on her.

She didn't know why that happened either.

It was particularly mysterious!