I’m The Only Person That Could Save Her! (1)

Quan Jin left everyone with those arrogant and defiant words.

She had said that the Quan Jin who loved Mo Qingtian was dead. The cowardly Quan Jin was dead…

Mo Qingtian stopped cursing and remained stunned, in silence, for a while. He then rushed in the direction that Quan Jin had driven off, and shouted hysterically, "Bitch! You disgusting and slimy bitch!"


Quan Jin reached the car park next to the pharmacy in Jiang in less than half an hour. After obtaining the medication for her illness, she had to find a way to increase her health points. 

She had a secret which she had never shared with anyone else in the world: her soul was incomplete. That was the reason why she had to rely on her health points to survive. She could gain health points through people's admiration, love, and gratitude. Anyone sincerely wanting Quan Jin to live would give her another chance at life. For Quan Jin, one health point equalled one day of life.

Being able to predict the future was Quan Jin's special power.

At her best, she had the power to even destroy the universe if she wanted to. However, as her soul was no longer complete, she had to waste one day of her life to foretell. Only once she had gained ten thousand billion health points, her soul would be repaired.

Ten thousand billion… How can I ever get that many?

Damn it!

The original Quan Jin had already been killed by the chronic poison. In four days, she would be dead as well.

As Quan Jin walked to the market, feeling irritated about having to collect so many health points, a voice right in front of her screamed, "Look! Someone is attempting suicide! A high school student!"

Quan Jin looked up.

It was a girl. She must have been about fifteen or sixteen years old, standing on the rooftop of a building with more than ten floors. 

Quan Jin could hear voices shouting out to her, "Stay calm! Don't do this!"

"Just come back down, anything can be discussed–"

"Why must she kill herself? I really don't understand what kids are thinking these days. What's gonna happen to her parents after she dies?"

No one noticed that, as people had started shouting about her parents, the girl looked even more devastated.

The crowd was getting larger and a lot of them had taken out their phones. However, calling the police was not their first intention. Instead, they had started to film the scene.

"I have to save her!" Quan Jin shouted. "I have to!"

She could see her health points already waving at her.

Quan Jin turned back to the market, purchasing a mask to cover her ugly face. She headed in the direction of the rooftop.

The crowd had already extended to a ten meters radius around the building, all trying to persuade the girl to come down.

She stared blindly at the ground, her fingers tightly grasping at her uniform. She looked revengeful and isolated. 

"I have tried my best…" she murmured. "Father, I really have tried my best… Why do you have to compare my performance with others'? You have never understood what I really want or cared about my feelings. Why do you always have to force me…"

The girl's voice was too quiet to be heard, but Quan Jin was capable enough to read her lips. She knew that she was going to jump down soon as the girl closed her eyes, hopelessly.

She barely had any time to register what was happening, and ran to the girl through the crowd.

"What are you doing?!"

A few women blocked Quan Jin as she approached the building, "You're going to trigger her further if you rush up to her now, can you bear such consequences?! Don't the youngsters nowadays consider these things before they do anything?"

Quan Jin remained silent for a moment before she gave them a contemptuous look, before scaring them back with a harsh tone. 

"Back off! I'm the only person that could save her!"