Quan Jin Was In Fact…(3)

"Don't worry, I will turn the entire city inside out to find her!"

That's how people were. No matter how much one may have helped them, they only showed their gratitude in the moment. However, once the crisis was over, most of them only cared about their own interests.

With whatever meager compassion she had, Quan Jin was still willing to save someone who would be grateful.

As Yu's father rushed to the pharmacy, Quan Jin had already reached its entrance and presented the shiny green permit to the security guard.

He frowned, eyeing Quan Jin from head to toe.

Then, the security guard questioned her suspiciously, "Are you sure that this is your permit?"

She had waited so long only to be asked such a humiliating question? 

Quan Jin tried her best to calm herself down, pressing her hands together. She answered, "Are your eyes freaking–of course it's mine!"

Damn it.

Quan Jin hated that superficial society.

The security guard looked doubtful, but let it slide anyway. He kept quiet for a few seconds and decided to trust his instincts. He was going to give her the permit back and let Quan Jin in.

"Quan Jin!"

A girl behind her squealed, surprised, "It's really you! Why are you here?!"

The girl was dressed in designer clothes, with full, delicate makeup on her face. Judging from her age, she could have been Quan Jin's schoolmate.

The security held the permit back, "Do you ladies know each other?"

The girl looked at Quan Jin from head to toe with indifference, "Of course we do! If I heard correctly, you just said that you own that permit?"

The girl kept a superior demeanor in front of Quan Jin, talking to her in a dismissive tone, "She is just a poor girl adopted by the Ans. Where could she have possibly gotten the permit from? An Yunuan is in the hospital because of you! How can you not be there to serve her? You are so ungrateful!"

The security guard's face turned mad after hearing what the girl had said.

She was just an orphan adopted by the An family? Not to mention the adopted daughter of the third-tier Ans! Even the An master was not entitled to own the permit. 

But it had the signature of the senior officer from the Capital! 


Seeing that Quan Jin had been ignoring her, the girl crossed her arms and walked around Quan Jin, nodding.

"I am sure that this permit is not hers!"

Quan Jin was silent.

Why the hell is she messing with me?

"If I remember correctly, it is illegal to produce a fake permit. You can go to prison for this!" She took out her phone, getting ready to call the police as she spoke.

The security guard stood pitilessly, seemingly making no attempt to stop her. If this had been a normal permit, he could have still turned a blind eye to this whole thing. But this belonged to the Capital. If it was, indeed, a fake one, he could not bear the severe consequences.

Quan Jin suddenly took the girl's phone from her hand.

She raised her head, getting ready to start cursing.

What happened next frightened her. 


Quan Jin broke her phone in two with an impatient expression.

She twisted it into pieces and smashed them one by one, dropping them at the girl's feet right before their eyes.