She Shocked The Quans With Her Capabilities (2)

Only a second before, the deputy director had been beyond disappointed in Quan Jin, highly doubting her capabilities.

However, soon after he had finished reading through the contents of the document, he had taken a complete step back in the way he treated Quan Jin.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Now that the Mo Corporation has been seized, could Quan Jin, who's so in love with Mo Qingtian, have been tricked by the Mo's to come up with this fake solution so that they could bring the Quans down with them?"

Most of them decided to hold on to that last glimpse of hope, picking up the document to have a glance over it.

Then, with their eyes shrinking and their hands clasping tightly, they were overwhelmed by emotions, trembling, as if they had just struck gold!



The door was slammed multiple times as the higher-ups and elders rushed out of the conference room, their hearts thumping and tears running down their faces.

In the lifts, on the walkways, at the stairwells…all stakeholders were rushing to the IT Department.

"The old Quan Jin is back!"

"She's recovered, she's recovered, she's the only one in the whole of Jiang that could come up with a solution!"

While the stakeholders had been reading the document, Quan Jin had already arrived at the entrance of the IT Department.

She could hear dejected voices through the doors.

"What can we do? It's messed up, completely messed up!"

"The hacker owns a new account! Who on Earth would want to ruin the Quans so badly? Just ten seconds! Ten seconds were all it took to infiltrate the system."

"Not even a minute before all the information was leaked!"

"Three minutes–in only three minutes, stocks, assets, and the whole system went into failure! The Quans are now bankrupt!"

"Guess I was the one that did it," Quan Jin thought to herself smugly. 

She reached for the door of the office and pushed it open. A voice stilled the air, breaking through the disheartened atmosphere in the office, "Quan Corporation shall not be shut down, I will save the company!"

A female voice?

The slight childishness in her demeanor made her seem extremely young.

All the technicians looked at Quan Jin and then around them. For a good moment, they could not believe that she had just said that.

"What did you just say?"

Quan Jin scanned the computers in the area, and then walked toward the one right in the center of the office, "Let me borrow the main computer, I will make sure everything goes back to normal in two minutes!"

Everyone stared in silence.

"You mean you're going to fight that mysterious ID?"

The technicians didn't mean to look down on Quan Jin, but their opponent was something else. While they thought of themselves to be decent enough in this field of work to be considered hackers, they were nothing compared to that one account that obliterated their systems.

"Save the Quan Corporation?"

"Huh, so many of us here and no one has any ideas on how to fix this and now you say you're going to save the Quans? I'm afraid you can't even crack the password on sign-in. You have no idea what you're taking on–"

"When the company is in trouble, everyone wants to save it to receive some kind of reward! Too bad this is a lost cause."

Their doubtful words and mockery were put to a halt when...


[Please enter the password, password is correct!]

The speakers of Quan Jin's computer were turned on and the sounds from the device blasted through the office.

[Turning on.]