They Believe In Her From The Bottom Of Their Hearts (2)

"I have already told you. I will give you an even more prosperous Quan Corporation in five minutes."

"The Quan Jin you used to know is dead. The person standing right before you can never be defeated! From now onward, I will be the chairman of Quan Corporation and the master of the Quan household."

The higher-ups were speechless..

"Any objections?"

After processing what Quan Jin had just said, they immediately reacted. 

"No objections, I will immediately prepare the letter of appointment, the Quan Corporation belongs to you and it always will, you shall have it if you want it!"

"Your wishes are our commands, Quan Jin. We will stand by your orders."

The technicians were in disbelief at how the board members had so casually agreed to Quan Jin's demands. Not one single objection from the board was heard. 

This chairman position... feels like I got it way too easily.

She glanced at the board members. All of them had recognition and trust written on their faces. However, something felt out of place… 

The Chairman had not followed her to the IT department when she had left, five minutes before.

The hallways were jammed by the number of higher-ups trying to get to her.

"Alright, please make way while I leave."

The technicians gaped at the sight of her leaving the office,

She really is the boss.

A line of people followed her out of the office as she left, leaving behind a bunch of stunned technicians who were completely mesmerized by her.

When different things happen to different people, the results will never be the same. Quan Jin at the age of eleven was weak and useless, disappointing all of the higher-ups who had ever put their hopes in her.

No one had realized that it was completely normal for people her age to have no achievement at all. She had been reduced to last in her class, barely getting a scholarship, from being the top scorer in her school. The better you were, the higher the expectations. Parents had to stop pitting their children against one another, and instead understand that they were still working hard, even though they had slowed down.

The crisis had been resolved, but Quan Jin was surrounded.

"Jin, did you overexert your brain earlier?"

"Get out, you're the one who has overexerted! Jin, how have you been all these years? What's with that sudden change when you were ten?"

"Did someone try to harm you?!"

Quan Jin remained silent.

What should I do now that I've shown off too much?

The IT department was at the topmost level of the building, Quan Jin intended to take the elevator down from the twenty-first level, so that she could head home and prophesy that she would become a beautiful goddess.

But all those higher-ups and elders–they would not listen!

They squeezed into the elevator.

"Shut up, all of you shut up! So damn noisy."

Quan Jin suppressed the urge to kill someone, successfully scaring the people out of her way, all of them looking at her pitifully, feeling slightly wronged.

Damn! What had she done wrong again?

"You've changed, you're no longer our little Quan Jin!"

Quan Jin marveled at the words. She was happy that she could finally spread her wings.

Right, right, right!

She really wasn't the same Quan Jin. They just had to let it go! She wanted to go home and become a princess.

"You used to call me uncle in the past and now you tell me to shut up. Our Quan Jin has become so harsh."

"Don't worry, your second uncle here will not leave you behind, I shall take you home."

"Third uncle loves you too."

"Fourth uncle adores you."

Please die, all of you, please!

The elevator descended slowly.

It seemed like she was almost halfway down when suddenly the elevator stopped at the sixteenth floor with a ding.

It stopped.

But the doors never opened.

"Why did it stop when no one pressed for the sixteenth floor? Why are the doors not opening? They were serviced just a month ago, this shouldn't be happening."

"Quick, call the maintenance crew!"

"Don't be scared, little Jin, I will protect you with this old life of mine."

Quan Jin was at a loss for words.

"Damn, there's no signal!"

"The communication line in the elevator seems to be broken too, what on Earth is happening? Are we going to be stuck here forever?" 

By then, the initial panic had turned into fear.

Standing in the center of the elevator, Quan Jin glanced over all the expressions of everyone there. There was nothing suspicious at all.

Suddenly, she looked up to the top right-hand corner of the elevator.

It was almost as if she had felt something go by...